Finding You

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Eunjung has a male twin. She knew about it but she was not supposed to know. Their family is complicated so Eunjung never got the chance to know him. Eunjung didn't even know his name. When they were one-year old,  their parents had the harshest separation and so do Eunjung and her twin.  


Since then, Eunjung was taken by her father while her twin was taken by the mother. Eunjung never heard of her mother and twin at all and the topic of them shall be never brought up. 


But 17 years later,  something happened and Eunjung suddenly need to find her twin.  In which she was forced to enrolled in all boys school where he met the jerk Taecyeon. 


I kept on looking at the watch. Damn, I'm late.  "Sir, how long more will it take?"  I asked impatiently to the taxi driver.  The taxi driver was the old man who was very relax and looked like he was enjoying the morning while humming to old folk song played by the CD. 


"Easy boy.  Will be there soon",  said the driver while continue humming the song.  I shook my leg impatiently.  Damn, late on my first day! You see, I was on my way to my new school which I was incredible late.  And the taxi driver didn't  do me a favor!


Few minutes later or which felt like hours later, I saw the signboard that read 'Myungdan Boys' High School'. "There boy, we almost there" said the driver who seemed in the good mood while I felt like running madly to the school. If just I didn't bring too many bags to carry.  


The driver took the left exit and now the school building become clear. We stopped at the security post,  after showing the school letter to the security, he let us inside.  The school was big and beautiful! I looked around taking the environment. I was suddenly feel very nervous.  My legs that I was shaking impatiently became shaking due to nervous. I unconsciously touched my chest just to make sure. The driver stopped the taxi in front of the school entrance.  It was quiet here,  only few adults were seen lingering near to the entrance which I assume the workers here. 


The driver helped me pulled out my bags.  I paid the driver and thanked him.  I didn't  wait long,  I dragged my 3 heavy bags to the door to the lady who was wiping the glasses door. "Excuse me,  I'm a new student.  May I know the way to office?" I asked politely.  "Oh just go straight inside and look for the sign,  the signs are very helpful and it is easy to find the office." the lady replied.  After thanked the lady, I checked my watch and shocked to see how incredibly late was I.  Not even got the time to feel nervous,  I sped off inside while dragging all my heavy bags with struggles. I must've looked very funny. 


Oh by the way,  my name is Eunjung,  and yes, I am a girl. I was now on my way to enroll in... all boys boarding school..just for one reason.  I need to find my twin! 



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Ramjung #1
Chapter 15: I think taec realized that eunjung is a girl !! Please update soon ,, thank you ^^
greenjade21 #2
Chapter 15: For awhile I thought that Eunjung's cover will be discovered? Glad that Woong Jae came in. Seriously, Taec here is really a pain in the . So, arrogant. I wonder, what he will do, if he found out about Eunjung's secret? Thanks for the update authorssi. :)
1214 streak #3
Chapter 15: Lol could it be that Woong Jae knows that Jungjin is a girl? Hahaha s Taec jealous?
greenjade21 #4
Chapter 13: Yup! It was short but, it's okay! I understand. So, could the boy Eunjung was eyeing, possibly be Jaejoong? I hope?! Out of all the time she was spending, looking at every classroom, in every possible place in the school, it's definitely tiring! The next chapter will probably be interesting for sure! Thanks for the update and your reply the last time! Will surely be waiting for the next! :)
ffajarr #5
Chapter 13: the new guy? Is that jaejong? Ugh, I'm so excited >.<
Ramjung #6
Chapter 13: Who’s the new guy ! Why did you stop i was so excited XD please update soon .. thank you
STupiem #7
Chapter 9: cannot wait for the next update !!!!
I love the story so far..
first I though Taecyeon is her brother - he could had changed his name or something- LOOOL
Ramjung #8
Chapter 9: I just start reading the story and i can’ stop XD i like the story ^^ update soon plz .. thank you
greenjade21 #9
Chapter 9: Wow! Thanks author @jungjung1229 for updating fast! That was nice of you!
Anyways, I guess I know what you meant who Woong Jae is?! And it's the same Jaejoong who is Eunjung's brother I guess?! No wonder Taeyeon's been looking at Eunjung that way, because he's been seeing someone familiar! Well, if Woong Jae is Taec's cousin, isn't it that Eunnjung could be Taec's cousin too? Or maybe they weren't blood related but by law only? Eunjung and Jaejoong's Mom must've remarried again which is related to Taec?! Haha ... I ask allot! Sorry about that! But, really this is interesting, oh, and what you were planning as what you replied to me before? I'll definitely wait for it to happen!
Oh, and Thanks too for adding Soyeon and Jiyeon in the scene! Will Qri and Boram be on it too? Well, it's a nice and interesting update! It did answers some questions and somehow, made me wonder again! Can't wait for your next update! Thanks and luck! :)
greenjade21 #10
Chapter 7: Oh?! I hope what happened between Eunjung and Taecyeon while sparing didn't ruined her cover? Or somehow, it will make Taec to wonder about it and could be, to relate to Eunjung about those familiar eyes she sees on Eunjung, every time he looks at her in the eyes? Do they know each other in the past? And Eunjung's brother Jaejoong, was he really in the same school she's in? Thanks for the nice update authorssi! Will wait for your next! :)