Winter Frost {OneShot}

The winter wind whips pasts you, causing you to tug on your scarf more and adjust it so it sits perfectly around your neck. Myungsoo's early morning text woke you up from your peaceful slumber.

Myungsoo ♡:

Rise and shine sleepyhead! Meet me at the coffee shop, the one where we always go to in 2 hours. See you there!~♪

You quickly shuffle your feet along the snow covered payment, the sound of snow crunching every time your boots come in contact with the ground. Small puffs of hot air escape your lips as you sigh.
"What was so important anyway?" you mumble as you shove your frozen hands into your thick winter coat. You mentally curse yourself for forgetting to bring your gloves.

Despite the freezing weather, winter was your favourite season. Waking up to a blanket of snow, the way everyone was bundled up in the right attire, how the snow would reflect the warm sun and send shards of colourful rays in every direction.

You check your reflection in the cafe window, smoothing down bits of stray hairs that had been brutally attacked while you made your way here. You your chapped lips and make your way into the cafe.

The smell of freshly brewed coffee instantly fill your senses as you make your way to the back of the cafe. Myungsoo's blue plaid shirt was a total giveaway. That boy never changes, you thought.

You take a seat opposite the smiling boy.
"Good morning, sleepyhead" he says as he sips his coffee, eyeing you while he was at it.
"Morning to you too. What's so important that you had to wake me up and drag me out here?" you question him, fiddling with the ends of your scarf.
"Oh nothing, just wanted to have morning coffee with the most beautiful girl in the world." Myungsoo replies as he smiles at you.
You mentally gag at Myungsoo's greasiness. When did he get so greasy? You pondered and came to one conclusion. Nam Woohyun. One of Myungsoo's closest friend.
You punch his arm and he lets out a small laugh.
"I was kidding, not my thing hmm?" He says as he takes a bite of his chocolate slice.
You shake your head while trying to suppress your laugh.

A few minutes into your talk, the barista brings you a cup of coffee. A white chocolate mocha to be exact, which happened to be your favourite.
"I didn't order this...?" you say to the petite looking girl, uncertainty lingering in your voice.
"You didn't, but I did" Myungsoo says as he smiles to the barista. "Thanks" he flashes his smile to her.
"Drink up." he says as he pushes the coffee towards you
"You never fail to amaze me, Kim Myungsoo" you say as you try to hide your smile and your soon to be red face behind your scarf.




The coffee shop dim their lights, signaling the end of the day for them. You stand up from your seat, stretching your limbs. You didn't realise you had been sitting for nearly five hours. Time always flew when you were with Myungsoo. Even if it was as simple as sitting in a coffee shop with him and chatting about mindless things.
It was already getting dark outside, snow lightly falling from the sky and joining the blanket of white on the ground. The moon seemed to illuminate the snow, making the streets glow.
You open the door and step outside to be greeted by the frosty wind, nipping at your face which causes you to shiver and retreat into your scarf. Myungsoo was right beside you, noticing you shoving your hands into your coat.
"Where are your gloves?" he breaks the silence as he looks down at you, concern written all over his face.
"Huh? Oh I forgot them... Was too busy rushing out the door to meet you" you say as you bring your hands up to rub them together, hopelessly trying to warm them up.
All of a sudden, Myungsoo takes off one of his gloves and shoves it on your left hand.
"What are you doing? Now your left hand is going to freeze!" you retort back at him, taking off the glove. But he stops you.
"It won't freeze." he says as he grabs your right hand, intwining his fingers with yours.
Your stomach flips and you feel your face flush crimson.
"It's a win-win situation" he says, smiling down on you, giving your hand a little squeeze.
You can't help but giggle. You turn towards him and hug him, leaning in on his chest, taking his scent in.
"Thanks for everything, Myungsoo. You're the best." you mumble into him.
"I love you" you smile as those words escape your lips and into the frosty night.
He rests his head on top of yours and wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you in closer.
"You're welcome" he breaths out, hot puffs of air disappearing into the night.
 He pulls out of the hug to stare you right in the eyes.
"I love you too, my sleepyhead" he says as he leans in, cupping your face.
His lips were like the white chocolate mocha you had, warming up your insides and taking your mind off eveything. You feel the butterflies, swirling and trying to escape, but you suppress them.
You smile and hum into the kiss. He tastes sweet, maybe from the chocolate slice he had earlier.
He breaks the kiss and smiles at you.
"Better get going before we freeze out here." he laughs and grabs your glove-less hand, lacing his fingers with yours.
You laugh out loud, your hot breath lingering in the cold night.
The sound of snow crunching and laughter was all that could be heard on this silent winter night.

main image credit [x]

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Chapter 1: This...was..amazing.I love it~.Your writing skills are great:).It was beautiful,the setting and all~.Awesome!
Chapter 1: Myungsoo is totally awesome! kyah! XD
ariaxx #3
Chapter 1: aah i want winter:OO it was beautiful..:))
i have re-read this so many times that i lost count haha..
Chocolate + Myungsoo ... I must be in heaven. This is adorable <3
Cute cute cute~! :D Myungsoo being in this only made it sweeter <33
@rubberducky: thank you!! i'm glad you enjoyed it hehehe
@kim_jaeyeon: hehe yay!! more love for myungsoo!!
@joanne_960605: i'm so happy you enjoyed it!! hahaha gotta love our greasy tree ;)
WAAAAH~ I love it, so sweet <3
LOL @ the Woohyun part! XD
Aaaaaaaacccckkk!!! Sweet as chocolate xD
I really love Myungsoo and this story just made me love him more! <3
cute.. i love it.. it was great.. :)