


Always a bad sign...


Reviewed X3


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Chapter 1: woah, this was really good. very well written, emotionally engaging (in an strocious way, my heart is suffering ok)

i loved it!!
Aw! :( You have to continue it. Please~. It seems so unfinished; like there is so many places you could go, so many things you could do with it. You left so many questions unanswered. Why did Taemin say that to Minho? Why does Minho think he is going to hurt/kill Taemin? Is Minho going to hurt/kill Taemin? Is Minho a e? Is Minho crazy? Why did you call the bar a Tavern? Is it in a different time period? Wait, no. There wouldn't be crime-scene tape then.
I am lost.
I really want to read more.
WOAH very well-written o_o...<br />
Would you be able to continue it?<br />
I know its just a drabble but i think u keep readers hanging w/ that ending XD!<br />
Haha if i ask, would u continue it XD XD?<br />
Great drabble, but should b longer than one HEHE ^_^!