Wake Up Call

Love Before Sunrise

Ring Ring Ring

Nayeon groaned, not ready to wake up yet.   After a minute the ringing stopped and she  slowly drifted back into her sweet slumber.

Ring Ring Ring

Realizing that her phone probably wouldn't stop annoying her, she decided that she had no choice but to answer it. She opened her eyes reluctantly, frowning.

But as soon as she took a look at the caller id, her frown vanished and was replaced by a sweet smile. Not a hint of the morning bad mood. It was as if she had been woken up to the smell of freshly baked cookies.

"Good morning Nabongs" Her heart fluttered listening to the honey like voice.

"Good morning Minori~" She greeted with an aegyo like voice.

Immediately there was a laugh on the other line.

"Stop it." He says amidst his laughter.

"Waeee?" Nayeon responds adding more cutesy-ness into her voice. She knew it was annoying but it never ever bothered him.

"It's too early in the morning for that." Although they were talking on the phone, Nayeon could imagine Min talking with that gummy smile of his and it absolutely brightened up her day.

Speaking of brightness, the sun hadn't come up yet. Nayeon looked at the time and her half lidded eyes went wide.

It was 3 am in the morning.

"Hey why'd you wake me up so early?" She asked.

For a moment the line went silent.

"Don't tell me you forgot." Min spoke softly.

To this, Nayeon's eyes widened once more and all thoughts of sleep disappeared. She racked her mind for any important dates but there was nothing. She got up and rushed out of her room looking at her calendar by her kitchen counter.

'What day is it today...?'

'Oh it's Wednesday, the 9th of January.'

There was nothing marked for the 9th of January. Was this a last minute plan? Why was it blank? She had put her calendar near her kitchen counter on purpose so that when she arrived she would be able to  write down plans made that day. Alarmed, she chuckled nervously hoping to get a bit of leeway.

"Umm.. hehe"

"I can't believe you." Min's voice was now serious with a tinge of hurt.

"Minori, I-"

And the call ended.

"Hello? Min?"

Alarmed, Nayeon fumbled with her phone calling Min back as quickly as possible. Her heart tightened at the thought of hurting her baby penguin.


'Thank God.' Nayeon thought to herself.

"Hello, Min I-"

"Yes, hello.."
There was a small pause, a quick "ahem" and in the next few seconds, Min's voice was pitched a lot higher.
"..this is Sailor Minori! *Moon Stick toy noises* I am unable to respond in my fight for justice *Moon Stick toy noises* but please call me back after the tone and know that I will never forgive myself for missing your call!"

"What the..?"

Nayeon snorted, holding in her laughter. She had fallen for the voicemail trap. But she couldn't be angry, she was the one who forced Min to do his Sailor Moon impression.

It was about a week ago when they were extremely bored and Min lost a game of rock paper scissors. When he recorded it, she even had him rehearse his lines to make it perfect. To top that off she brought her Moon Stick toy to give more of a realistic factor.

Nayeon realized how embarrassing it must've been for Min. She sighed and called him again.

Beeeep Beeeep Beeeep


"Hello, Minori- damn it, stupid voice mesage!"

She glared at her phone. How did she fall for the trap twice in a row?!

By now the phone was practically suffocating (if phones could suffocate) in Nayeon's clutch. Right before she jammed her thumb in to the call button she decided she was not gonna fall for the trap another time. She pressed on the messaging app and began texting.

---Pengu~ I'm sorry I forgot..

"Although I don't know what it is I forgot." Nayeon muttered. 

By the way Nayeon was typing however, she looked more like she was writing a murder message, instead of an apology.

---... so baby pengu please understand, it's 3am in the morning, my mind is never in its right place, how do you expect my head to work now. Nabongs is soooo sorry

"I can't believe I'm insulting myself. I'm perfect." She said to herself.
"I'm not gonna send this."

*Knock Knock*

The sound caught her offguard, causing her body to shake, and in the process, her thumb ever so slightly grazed on the send button.


Nayeon froze, her face completely turning red. The sound came from outside her apartment door. She knew that message tone. She knew because she herself recorded it. Where'd she record it? Min's phone.

That meant Min was here.

Nayeon walked to the door with slow and heavy steps. Hesitantly she opened it, but contradictory to her expectations, she was greeted by a cheeky penguin, clad in winterwear. For a moment Nayeon's variety of emotions was replaced by happiness. He was wearing the penguin scarf that she had given him on Christmas.  

"Hi." He smiled knowingly.

"Wa-wait, what you're not mad?" Nayeon was now more confused than ever.

"What would I be mad about?" Min asks innocently.

"It's Wednesday, January 9th.." She began.

And then realization finally hit her. Nothing was ever planned today.

"Are you kidding me?"

To this, Min nodded furiously with a wide smile.

"You've been fooled by Sailor Minori! Justice is rightfully served!" He exclaimed.

Nayeon was dumbfounded and embarrassed by the dork in front of her. She took a deep breath.

"Yah you woke me up at 3 am for this?!"

Min froze. An angry rabbit was going to get loose.

Then an imaginary lightbulb appeared above his head. He knew exactly what would make her feel better before Nabongs the angry rabbit could rawr.


Nayeon was stopped by the salty and sweet goodness of a perfectly baked cookie. Just like that, she was calm.

Min felt his heart skip looking at his Nabongs, he couldn't help but stare. She was eating that cookie so beautifully.

"Minori. Minori." He was brought back to reality by Nayeon calling him, cookie poking out of . The cookie had now reduced its size and now she was motioning him to take the rest like a pepero. Min's heart multiplied in speed as he drew nearer. He could smell the delicious scent of the cookie. By the time he was inches away he gulped. Closing his eyes he opened his mouth slightly ready to take what was left of the cookie-











"HA! No cookie for YOU!"


Nayeon cheered, giving the pouting Min an evil smile. She wanted to pinch his face right then and there but she had to celebrate.

Min crossed his arms.
"That's okay there's more right outside the door. I could share them buuuut.."

"Share them!" Nayeon exclaimed her eyes sparkling.

Not ready to give in Min replied.
"Why should I?"

"Because you love me?" Nayeon responded. Min nearly lost his composure.

"Okay, I'll share them, on one condition."

Nayeon winced at the unneeded words after 'I'll share them,' but she nonetheless, urged him to go on.

"I get to change my voice message to something normal, while you have to change yours to something I prepare."

"....okay." Nayeon sighed defeatedly.


"Listen *munch munch* carefully *munch munch*" Min began, openly feasting on the cookies.

"Don't finish them!" Nayeon said worriedly.

"I won't. But you have to read everything I wrote on here. It really came from my heart. Whatever you say doesn't have to be the same exact thing, just something you feel from reading these cues."

When Min handed her the paper, she expected a mess of doodles and words. But it was all blank except for a few words that made her heart completely stop.

'It's 3am but I'll love you til that ceases to exist.

She took one glance at the penguin who wrote the message and rushed over to him. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she brought him closer. She could feel his heart beating rapidly just like hers and nothing else mattered.

"Cookie kiss?" Min spoke softly, now facing Nayeon, their foreheads touching. Nayeon giggled. This dude had a cookie in his mouth the whole time.

"Hmm." She took the cookie from his mouth. "Without the cookie."

And with that she pulled on Min's scarf and leaned in for a sweet kiss.

Min gave her his gummy smile in return and at that moment Nayeon knew nothing could ever compare to her Minori. Not even perfectly baked cookies.






Author's Note:

I always thought Mina would seem more like the calm boyfriend that always puts her above everything else. He would be the type to always let his lover win even if it hurt his pride.

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Chapter 1: Geez... I need a minayeon like this!
Pl8ofLove #2
Thanks for the feedback :))) Check out gluemi's pic of manMina if you have the chance!
Chapter 1: i think this is so cutie ^~^
cindy821011 #4
Chapter 1: this is way too cute!!!
Chapter 1: They're so cute~