Just a clear up.

Frozen feelings

I want to thank Sunshine Peach for noticing this because unlike usual i didn't read over the chapter because I was heading to Zac's funeral. What it was suppost to say way that, Jinyoung was happy that Mrs. Mi wasn't trying to seduce him like she usually would when he came for a check up.... Sorry 

Mrs. Mi or Mi Choque is a doctor/ therapist who helps people who have mental disabilities or superpowers in this case its both. Mrs. Mi falls in love with Jinyoung, but is jelous because of mark and jinyoungs friendship and wants to destroy it because she wants Jinyoung for her self. I think the rest is cleared up if not ask another question and I'll try to answer it. Anyway I'm working on the next chapter. 


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Hey guys I'm back and updating again!


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Chapter 12: Ok, I lil bit lost my focus here...
I need Markjin protein ..lol
Chapter 10: I glad that Yugyeom still alive
Thank you for the clear up ^^ I didn't expect this...
I little bit disappointed that the notification is not a next chapter. ^_^¦¦¦
I'm waiting for the next chapter authorniiim...
Chapter 7: what is it? why Jinyoung feels happy to be seduced by Mrs. Mi? am I wrongly understood it?
who the hell is Mrs. Mi anyway?
Chapter 6: Condolence for his family. I will wait for your update patiently. I hope you are okay.
Chapter 6: Condolences for him and his family... Be strong Carol ..
Chapter 6: That's really sad... Its okay, take ur time _^
Bluemoon195679 #8
Chapter 6: Omg I hope you're okay. I'll wait.

When you do have updated I have two question one for Jackson and one for everyone.

Jackson when are you going to confress to jaebum
And what is everyone else favorite hobbies
Chapter 6: Ohhh i'm sorry for you.... It's very sad and i understand....Fighting !!
Chapter 4: Lol... That'a funny