Chapter 7

Nobody, not even the rain


The day went on normally, Chanwoo got deadly bored, he ate a couple of snacks at lunch and then he got deadly bored some more. He also tried really hard not to make any harsh moves or his bruises would hurt, it was actually quite difficult since it was all in his chest and abdomen, which he moved a lot. But he managed to do his job pretty decently, sadly not everything turns out the way you wants it.

It was already the evening, Chanwoo was finishing moping a mess some kids made, his mop had fallen down so he bent down to take it again, that movement was hell for his bruises, it hurt so bad he grimanced, thinking no one was looking, he straightened up again and rubbed his belly. Hanbin was doing nothing so he stared at the teen’s every movement while he cleaned, and this caught his attention.

“Does your stomach hurts?”


“Your stomach.” He repeated, now pointing with his finger at the younger. “It looks like it hurts."

“Oh- ah, no, not really. It’s just… I wanna go to the bathroom."

“Ha, yeah sure.” Hanbin walked around the counter and towards the younger, who was slowly backing away. “Do you have a stomach ache?"

“Uh- yeah."

“I don’t believe you."

“You asked me!” Habin was standing right in front of the younger now, looking up with this strong glare that made Chanwoo feel slightly scared, it kind of reminded him of his father. The elder stretched his hand very very slowly towards Chanwoo’s tummy while glaring intensely at his eyes, he took the edge of the shirt and lifted it, noticing the horrendous bruise covering his abdomen. The colour was still in between red and purple so that meant it was quite new.

‘Last night.’ Hanbin thought, his eyes were slighly widened by the surprise, he lifted his gaze to look at the younger who didn’t know how to react to this. He looked with begging eyes at his hyung.

“Don’t tell Jinhwan hyung, please. It’s nothing important, just fought with some s. I promise.” He lied through his teeth with a small smile, taking one step back so Hanbin would drop his shirt.

Hanbin didn’t know whether to believe the teen’s excuse or not, he seemed pretty convincing and he had weird friends and of course he had to get his drugs from somewhere, but also he didn’t want to make the kid uncomfortable by minding in his business, so he left it at that.

“Okay.” Hanbin replied with a small reassuring smile, but he too, was lying.




The automatic door opened and two boys walked in chatting happily, Chanwoo left his broom on a wall and went to greet them with a smile, but he stopped himself before being seen and hid behind one of the counters. He doesn’t wanna be seen too clingy by his hyungs, neither he wants them to know about his silly crush on prince charming Yunhyeong, no, that would definetely be the death of him, but he also wants to go greet them -he thinks the bunny teethed man is kinda cool, a little, a little tiny bit- and just talk to them, it’s been a while since they’ve seen eachother -only like two days or something- but Chanwoo’s shift ended right ing now. Why can’t life be a little kinder to him?

“Yah! Chanwoo-ah!” He heard his tiny hyung’s voice and immediately composed himself and walked over to the entrance.


“You can go.” Jinhwan said with a warm smile that had Chanwoo smiling too.

“Oh, you don’t want me to help you with that?” He walked towards the counter and took away the cloth Jinhwan was using to clean the counter and started doing it himself.

“Huh? Are you trying to buy my heart with kindness now? You’re already forgiven, Chanwoo-ah.” Jinhwan laughed and tried taking away his cloth back from the maknae.

“Wha- Can’t I just be nice to you? You’ve worked hard, you can go change now."

“Yah! Are you guys seeing this?!” His eyes widened dramatically as he pointed at Chanwoo, Hanbin laughed while making his way to the employees room, and Bobby and Yunhyeong that were just recently watching started laughing too, getting closer to the other two males.

“What’s going on here? Why is Chanwoo ‘forgiven’, though?” Bobby asked to the elder.

“Nothing!” But he was quicker to reply, looking over at Jinhwan begging for him to stay silent, the latter just chuckled and shook his head, earning a whine from Bobby.

Chanwoo continued cleaning and rearranging the counter while the others chatted, he tried making every movement as slow as he could and of course Jinhwan noticed, he always does.

“Chanwoo-ah, can you do me a favor?"


“There’s still some cleaning that I had to do here on this side on the counter but I’m really tired, can you do it for me?"

“Sure.” His reply was so immediate that Jihwan was seriously tempted to laugh, but he suppressed it with a thankful smile.

“Thanks! It’s just re-stocking these candies."

“But after you’re done with that, go straight to your home and rest, okay? You’ve also been here all day.” Hanbin intruded in the conversation as he was coming back already dressed, looking rather sternly at Chanwoo and making a sly hand movement pointing at his tummy, the younger understood immediately.

“Of course, hyung.” He replied with a smile, he honestly loved being cared for and given attention, even if it was from that brute of a hyung, it still felt nice that he was caring about his bruise.

Jinhwan and Hanbin left, leaving the younger with his other two hyungs on the same side of the counter. The air was rather awkward since they didn’t know what to say or even managed to make a decent conversation. On the other side Chanwoo was really uncomfortable but for other reasons.

“I’m gonna go change and then I’ll finish this, ok? It’s just sooo difficult to move with this, it’s too small."

“Haha, yeah."

“You’re just a giant.” Bobby replied.

“Maybe you’re just short."

“Hey! I’m average!"

“Hehe.” When Chanwoo crossed the door to the employees room, Yunhyeong turned to his side abruptly and grabbed his friend by the shoulders.

“What do I do?! I wanna talk to him but it’s so awkward!” Bobby laughed out loud at his friends’s behavior.

“Come on, you’re usually great at making the mood."

“I’m losing my spark…"

“You’re just nervous, Yoyo! Relax, breathe in, breathe out. Be yourself! That kid isn’t really a challenge, you’ve had it worse, he’s not that cool."

“Not that cool? He’s got a nose AND collarbones piercings, you can’t get cooler."

“Hahah, well yeah, he looks pretty cool. But his personality is just of a weird awkward teenager."

“Okay, you’re right. I’m a mature college student, that’s always attractive, right?"

“I’m pretty sure you don’t need that to be attractive.” He said while laughing, Yunhyeong chuckled too. He really liked it when Bobby complimented him so much, it really helped his self esteem even if it was embarrassing sometimes.

“I’ve got this.” And right in that moment Chanwoo was opening the door and approaching them. Yunhyeong who had just builded some confidence, turned around to look at the younger and was in complete shock.

“Oh no, he looks so good.” The blond whispered and Jiwon snorted audibly trying to contain his laughter, Chanwoo was only left confused by their behavior, the anxiety telling him it was something about him. Maybe it was his outfit? He thought he looked good, but he could be wrong, he’s always wrong.

‘Not now, brain.'

He scolded himself mentally, resuming his task but with a lot less confidence now, feeling really shy and self conscious. What he didn’t notice was the two older males were currently having a very heated conversation but only with strange face and hand movements. Yunhyeong gave up and sighed, walking to stand next to Chanwoo, resting his elbows on the counter and trying to seem relaxed.

“Chanwoo-ah, your clothes are really nice.” He said with a smile. Chanwoo looked at him slightly confused.

“Was that sarcasm?"

“What?! No! I really like them you look really good, well it’s not that you don’t look good with your other clothes the green sweater is also really nice and I don’t really know what other clothes you have but I bet you look good in them too.” The elder looked behind Chanwoo and saw his friend trying extremely hard to contain his laugher, turning around and holding his belly, so he shut himself instantly, looking awkwardly at Chanwoo that was even more confused now.

‘What is happening… It-it wasn’t sarcasm then why is he acting like this. Oh… he’s blushing.'

Chanwoo thought of every probable scenario in less than two seconds, and he decided to stick with the nicest because today he wanted to let himself live a little.

His cheeks turned slightly red, continuing what he was doing before and avoiding eye contact. Yunhyeong was about to loose his mind because he thought he completely ed up, but the younger spoke before that.


And Yunhyeong breathed out in relief, giving an angry glare at his friend that was still smiling like an idiot.

Feeling his confidence come back again, he decided to speak, this time way more relaxed and natural.

“So, tell me something about you, Chanwoo-ah, the only thing we know it’s your name."

“Oh, right!” It was Bobby now entering the conversation, looking really interested in hearing more about the younger, it was true that they only knew his name, not even his age.


“What’s your full name? Age?"

“Jung Chanwoo, 17.” Yunyeong looked over at Bobby, he was sure the kid was underage and now they were finally sure.

“What else? Like… do you still go to school? What do your parents do?"

“I finished school just now, I’m entering university right after the summer vacations. My parents own a bussines…"

“You enter uni this year! So cool! And what do you want to study, which university?” Yunyeong said enthusiastically.

Chanwoo looked at the ceiling for a brief second, thinking hard about his answer.

“I’m not sure yet but I really like math, and I applied for the Seoul National University."

“WHAT?!” This time it was Bobby’s time to exaggerate, widening his really small eyes and looking at their youngest.

“Wow! That’s Korea’s best university, you know?"

“Um, yeah. But I worked really hard and I think I did pretty decently…"

“Don’t be so modest, if you think you’re gonna get in, be confident in it! That uni is amazing.” Jiwon cheered, hitting the counter with an open palm.

“What about you two?”

“Well…” Yunhyeong scratched his nape a little, looking down. “I feel really embarrassed to say what I do now, you’re way more amazing."

“No! Hyung, that doesn’t matter at all! All types of education are important and hard for each person in different ways."

“Haha, well… I just study to be a chef in a local college."

“Really? That’s really cool!” It was now Chanwoo’s turn to cheer, leaving what he was doing to pay full attention to his hyung. He understood perfectly when people felt like their studies were not important or in a not so good institution, they thought lowly of themselves. One of his closer friends had this problem at the moment. All the members from their group of friends were going to really good universities and aiming for high things, but Yugyeom wanted to be a dancer. He often doubted himself, he wanted to be in the same university as his friends and to be in their same level like they have always been. “What about you, Bobby hyung?"

“Music… in the same place as Yoyo."

“Wahh, music is so nice too. It’s really difficult. What instruments do you play?” The sharp-eyed male smiled, showing off his cute teeth.

“Guitar, bass, piano and a little bit of drums."

“So amazing, so amazing!” Both man laughed at how energetic and cute he was acting, a wide smile spread on his face. Bobby looked at the time on his phone and noticed how time had flew.

“Yah, kid. You’re shift was over like an hour ago. Go home, we’ll finish this."

“Oh. It’s okay, hyung. It’s not that late anyways."

“Ah~ Young blood. This year when you enter uni then you will realize how precious sleep really is. If I could go to bed at 8 pm I would ing do it."

“Haha, you sound so old!” Chanwoo laughed again, continuing with his labour.

“Oh, he’s not joking.” Yunhyeong added smiling.

The younger did every movement still very slowly, he didn’t really wanna leave. He was having fun and he felt like he was ‘bonding’ with his hyungs, they were really nice and funny and Chanwoo felt as comfortable as when he was with his own friends.


Speaking of uni i go back tomorrow so i cant assure constant updates but i have them written dont worryyy <3

next chap has yoyo > < lmao

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iahm0126 #1
Chapter 9: i wish u can update again please....
Chapter 9: Please update authornimm T^T
Chapter 5: Chanuyaaa T^T
Chapter 3: Omg omg omg so cuteeee.. Jung Chaaaannnnn ><
khateeeeeeyaa15 #5
Update please??
ikonic_khate15 #6
Chapter 9: please update??
YunChan_9598 #7
Reread it again. Please update ㅠㅠ
jnshiii #8
Chapter 9: updateeee TT
KeunAh #9
Please update soon !!! ...;( tq
rad_hazel #10
i'm still waiting for an update ;( pls update soon authornim...thank you ~