
   The more it gets quieter, the more I feel empty. That's why I won't mind with my neighborhood who tend to make a lot of noises. 

   There was once when a married couple next door fought over something that I can't relate to. I heard a glass shattering through the wall and I'm just like, oh is marriage life sounds that bad?

   There are also a time when kids were shouting at each other. They were playing with their bicycle back then. It was fun to watch them having fun outside. Sadly I can only watch them through the window. 

   I never protested anyway. Because I feel like I'm not alone when they were making noises. And it feels sad when it comes to-night. Since there's no sounds that I can hear from the neighborhood. The lesser it gets, the more I feel empty. I wish I can stay here longer than I should. Bu sadly that I can't. In the next day, I have to move out from my house. My parents house. 

   So, to prevent from misunderstood, my parents aren't living in Seoul. Well, they was. But then they decided to moved back to our hometown, Busan. Since my grandmother is not in a good condition. While me, I stay in their house here in Seoul. I was originally lived with my whole family but then my parents came to Busan and my brother also moved out. He chooses to live in his university dorm. Well, I just let him choose.

   The day's almost over. The sun starts to set and the sky turns to orange. The darker orange that we knew. Which means, in few hours later I have to move out from here. 

   I put the mug on the table and flip to the other pages of the book that I read. It's a book that my brother recommend me, anyway. Sometimes he surprised me with his sudden action. He is a gamer anyway, not that type of person who loves to spend their day for reading books if you look at him at the first sight.

But still, his main favorite objects are computer, and other gadgets. 

   There was no sounds here. Only me, the sounds of air which came through the window. And nothing else left. You can call me crazy but I always wish for the married couple next door to arguing again. Well, I am crazy.



 "Thank you."

   I stepped outside from the cab, carrying my bag and bowed to the driver who just helped me to pick my suitcases out from the cab. The bell boy came and helped me to carry the suitcases in. It was so entertaining to watch the beautiful sky shines these days. Especially today. I always wish them to shine so it can brighten up my day as well. 


  After taking about 15 minutes I'm finally here. In front of my apartment.  

  "So this is your room, Miss. If you need something you can call our service. It's available for 24 hours. Thank you and have a good time." The bell boy smiled towards me and gave me a 90° bow. As he turned his heel to the opposite way,    "May I ask you something?" 

  I stopped him. He turned back to me and raised both of his eyebrows. "Yes, what can I help you, Miss?" 

    "I just wanna ask, do the neighbor tend to make a loud noises?"

  I asked. He frowned as he looks up to the ceiling and moving his glance back to me. "I'm not sure, Miss. But they might make a loud noises. So if it happens please contact us so we can remind them and-" "no need to." I cut him and smiled instead. He confusedly looks at me and giving me a 'what?' Stare. "Pardon?" He asked. "Yes. You don't have to remind them. I feel comfortable if my neighborhood made a loud noises anyway." The bell boy froze thereafter listening to my statement. He looks like a mannequin to be exact. Probably he were thinking how on earth he could meet a weird person like me.

 "Thank you anyway. I hope you'll have a good day too."

   I smiled before entering my room. I hope there will be many good things happening here.

 As soon as I entered the room, my mood increasing from 40% to 80%. I swear this apartment is beautiful. My parents always recommend me the best place to stay. 

 I wander through the apartment until I found out that it has two bedrooms. Probably the other room is for Jung kook, my brother. 

 If he came here I will ask him to illustrate flowers for my floral shop.

 "Whaaat? No. I am not an illustrator, I dance and sing noona. I can draw but I love to draw something cool like monsters, terminator! Why should I draw floral? I can't even use pastel colors I asdfghjkl beep."

 Nevermind. I can't ask him for help.

     The night comes and my room still feel so empty. I decided to play some classical music while drinking my apple juice. Lowkey acting as if I was drunk. 

 I love the view anyway. It's a city view. I can see those lights which came from the city. And it makes me miss my family even more. I wish Jung kook will be here even though he's annoying as hell-


 I heard somebody screams from the other room. I can tell that it was a guy. And I bet he just came back from work, or classes? 


 And the next thing is a loud noises came from the next door. I bet he listened to an electronic music. It was so loud, really. I can feel the bass inside my room. 

 At least I don't feel alone.

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Wait is this the author's note box? Lololololol


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