In my dream (I met you)


Myoui Mina, a young doctor who found herself lost in her own dream, meeting Im Nayeon, a girl who turned out to be a patient in the hospital she's currently working at. Mina's life changed after she met Nayeon. She was left confused and lost, trying to figure out everything Nayeon tried to tell her in her dream. Despite her busy life as a doctor, Mina tried to help Nayeon. Could Mina finds the missing puzzles for Nayeon and wake the girl up from her deep slumber?


"You must be lonely, bring me to you."  ㅡ Myoui Mina 


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for_minayeon #1
Chapter 1: Almost 4 years too late but still hoping for you update this :(
Chapter 1: i met u in my's like Lucid.
yet mina cant recognize nayeon, its means mina cant control her dream, so surely this isnt lucid kekekee
*sorry for weird comment*

PS : wish u write longer in the next chapter
Chapter 1: Wow.. pretty interesting start..