Grim Reaper and Sunny


The story revolves around the life of the grim reaper and his lover Sun Hee when they take a rebirth from the drama goblin.



It has been years since the 900 year old goblin Kim Shin is living alone in this world waiting for his bride to keep her promise and return to him. On the night that he sent the flying lantern he wished that his sister in the future and his master in the future would meet again and live a happy life.

A few years later the grim reaper who had completed his punishment is reborn to a middle class family in the countryside. He is named Lee Hyuk. A few years after his birth a girl is born to a family in Seoul and she is named Kim Sun Hee.

Lee Hyuk is brought up in the countryside he always remained an introvert and a bookworm. He never really made any friends but from a very young age he was interested in the mysterious and crime based books. He buys second hand books and indulges himself in those books and wishes to become a detective and solve crimes. For college Lee Hyuk goes to Seoul as his dreams cannot be fulfilled by living in the countryside. He graduates and becomes a detective in Seoul.

On the other hand, Kim Sun Hee is brought up in Seoul. She grows up to become a beautiful lady who has a bunch of boys always falling for her. But her dream is to become a successful actress. She is not a very bright student but she is very passionate about drama and dance. Also, Sun Hee never really liked her so she preferred that everyone called her Sunny.

It was a bright day in the month of March, Sunny was running late for her shoot so she rushes to the bus stop and she runs into a man on the bridge that comes in the way to the bus stop. A tall nicely build boy with shimmering eyes who mesmerized Sunny. She could not take her eyes off of him for few minutes. They both remained in the same position until they realized they were running late. They come out of the moment and walk away from each other. They look back at each other and leave. The day passes and both of cannot stop thinking about each other. During the shoot Sunny only thinks about him and gets scolded by the director. While Lee Hyuk at his workplace gets scolded by his senior for not concentrating. But in the end of the day they let go of their thoughts and feelings because they had no source of reaching each other as they had not exchanged names or even talked.

Weeks pass by and both Sunny and Lee hyuk have forgotten about the incident. The project that Sunny was working on is about a detective. So the director hires an actual detective to help her get understand her character well because according to the director Sunny was not able to play the character well. So the day came where she had to meet the detective and go around with him to observe and learn about how he worked. She comes to work and the director introduces her to the detective. As she looks at that face, she is amazed, overwhelmed and she cannot believe her eyes.

The director says: “Miss Sunny, this is the detective who is going to help you understand your character.”

“Hello Miss Sunny, nice to meet you. I am Lee hyuk.” Says the detective.

Sunny becomes speechless and she looks into his eyes without saying a word.

“Miss Sunny, miss Sunny” the director shakes her and asks, “why are you standing there without talking?”

She comes back to her mind and replies, “Oh! I am sorry, my name is Sunny and I hope to learn about your work without causing much trouble.” Soon she realized that she should not behave the way she was as she has a reputation to keep and most of all she is not supposed to make it obvious because she is a woman and an actress.

Lee Hyuk smiles and says “I am happy to help you.” Keeping it simple and subtle. He is also very happy to see sunny again but he thinks that she is a very beautiful woman who is way out of his league so there is no point of thinking much about her and falling for her.

They both exchange numbers and the director manages their next meeting after looking at their schedule. Their introduction is short and simple and they both leave after they are done with their work. Since Lee Hyuk had decides not to think about Sunny he avoids to call her or message her as that would distract him. Sunny on the other hand returns home waits for his call. She is not going to call him and she is confident that he will make a move because why not, she has always been so charming among men. She does not receive any call or text and she gets disappointed and she cannot sleep the whole night.

Next day she meets Lee Hyuk again. He smiles ate her but she controls her reactions and maintains her face and keeps it subtle. He greets her and says, “Hello Sunny si.” She does not respond and just looks away from him. He asks her to come in with him and he shows her around his desk. She is about to touch some of his files so he asks her to be careful and tells her not to touch anything without his permission, she is only supposed to observe him and if she has any questions she can ask him. She gets a little annoyed with what he says and sits there quietly. 

In the afternoon they go out to a crime scene where Lee Hyuk asks Sunny to look at what he is doing from outside the scene. She looks at him but she is not able to pay attention towards what he is doing or saying. She is just lost in his thoughts and dreams about when they will start talking to each other like friends and more than that.

After he is done observing the crime scene they go for coffee. He asks her “Sunnysi, did you look at how a crime scene is supposed to be handled?” She says “Yes of course, what else do you think I was looking at, my work was to look at what you were doing so I did that, you do not need to keep asking me if I looked.”

He is a little shook by her response but he does not say anything and brings the coffee. She is still mad and annoyed about the fact that he did not make a move first but she cannot say it out loud to him. She is still waiting for a time when he will say something other than work. But he does not. The day is over and they part ways again.

Their next week is scheduled for the next week. An entire week is gone, and he still does not text or call her. She talks to her friend about it. She tells her “It’s not like we are living in the 20th century where we have no source of contacting each other, but no he will not, he will not say anything to me beside work. Am I not attractive enough for him?”

To this her friend says, “This is your punishment Sunny, for all the boys that you ignored in school and all your life. This is karma.” And starts laughing. Sunny gets annoyed and she starts to hit her like all the friendly fights and they laugh it out together.

Later Sunny thinks about what her friend said and thinks maybe she should let go of her pride and make the first move.

Next day she goes back to the police station to see him. And as her usual visit she sits there quietly observing everything that the detectives are doing. In the afternoon Lee Hyuk and Sunny go out for lunch. He avoids asking her any questions because he is afraid that she would react in the same way that she did earlier. She tries to make a conversation and come out of the awkwardness and asks “Are you not going to ask me any questions today.” To that he smiles and says “The last time I asked that question you threw a fit at me so I thought of avoiding.” She is embarrassed and she says “That day I was not in my right mind and also we can talk about things other than work too.”

He smiles and thinks to himself that he was avoiding to talk to her because he would get distracted but he cannot ignore her and be cold all the time. So he asks her, “So miss Sunny, how are finding the work of a detective? Do think I was of any help to you?”

Again Sunny was disappointed with that question but she replies to him saying that now she knew a lot more about a detective’s work and that she will be able to play her character better. She then tries to make conversation by asking him random questions and they talk for a while. They laugh and talk and have a good time during lunch.

They walk back to the police station. It is a windy day so Sunny gets a little cold on the way. Lee Hyuk notices that and asks her “Do you want my jacket?”

After hearing that Sunny feels happy but again she does not want to seem too needy so she says “No, I am fine I do not feel very cold. I have a good tolerance for cold weather.” But in reality she is actually s little cold.

To that Lee Hyuk says “Are you sure, because I can see your goosebumps and it is totally visible that you are feeling a little bit of chill.”

Again Sunny gets furious and shouts at him. But this time Lee Hyuk does not avoid her, instead he removes his jacket and covers her with it. She feels happy and blushes as they walk back. In the end of the again they leave.

Later that night Lee Hyuk messages Sunny saying he had a great day and felt really nice talking to her. She could not control her happiness.

After some days both of them meet up with the director. Looking at Lee Hyuk the director says “Detective Lee you are a very good looking man, do you want to make an appearance in some of our episodes?”

Lee hyuk thinks that it would be a great opportunity to spend some time with Sunny and also he had never thought that he would get a chance to act in a show. But he gets a little hesitant about accepting the offer. Then he looks at Sunny and thinks that he should give it a try so he accepts the offer.

The director is grateful that he accepted the offer and tells Lee Hyuk that he will give him the details about his part soon.

Both Lee Hyuk and Sunny clearly know that they like each other but they both are afraid of saying anything. From the first day that they met, the short run in that they had it was clear. But they kept their feelings to themselves for a long time.

Some days later the director gives them the script and the location for shooting is a little away from Seoul. He requests Lee Hyuk to manage his schedule and come for the shoot. The shoot is scheduled for the next week.

Before the shoot Lee Hyuk gets a little nervous and takes some suggestions from Sunny about how to calm himself. To that she says “You do not have to worry too much, you just have to be yourself and be confident. And if you have any problems I am always there to guide you.”

They go for the shoot and they act out their scenes. Lee Hyuk is still a little nervous but in between the takes Sunny encourages him and cheers him up. Since the shoot takes a longer time than planned all the crew members and the actors stay in a hotel nearby. But there was one problem that was, the rooms were not booked. And since it is a small place there are not many rooms available. 

Lee Hyuk and Sunny go to a motel and ask for two rooms but thee lady at the reception says that there is only one room available. After arguing for some time with the lady Lee Hyuk tells Sunny to calm down and take the single room key. Just while they are going up a couple enters and again the lady says that there is only one room available. Both Lee Hyuk and Sunny hear that but pretend not to hear it.

All the crew members can clearly see that Sunny has some feelings for Lee Hyuk and there are rumors going around the set. After the shoot is over Sunny can clearly see that her feeling are not only one way and that Lee Hyuk also has some feelings toward her. She decides to confront him about it.

They go for coffee and she tells him directly without hesitating about her feelings and asks him to be a little quicker if he feels the same way. She tells him that she is already embarrassed that she liked him first and that there are rumors that she is going to be heartbroken because Lee Hyuk clearly does not like her.

After hearing all this Lee Hyuk disagrees with her and says “No you are wrong. Who said that you liked me first? I was the one who liked you first. And about the heartbreaking rumor, it is just a rumor that is never going to be true because I am never going to break your heart.”

Sunny then asks him to put his hand forward. After he does that she ties a bracelet on his wrist that she brought a couple bracelet. The bracelet symbolizes a grim reaper. After tying it she asks cutely “So can we call this our first day?” And Lee Hyuk gets up, leans forward and kisses her.

They begin a relationship from that day. And like the goblin had wished for his master in the future and his sister in the future, they meet again and live a happy life together without much difficulties because both of them have already faced their part of hardships in their previous lives.




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