play my heartstrings


"play with my heartstrings, introduce a new melody to my life"



She was over it.

She had moved on and even went by a new name.

It was no longer meant to affect her.

Sooyoung, now known as Joy, was dumbfounded.

How could her past could keep coming back to haunt her?




Picture Credit: Joy, heart

Hi, this fic will be half-based on my real life,
as well as  slightly based on a dream that I recently had.
But in no means, do I see myself as Joy
or in anyway similar to her. I just love her
and I need to get these thoughts out of my mind.

I also wanted to write this fic because I'm disappointed with the minimal amount of Joy fics.

Especially any fics with Red Velvet in it, and everyone just disregards Joy or just partners her up with Sungjae.

Joy deserves more love! I just wanted to get that off my chest.

Just a heads up that I'm publishing the fic now but I won't be updating until after my finals are over! Which will be around mid October, so see you all then.



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