
Save Me


"Morning J! Can I borrow your homework~ pleasee~?"
"Wow, look at you gorgeous, new baby?"

I was just entered the classroom when my bestfriends Jennie and Lisa jump in front of me and shower me with their typical questions. I only smile while practically dragging them to our seat which at second lane from lecturer desk. I also nod my head to other students who are studying dilligently for upcoming Mathematical Business quiz, feeling sorry for the ruckus. Understanding the situation, Jennie and Lisa slump to their seat.


"I don't like Prof. Kim. She already gave us loads of assignment, why should we get weekly quiz too?"
"Me too, Liz. How I wish this class isn't mandatory.."
"Cheer up guys", I say as I put my homework on the table which is snatched by Jennie right after, "I received a perfect survival kit."


I take out a book given by my cousin last night. Confusion is gone from Jennie and Lisa's face after I tell them that this book has all quizes, assignment, and even lecture notes from Prof. Kim that are written neatly by Jisoo. She said that Prof. Kim didn't change any of her questions much ever since she started working at our college. The book is our real life-line for this hell-like-course, because apparently only 25% Business Studies students are passed in one try. The three of us are giggling imagining how easy our life will be in our 1st semester. Just then 3 males are entering the class with their oh-so-swaggy pose. I can see most of our classmates are pausing what they've been doing just to take a glance at them.

"Yah, what's with you guys' clothes? Is it boyband concept? Couple concept? Why is everyone wearing white shirt? Hahaha."
"Shut up, Jen. I'm already pissed looking at Namjoon wearing exactly the same shoes as me", Yoongi says as he takes off his backpack and sits beside Jennie, "Wear slipper or whatever, copycat."
"Tch, I'm lost for words. He's the one who bought the shoes after saying that it looks good on me", Namjoon mutters before taking a seat beside Lisa.
"It's fascinating, isn't it? I laughed so hard seeing them entering the kitchen one by one this morning. I thought it's a magic trick or something," Hoseok says with his huge smile, "Anyway, Lalisa, have you watched Parris new moves?"
"Her new video is up? Let's watch it together!"


Lisa grabs her bag and follows Hoseok to the table behind us. Just then I realize that one of the boys is missing. I want to ask Namjoon about him but my lips become heavier remembering what happened this weekend. I casually flip the pages of Jisoo's notebook and take picture so I can share them to our chat room.


                                                      Hi Skool

thankyou J! love you~~ :*

                                                                                will probably be the questions & answers for today's quiz
                                  got it from Jisoo
                                  just keep it for us
                                  I'll share it to others when it's proven correct for 3 weekly quiz from now

you're the best J

Min Suga
daebak. as expected from Jisoo..

too obvious, Yoongi-ah.

Min Suga
shut up, Jen.

I'm not saying anything though.
I'm staying still.


Yoongi gives Jennie a headlock, making her pulls my left arm to ask for help. These tom and jerry are at it again. Namjoon takes out his earphone and starts reading book, totally ignoring us. I nonchalantly removes her hand and turns my back telling Lisa and Hoseok to check their phone. They show their thumbs up and smirk after reading our chat room.


"Good morning class", Prof. Kim's voice filling this big classroom, "How's your weekend? I hope you spend it wise enough to finish the assignment and study for today's quiz. Should we start with thank-god-its-monday roll call?


I can hear many sighs around. Some students are probably wishing for Prof. Kim to not giving us quiz since it's only our 3rd meeting with her. Our first and second meeting with her were just a normal class where she delivered lecture material and we took notes of what she said. Knowing that my turn is still far, I muster up courage to send him message.


                                    Class starts
                                    Where are you?


I try to think for the best words I want to send next. I'm sorry about— I delete it. You know, about that— Deleted again. I'll make it up to you— Deleted again. Feeling frustrated with myself, I sigh and put down the phone. He usually texts back right away but now he hasn't check my message. I already apologized when we did group video call 2 days ago but I haven't contacted him directly since then. I wonder if he's still mad at me..


"Yah, Park Jaehee!", Namjoon whispers loudly.
"Oh, what?", I lean my body closer to him since we're 2 seats away.
"Were you daydreaming, Ms. Park? Do you want to be the first freshman who got deduction points?", Prof. Kim says sternly.
"I'm sorry, Prof.", I spontaneously get up and bow,"I was just.. Thinking about something."
"Go to the library with new face. I give you 15 minutes to bring textbooks for all of your classmates."
"New face?"


I look at the door and find a guy who wears glasses just left the room. I instantly run after him because of that 15 minutes. I won't go down alone. If I ended up late, he should be punished as well since we were given the same order. Unexpectedly, a guy who was called as new face doesn't seem to rush.


"New face, wait!", I shout making him stop walking, "Let's go together."


I pat his shoulder before continue walking in fast pace. I take a glance at him who walk few steps behind me. I finally understand why he was called new face. If he attends that class, it means we're in the same major. But I never saw him. Not at the college orientation, not at any classes before. Is he a transfer student? Is it possible to transfer after college started 3 weeks ago? He doesn't seem friendly at all but my curiousity takes over my nerve.


"Aren't you new here? Do you know where the library is? I'm Jaehee, Park Jaehee. You are?", I stop walking and face him.


He looks at me for 3 seconds as if I'm a weirdo before walking past me. I scoff at his rudeness but I start to wonder if there's really something wrong with my face or clothes. And I'm a bit mad that I can't look at myself since I left my phone at the class. I run to catch up with the new face only to find him leisurely playing with his phone and wearing the earphone. I snatch his phone and use its screen as a mirror. He looks dumbfounded, probably surprised at my bold move. Or, he might be thinking that I'm real weirdo now..


"There's nothing wrong with my look, why are you looking at me like that?", I purposely act bolder to hide my embarassment.
"Looking at you like what?"
"Like..... Ah, whatever. I don't really care about your name anyway", I mumble as I give him back his phone and walk away.
"Kim Taehyung."
"Alright, Kim Taehyung. Follow me, let's just focus on getting books."


I don't even bother to look at him. I walk casually because I'm sure that we won't be able to get back on time. Now I'll be keeping this Kim Taehyung company so I won't get deduction points alone. Once we reach the library at 3rd floor, we're welcomed by a big trolley full of books. I should've known that this is a mission impossible. I sign the document and give it back to the librarian before pushing this trolley together with him. At least there are 50 books in here, this is so freaking heavy.

Once the elevator door opened at 2nd floor, I order Kim Taehyung to push this trolley harder so we could get to the class faster. Not quite the same as the way he looks, this new face is actually strong. I don't even need to push at all and he doesn't look tired too. When we're about to take turn to the hallway where our class is at, the trolley suddenly bumps into something. Wait. Oh no, it's someone. As soon as I heard someone's shouting 'Aaaw', I jump to the front of this trolley.


"Jungkook-ah! Are you okay?", I say as I'm panicked seeing him lying on the floor.
"Are you the one who push it?"
"Technically, but actually.. Not really.. I'm so sorry."
"What are you saying? I'm okay though, just help me to stand up."
"Are you really okay?", I help him up but I doubt him since it wasn't a 'light touch' with the trolley.
"I'm fine."


Jungkook smiles but I know that he's trying to console me. There's no way he'll be fine after falling 3 meters away from where the trolley stopped. I glance at new face because Jungkook looks at behind me. I'm not surprised that this rude guys didn't move an inch to help or just to say sorry. Instead, he starts to push the trolley again trying to escape the situation.


"Where are you going?", I say as I grab his arm.
"To the class", he answers after looking at my hand on his arm.
"Are you kidding me? Stay. You're not feeling sorry that you— I mean, we, hit him?"
"Why should I?"
"Yah! You—", I almost shout but Jungkook stops me.


I calm myself before talking to this Kim Taehyung again. I ask him to stay because we're both wrong, so we'll be punished equally. And it's better for us to arrive together to avoid greater penalty. Eventhough he looks annoyed, he leans back to the wall and takes out his ear phone which I assume that he agrees with my compromise.


"Is he a new student"
"Yeah. But are you really okay? You're not hurt anywhere?", I say as I'm trying to check if there's any scratch on his body.
"I texted you back but you didn't reply."
"Sorry, I left my phone at the class. Are you skipping class?"
"No, I feel a bit unwell", Jungkook says as he brings my hand to his forehead making me surprised because it's very hot.
"Why didn't you go to the hospital?  Or at least you should stay at home and sleep, you know. Not walking around here—"


Jungkook suddenly pulls me into his arm. I can feel his heat more now since his cheek comes in contact with mine. I can hear his breathing sound which is weaker than any other days. I hug him back and pat his back before pulling away. Since he's the youngest in his family, he's always been clingy. But I know it gets worse when he's sick or sad. I've taken care of him few times before when he was sick. It's not because his cousins weren't doing well but it's me who is especially good at nursing.


"Do you want to stay at the medical room?"
"No, I'll just wait for you in my car."
"Should I take you there?"
"No, it's okay."
"Alright, take care. Text me if you need anything. I'll be out in an hour", I say before waking up Kim Taehyung's earphone. He seemed to be dozing off before I pull out his earphone.
"Don't stay too long", Jungkook suddenly says as he grabs my hand.
"Oh..? Okay."


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I'm so ready for this story, this one looks really captivating me.
kookieforlife #2
I'm liking this already! Oh my! Cant wait!!!!!
ynanavarro #3
The description had me hooked! gonna lookout for this