Good Boy


It is said that a master and his dog are bound together, that their companionship and loyalty to one another knows no bounds and cannot be broken, not even by death. They will travel together through life, and meet again in the end of all. 

It is one thing to love a dog, it is another to be bound and to cherish them. When they are gone, they are never gone forever, they will find you again in this life or the next. If you are so unlucky as to leave them first, they will find you. You will never be alone for long.


Loyalty is endless



"   A dog is the only beast in this world, that will love you more than himself, even if you are not worth his heart. His love knows only you.  

Oh such is the fate of heavy burden that a dog's heart musr bear, waiting every day and every moment for the master who will always love him, to finally find him.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                "



Ah, I really wanted to get back into writing, so I'm writing this little story to get back into it. Hopefully it can appease you all in some sort of way, haha, give you some sort of feels. Not sure how long it will go on for, though I am hoping for it to be slightly shorter (depending on how I can arrange my thoughts), so it does not drag on for a year. Please do feel free to point out any mistakes that I've made, critique, etc. It is always appreciated! <3 

Pairings: Technically a story about Taekook (Taehyung x Jungkook), though they are not romantic (I mean, Jungkook is a dog, so.). There is also a Vmin (Taehyung X Jimin) pairing. 

Genres: Fluff, Romance, Tragedy

Thank you everyone, for your interest if you have any. <33 Please never mind the background and poster, I at making graphics (though I do draw?), so I will probably get someone more professional to do them, haha. I will also probably have to edit this later on. First fic and such being on this site, yada yada. Bear with me. <3


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