Tornados and fatherhood


Ss501 gets introduced to fatherhood in a very odd when Youngsaeng is impregnated during a science experiment. See what happens when we transcend Dimensions to watch this strange Oddity take place.


“The fans are going to freak out.” Hyunjoong’s voice hissed.

“We don't have much of a choice.” Youngsaeng chimed in. Just as I was about to approach the door and knock, the door opened, revealing the members of the famous boyband. They seemed quite relaxed about things, but Youngsaeng’s appearance was far different from...normal.

His belly was round and bulging, and it certainly was nothing to do with beer or alcohol. This was from pregnancy - he was pregnant!

This scenario was reminding me of the film Junior, and I shuddered at the sight of him.



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