
For A Year


Three days passed and my relationship with Yerin blossomed. We're inseparable. We have our breakfast together, our lunch together, and our dinner together. When one wants to go out, the other one will tag along. When one wants to laze inside the dorm, the other one would lay as well.

We also known each other as if we've known each other since birth. I know how she hides the birthmark on her right knee because it looks like a wound and she's sick of people asking her what happened to her knee. She knows how unlady-like I sit and she's the first one to not scold me about it.

And I also discovered her fondness of the concept of skinship. She'll randomly bites my shoulder, arm, leg, everywhere she thinks of biting me. I pushes her at first, but as time goes by, I just let her do whatever she wants. And to think that its only been three days since we've met each other.

She knows how I'm scared to even the smallest bug in the book. That's where she becomes my personal bug exterminator. Whenever a fly passes me, she'll be there to swat it away. But she'll never pass this opportunity to prank me with fake bugs she bought especially for this. I don't know if I should feel special or not.

But all of this only added the time my heart will beat faster for her. Everyday, I find myself scolding my heart to stop being obvious. It beats so loud that I'm actually scared if she might hear it. I tried stopping it. Reminding myself that she's not available, physically and emotionally. She is someone else's. She already has an other half. Yerin's mind and heart now belongs to someone not me.

"Hey SinB", Yerin called from the top of the bed. I opened my eyes and stared at the mattress above me.

"Hmm?", I hummed.

"My girlfriend is coming over. You okay with that?", she softly asked, careful not to scare me, but I'm not. I'm not scared, I'm hurt.

"Its... Its cool", I tried to sound like it is cool but its not. It will never be.

"You sure?", Yerin said as she peeked below. Good thing that she's cute while doing it and it made me smile.

"Yeah. Bring her over. I wanna know what she sees in you", I joked. She stuck her tongue out to me. I just scoffed.

"She'll arrive in less than an hour", she said as she got down of her bed and went to the closet to pull a jacket.

"Where are you going?", I asked, looking at her as she gets her purse and her key to the dorm. After that, she looks at me.

"Getting food. Wanna come?", she offered.

"Nah. Think I'll pass", I turned down.

"Okay. No food for you then", she threatened, which immediately makes me get up of my bed and quickly pull myself a jacket and hold her arm.




"SinB, this is your Sowon unnie, unnie, SinB, my roommate", Yerin introduced me to her girlfriend.

Sowon, to describe her as beautiful is still not enough. She looks ethereal. She looks like a celebrity. She looks like an important person. So far I've imagine her to be. Sowon is everyone wishes for. So much better than I am. The difference between us is like the size of an ocean. Too big, too deep. I'm nowhere near her and her traits.

"Nice to meet you, SinB-ssi", Sowon said as she offered her right hand to me. I make sure to wipe my hand first to my pants before touching her hand for a handshake.

"Likewise", I shortly replied.

"Aw SinB don't be nervous! Sowon unnie is harmless, well, almost. Her nagging will give you headache", Yerin eased the mood. I can see Sowon sneakily lacing her arm to Yerin's side and starts pinching her tummy. Yerin shrieked. I lightly laughed at the interaction.

"I'm sorry an annoying girl like Yerin is your roommate. Must have been hard keeping up with her and her unending energy", Sowon now teased the girl.

"Ugh you don't know the feeling", I teased too.

"Trust me, I do", Sowon said. We heard Yerin whined in the background. We both laughed at her.

Sowon is a nice lady. She is easy to approach, despite the fact that her beauty will smash you with insecurity. She is also funny. But the only thing I don't like about her is how she looks at Yerin. How her eyes shine as Yerin speaks. How her lips curve perfectly when she looks at Yerin. How attentive she is to everything Yerin does.

I really don't like it.

"Can't believe you finished all the pizza, unnie", Yerin said as soon as she swallowed her food.

"But I only ate two?", Sowon explained.

"It must be SinB then!" Yerin now accused me. I blinked innocently.

"Or maybe its you. You still have a sauce in your face", Sowon said. I noticed it too. She looks like a baby right now. But it's messy. I reached for the tissue but Sowon beats me to it. She grabs the tissue first and wipes the sauce on Yerin's mouth. Yerin submitted right away.

I can hear my heart snapped.

"You're not a baby anymore, Yerin", Sowon said.

"I'll be your baby then", Yerin cheekily said back. That's it.

"Wow we're out of drinks. Let me go buy some more", I excused. I hurriedly went out of the dorm.

I ran. I don't know why, but I found myself running outside of the building. Then I reached the school grounds. I set myself at the bench, and breathe out. A lone tear slipped out of my left eye. Then on my right and the next thing I know, I'm already sobbing.

I tried not getting caught up on my feelings. I tried stopping from goddamn falling in love. But it's really not as easy as it sounds like. It's also only been three days, and yet I'm already experiencing the hardest part of catching a feeling to someone you can't have. This is too fast. I'm not yet ready. This is too much.

"Are you okay?", someone asked. I didn't look up.

"Please leave me alone", I said. I don't want any pity right now.

"Accept this first then I'll go", I looked up a little and see the handkerchief offered to me. I just accepted it, and as the stranger said, they leave.

I used the pink handkerchief to wipe the ugly tears out of my face. It smells good. Like an expensive perfume was sprayed in it. It's a shame that I'm dirtying such item.

After I calmed down, I tried to look at my surroundings, hoping to see the stranger who gave her the handkerchief. Everybody's minding their own business. It looks like the stranger really did left her alone. Not that I mind at all.

"Now to buy that drink", I muttered to myself.





I came back to the dorm without any trace of Sowon. Yerin explained that Sowon got a message from her sister and she had to quickly go home. I nodded in acknowledgement as I put down the three cans of cola I bought.

"Yes unnie?"

I noticed how Yerin's eyes never leave mine the moment I came back at the dorm. She looks too worried. I don't want her to look at me like that. It's making me fall for her more. It's making it hard for me to forget this feeling I have for her.

"I shouldn't have invited Sowon unnie here. We should have just went outside. I'm sorry if we made you uncomfortable", she said with her sad eyes. I'm drowning to her dark orbs. I can't get up. I'm deep into her.

"How many times am I going to tell you that it's fine?", I lightly said, and showed her a smile. She smiled back at me.

"You know I only want the best for you, Bi", she said. And I can feel my chest tightening. I can't breathe. My whole world stopped. I can only see her. I can only feel her. She's the only one that matters to me.

I'm doomed, but I'll never regret every seconds with you.


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My laptop broke up with me so i had to upload this using my phone. Ugh. Btw, happy new year everyone!


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Chapter 2: who was the stranger?
masutai #2
Chapter 2: I always love jealous SinB HAHAHA Thanks for the update <3
Qazxsw12 #3
Chapter 2: Aah my sinrin heart haha.

Yayy. You are updating! Thankouu! :)
Chapter 2: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 2: omg i love this story already cant wait for the next update ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ
Chapter 2: after so long, it's good to read this cute story back hehe
thanks for updating.
Poor sinb it is inevitable that U.U will not suffer.
SinRin14 #7
Chapter 1: This is really goooooooood
Chapter 1: Waaa
this is very beautiful ♡♡♡
Jung_Yerin #9
Chapter 1: Oh my. My baby is taken already
Chapter 1: Who is Yerin's gf (。•́︿•̀。) . I saw Sorin and Sinju in the tag. So for Sowon? It could be Sowon? Yerin's gf?.
Nice story. Thanks for writing this. Fighting!