

Sana had gotten into a car crash resulting in a coma, she was due to come out soon Dahyun had visited her every day for 2 months now, she can't give up her love all the things they got in, many bad thoughts flew into the youngers head but she had to ignore it and continue to think for the best, for Sana to come out and be fine.

For the first few days, Dahyun was crying on end, the hospital at night filled with sobs of Dahyun, she only went at night remembering the time Sana asked her out, in the park with a cold breeze, 10:53 PM to be exact only the dim street lights would light the park up, it was tranquil Dahyun liked it like this, Dahyun would wait for Sana at the place they considered to meet up Sana didn't come yet, she wasn't late it was just Dahyun was excited and came early, who knows why she was excited no one told her about how Sana was about to confess. Dahyun heard footsteps on the gravel path, her head perked up from her phone and saw Sana dressed beautifully walking towards the oak bench. Dahyun waved slightly. Sana sat beside her legs moving back and forth she has a bad habit of that.

"So..." Dahyun said in her mind, then it slipped out .

"Dahyun-ah I've been wanting to tell you something..." Sana mumbled but loud enough for Dahyun to hear.

"Tell me what?" Dahyun said confused.

Sana gulped.

"I'll put it straight..." Sana said seeming worried.

Dahyun cut her off.

"Unnie are you ok? You seem stressed." Dahyun asked.

"I-I'm fine."

"Now what were you about to say before I cut you off?" She questioned.

Sana looked down at the ground.

"Dubu-Yah...I love you..." Sana confessed and turned beet red.

Dahyun took her hands and held them.

"I love you too, Unnie."

Dahyun loves the dark because of this, the darkness gave her something magical, which was love, love Dahyun was destined for.

They lived with each other after that, in school they were known as the strongest couple, that was until the crash.

The car crash is the reason Dahyun has to go to the hospital every night.

The door of Room 174 opened slowly, revealing Sana.

Dahyun sat next to the bed Sana was laying on quietly, no sound was heard in the hospital.

Dahyun took Sanas hand and held it tight remembering all the good times they shared.

1:13 AM Dahyun left, oh how she wishes Sana would just wake up and remember everything they had.


2:51, August 12, 2017 [Three months in coma]


Dahyun got a call from the hospital.

"Hello is this Kim Dahyun?" The receptionist question.


"Can you please come to the hospital immediately, it's to do with Minatozaki Sana."

"Of course!" Dahyun replied then hung up.

Dahyun got in her car, turned the key and drove.

She had arrived.

"Wait outside of Room 174, Ma'am." The doctor said.

Dahyun waited quietly

The doctors slowly walked out the room, clipboards in their hands they were about to announce what Sana has.

"Kim Dahyun, right?"

Dahyun nodded her head.

"Sana has memory loss, she remembers things like how to walk and talk, she doesn't remember people." They explained.

"What are you saying?"

They sighed.

"To make it short, Sana doesn't remember you..."

"No, no surely she does!" Dahyun tried to argue over the thought.

"We will let you check on her."

Dahyun turned the door knob and walked in.

"Sana!" Dahyun exclaimed.

"...Who are you?" Sana asked.

"S-Sana, I'm your girlfriend, you confessed to me."

"Uh, I don't know you..." Sana said.

Dahyun left, heartbroken.

She stormed out of the hospital then proceeded home, where they live.

Dahyun was up until 7 AM crying, when she woke up she was met with tissues thrown on the floor all used.

Sana, her lover didn't remember all the times they cherished with each other.

Sana came back a week later.

"Hi.," Sana said while Dahyun was looking over Seoul from the hills.


Before they had shared beds, Dahyun had to face the awkwardness between them.

They slept together with no issue, it was nice having the scent of Sana back, Sana felt the same although she doesn't know Dahyun.

After three days, there were more things that made Dahyun heartbroken.

"I can't live with someone I don't know and who said I'm their girlfriend, it's too awkward." 

"Please! I know deep down you remember me!"  Dahyun wanted to argue over something that didn't exist anymore.

"It'll take long for me to find a place, so I suppose I have to, maybe we can be friends, no more than that." Sana considered.

It broke Dahyuns heart hearing friend, as long as they are close.

After four days they got somewhat close, they would hang out but the skin ship was gone.

Sana got an apartment, she was moving in six days, six days to make Sana Dahyuns lover.

It seemed Sana was getting her memory back but slowly, she was remembering her parents, whos the next most important person to her?


Dahyun hoped her memory would recover quickly.

What would bring her memory back?

The park!

She waited until it was late, the moon glistening over the lake in the park.

Dahyun took Sana to the park.

"Does this remind you of something?"

"Yes, I don't know what though."

Dahyun got excited, Sana remembers it, kind of...

The course of six days was long, perfect for Dahyun, annoying for Sana.

Dahyun tried so hard, these emotions to Sana were useless.

Dahyun was in a one-sided relationship that didn't exist, no matter how much it hurt her she'd still try, Sanas the one she loved, Sanas the one who fought for Dahyun before, it's time for Dahyun to fight.

One day was remaining, tomorrow Sana would leave, Dahyun wouldn't ever see the shining face of Sana, they loved each other, it was all for nothing.

Dahyun tried skinship, got declined.

Dahyun tried to bring things at least one step closer, Sana remembered a lot now, but she couldn't return Dahyuns feelings, she wished she would remember her emotions.

Sana started to pack. Now Dahyun couldn't talk to her, only for tomorrow, she has to make everything count.

[The next day]

"Goodbye, Dahyun," Sana said.

Dahyun grabbed her.

"Please, I'm desperate, we can start again I love you, Sana I've been trying to forget about you but I can't, all that time I visited you for three months on end, just to see your cold and statue like body, I would cry for you." Dahyun was begging, she was in mental pain that couldn't be healed, a scar that would stay there.

Sana turned, back facing Dahyun.

Dahyun layed her head on Sanas back, Sanas back becoming wet due to the tears of Dahyun.

Wails filled the room.

Memories they cherished came back to Sana, yet she had no emotion she didn't take these moments into her heart.

Dahyun was still crying and mumbling words that were inaudible to her.

"I love you, Sana," Dahyun said as clear as she could.

"I can't return the same feelings," Sana said, no emotions were stirring inside her.

Sana wanted to see the smiling face of her old lover, that still loves her.

She turned around and lifted the youngers head.

They shared their last kiss, Sana wanted her to be happy on the last time they see each other.

Dahyun was sad but seemed somewhat happy to have Sana in her embrace.

Sanas lips twitched while they crashed harder onto Dahyuns.

Dahyuns makeup was smudged, memories playing in both of their heads, Sana was remembering.

Their lips slowly drifted apart.

"I love you, Sana." Dahyun cried, with puffy eyes.

Their relationship was a relic in the past.

First love.

First touch.

First kiss.

That all turned.

No adoration.

No love.

No lust

No passion.


They now shared nothing, they had to move onto new relationships.

Sanas figure disappeared when she took her things and walk out of Dahyuns home.

Dahyun was the one Sana needed and Dahyun needed Sana.

But it's all gone now.


Dunno what I'm writing;~;




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Chapter 2: Update please authornim
Chapter 2: Pls update authornim and don't leave us hanging >.<
Dumbster #3
Chapter 2: Pls updateee
Chapter 2: Ooooh,it was fine,but why am I not enough? And thank you all for another Chapter! Good luck in the next writing)
Chapter 1: Sequel? ><
Anime_ffffan #7
Chapter 1: God you gonna do this to me uhhhh! My saida heart I swear if Sana loves anyone else I will kill you