

Jennie: “Hey, is this is Jisoo Kim’s number right? 


Jisoo: “Yea.”


Jennie: “I’m going to be your new roommate! My name is Jennie Kim btw we have the same surname lol. I can’t wait to meet you :-)”


Jisoo: “Okay.”


Jennie scoffed at her soon to be roommate’s one word replies. I don’t know if we’re going to get along well, Jennie thought to herself and put her cell phone aside. Jennie was going to start her freshman year of university in weeks and she was definitely not prepared for what was about to hit her.


A football. 


“What the ?” Jennie winced at the pain and snapped in the direction the ball came from.

“Sorry baby girl I can make it up to you!” some random boy and his friends laughed as they retrieved the ball back. 




“Jennie over here!” a voice called out from a distance. 

Jennie scanned her surroundings to find out where the voice was coming from and her eyes were fixed on her childhood friend, Chaeyoung. Jennie’s face immediately lit up and she made her way to the girl.

“You made it! I haven't seen you ever since I moved out of the city, but I’m back.” Chaeyoung pulled Jennie into a bear hug.

“Chae, you’re suffocating me.”

“Oh , sorry.” Chaeyoung laughed at her reaction.

“I’m glad I’ll have at least one friend here,” Jennie sighed.

“Oh c’mon, you haven't made friends with your roommate yet? I thought we all got our roommate’s numbers and stuff beforehand?” Chaeyoung asked.

“I got my roommate’s number and tried texting her, but she doesn't even reply and when she does she gives one word responses.” Jennie explained, sound a bit annoyed. 

“Maybe, she's just a busy person. You know a lot of students here are hardcore when it comes to studying.” 

Chaeyoung had a point, she was attending one of the top universities in California. Jennie just nodded her head in agreement to her explanation.

“Hey, let me help you get your stuff into your dorm, your roommate will probably be there already and I can help break the ice too.” Chaeyoung offered as they made their way into the dormitory building. 

“Thanks Chae, I really appreciate it.” 


“Room 560? Dude, your dorm is like all the way down the hall on the top floor. It’s basically a dead zone over there,” Chaeyoung’s voice was full of concern, “Are you okay with that? We can talk to the dorm supervisor if you want.”

“No, I’d rather be away from all the chaos.” Jennie reassured her friend with a smile, “I’ll be fine. “

“Alright then, just let me know if you ever want to switch. My roommate’s quite close to the supervisor.” Chaeyoung and Jennie finally made it to her dorm room.

“After you.” Chaeyoung motioned to let Jennie unlock the room with her key.

Jennie cracked the door open slightly and took a quick peek to see if Jisoo was in the room. She felt a chill of cool air come out from the room. After a few seconds she heard a voice from inside.

“Are you going to just stand out there or are you going to come in?”

“Ah, yes sorry,” Jennie stumbled into the room.

The first thing she noticed was how abnormaly clean and tidy the room was especially for a college studnet. Her bed was perfectly made, her desk area was organized, and the small kitchen in the room was spotless. She contiued to scan to room, and fixed her eyes on the girl sitting at her desk. 

She's pretty. 

"It's nice to meet you I'm-"

“I know.” Jisoo said coldly as she was typing on her laptop, not once looking up from her screen.

Chaeyoung gave Jennie a perplexed look. The girl looked so dainty and sweet, but her words were so cold and she sounded so indifferent. 

“I would appreciate it if you could keep the noise level down with your friend that you brought here.” Jisoo said as she quickly eyed the two. 

“Uh, yeah don’t mind us, I’ll just be unpacking on my side.” Jennie said as she rolled her luggage towards her bed. 

Chaeyoung sat down on Jennie’s bed, pulled out her phone and started typing. She signaled Jennie to pull her phone out of her pocket to check her messages.


Park Chae: She seems like a lmao good luck with this one. 


Jennie:  Shut up, she’s kind of scary now that I’m meeting her.


Park Chae: Let’s just hope she doesn't chew your head off.

Park Chae: Just ignore her, she probably just wants to get her school over with. I think she’s a third year. 


Jennie looked up at Chaeyoung in shock. Jisoo had such a babyface, she assumed that she was a freshman like her. 


“Let’s get you unpacked, I have to head back to my room soon, my roommate might be worried.” Chaeyoung said as she ped Jennie’s luggage.


After some time, the two finally finished putting Jennie’s stuff in place trying hard not to disturb the girl studying across the room. Chaeyoung didn’t even dare to stick around and decided to leave immediately. The cold atmosphere in the room was getting to her and they both knew they were questioning whether it was coming from the AC blasting or if the coldness was radiating from Jisoo herself. Either way, Chaeyoung wanted to get out. 


“Bye Chae, text me later alright?” Jennie said as her friend stepped out of the room.

“I will,” Chaeyoung peeked inside the room once more, “It was nice to meet you Jisoo!” 

“Mhmm.” was all what came out the girl. 

“Bye Jen!” Chaeyoung said after giving her one last hug.


And like that Jennie was stuck with Jisoo for the rest of the day. Jennie decided to just lay on her bed and fiddle around with her phone, checking all her social media accounts. The sound of Jisoo typing filled the room. She’s a fast typer. The sound of the keys and the faint music Jennie was listening to was making Jennie sleepy, but ight when Jennie was about to doze off, she heard Jisoo close up her laptop. Jennie glanced over to look at Jisoo, but snapped her head back away when she noticed that Jisoo was staring dead at her. God that look was deadly.


“Sorry about earlier, I didn’t really get to introduce myself properly.” Jisoo said cooly. 

No .

“I’m Jisoo Kim, I’m a third year here, majoring in psychology.” 

Chae was right. That girl is always so good at reading people damn.

Jennie sat up from her bed to talk to Jisoo face to face.

“Well, I’m Jennie Kim. First year majoring in photography.” Jennie put her hand out for a handshake and to her surprise Jisoo returned the favor. 

However, the room fell silent yet again.

“Well, if you need anything call me only if you really need to okay?” Jisoo said as she got up to get her coat.

Where was she going? It’s almost 11 PM where could she possibly need to be at this time?

“There’s ramen in the cabinet if you’re hungry.” the older girl said as she shut the door.




Oooh mysterious Jisoo lmao. I decided to start fresh with a new story and I hope you all enjoy. I don't know exactly where I'm going to go with this one, but I'm just going to go with the flow! Also, RIP purplesoo and AIIYL era ahhh. BUT DID YALL SEE THEM ON PARTY PEOPLE?! WHEW WIG??? GONE!

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Ppampho #1
Chapter 1: Tsuntsun Jisoo?? Can't wait for another chap <3
Chapter 1: I love this story already!
Chapter 1: hmm i wonder where jisoo is going :3
Chapter 1: Wow this is really good :D, can't wait for the next chapter! <3 I'll miss Jisoo's purple hair :(