
Hate to Love You

Jungkook simply didn't understand. 

He paced the floors of his new apartment all while gnawing on his lip. He glanced at all the bull in the home that didn't belong to him. Park Jimin couldn't possibly have left without it all, right? He glanced up at the clock. 9:25. The chimp hadn't come home since their little altercation in the living room. Jungkook traced a finger over his busted lip in resentment. 

It had begun to drizzle outside around five o clock. By seven it had begun to pour and by nine the lightning had started. Jeon Jungkook ing hated the rain but the only thing he loathed more was lightning. He wasn't scared, tsk. No ing way. He just didn't like the sound of wet droplets on his windows and the obnoxious roar of the thunder or the flashes of lightning that made shadows in the living room. He swallowed harshly as he heard another bellow of thunder outside. 

As if on cue, loud bangs on the front door rang out. Jungkook jumped in his skin, cursing. He dragged his feet to the door, bringing an eye to the peephole only to frown. He couldn't see anyone. More knocks rang out. Jungkook brought his eye to the peephole once more, failing to see anyone again. He gulped and stepped back. This whole thing was ing creeping him out. 

"Open the ing door you ." 

Jungkook blinked. That was Park Jimin's obnoxious voice. He turned the door handle, confused out of his mind. Sure enough, there stood Park Jimin in all of his soaking wet glory. Jungkook couldn't believe the sight of him. 

"Where the did you come from?" 

Jimin shoved past the boy to enter the home. Jungkook's eye twitched in agitation. He swore to god... if Park Jimin shoved him one more time he'd ing murder the guy. 

"I've been banging on that door for ages. Are you ing deaf?" 

"I didn't see you through the peephole." Jungkook argued. Then he realized something and his lips quirked upwards. "You're too short to reach the peephole." 

Jimin scowled. " you." 

Jungkook burst into hysterical laughter. He found the whole situation too freaking funny for Jimin's liking, who pulled off his wet sweatshirt and chucked it at the boy. Jungkook ducked, still laughing. His laughter slowly faded as Jimin's wet white shirt came into view. The entire outline of Jimin's firm torso was perfectly visible through his soaked shirt. Jungkook swallowed harshly. 

"You're soaked." 

Jimin threw him a look. "No . It's raining outside." 

"You should probably change." 

"No. I'm going to stay in these clothes for the rest of the week in hopes of catching hypothermia and dying so I can haunt your ." Jimin retorted. Everything that left Jungkook's pink ing lips pissed him off to the maximum. He stalked over to the bedroom, pulling out new clothes before disappearing into the bathroom. 

Jungkook flopped down onto the couch. He let out the breath he didn't know he was holding in. He wasn't a blind man. He couldn't deny the fact that he'd found Park Jimin incredibly y just now. He shuddered to himself, wondering what had gotten into him. He really needed to get laid. 


"I thought you said you were rejecting my offer." 

Jimin slurped his instant noodles. He took a piece of radish from the side and plopped it into his mouth all while nodding. Jungkook made a face at Park Jimin's disgusting eating habits. 

"Then what are you doing here?" 

Jimin slapped his chopsticks down. 

"I do reject your demeaning offer, yes, but I'm not going to move out." 

Jungkook opened his mouth to spout some curses at the lad because what kind of bull was that, when Jimin continued. 

"At least not yet. As my humane right I demand a one month period to collect my things and find a new place." 

Jungkook scoffed. "You've got to be kidding me."  

Jimin simply stared at him blankly. 

"No. No way! Nope." 

Jimin shrugged. He rose from the kitchen table to retrieve his cell phone. 

"What are you doing?" 

"I'm calling your mom." 

Jungkook let the words dawn on him before he was up on his feet as well. He chased after the troublesome elder. 

"You know that if I dial your mother's phone number and tell her what you've been putting me through, you'll be stuck with me for the rest of eternity." Jimin snickered. He knew Jungkook's mother. It must've killed her to send her youngest son off to the ruthless city of Seoul alone. If she found out that Jungkook was living with Jimin, she'd eat it right up and Jungkook would never be able to get rid of him.

Jungkook paled. He cornered Jimin to the wall. 

"Give me your phone." 

"No way. I need to make a quick phone call." 


"Make me, jerk." 

Jungkook lashed out to take Jimin by the wrists. Jimin squirmed in his hold. They fought over the cell phone with all their might, not knowing just how close their proximity had become. Only when Jungkook had had enough and pinned Jimin's hands up above him, securing him in place, did the two realize their awkward position. Jungkook gulped. 

"I'm not asking for much, Jeon Jungkook. Thirty days." 

In all honesty Jungkook didn't care. He didn't mind cohabitating with the elder. He was alone in Seoul anyways. Although Jimin was tiny and useless and a pain in the , it brought him slight comfort to know he wasn't alone with the boy around. He released Jimin's wrist with a shove. 


Jimin rubbed his wrists. They'd grown red from Jungkook's hold. 

"But you'll have to clean -" 

"No way." 

"- Would you let me ing finish?" Jungkook growled. "You'll have to clean your messes. I'll do my own." 

Jimin pursed his lips. That seemed fair. He shrugged. "Okay." 

"And I want you out in thirty days, Park Jimin." 

Jimin snorted, stalking back to his unfinished meal. "Trust me Jeon Jungkook, I wouldn't live with you for more than a month if you begged me." 




A/N: I love their bickering I don't know if you guys do but I ing love it.

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Sun-Hi00 #1
Chapter 3: Why does it stop here ? I want updatesssssss T-T I love your fic, please continue !
Chapter 3: Ohhh...love hate..i love it~~my type of stories..me likey..haha
hwaiting authornim
Chapter 2: Yes i love this jimin. And i'm in love with this story
nunaba #4
Chapter 2: This is goint toward unexpected direction. I thought jimin would just give in but it got more interesting. Looking forward to next chap.
Noctis_luna98 #5
Chapter 1: Ommggg i cant wait for tge next chappp!! (ノ>∀<)ノ♡(σ≧▽≦)σ(≧∇≦)♥♥♡~♥~♥
i badly want to subscribe, but for some reason my subscribe button wont work?? is there a bug?? plz reply to my massage when u update the first chap and then ill subscribe ^o^ your story seems interesting
I am soooo excited