His bestfriend

Who Am I?

It only took 15 minutes to walk from the bus station to Jimin's house. Apparently, Nobody's around this area. No neighbour. No animal. Very quiet and peaceful. But at the same time the silence made Jungkook felt uncomfortable. 

"Do you like my place? I know It's creepy since noone is here but It's the best house you can find in this area. If you ever need to find a place to live, you can always come look for me here unless I'm in Seoul." Jimin spoke, breaking the silence.

"I don't think of leaving you though." Jungkook assured Jimin bluntly.

"Huh?" Jimin's unsure of what that's supposed to mean.

"I mean, I'd not leave you for awhile as though I'll be living in Seoul with you." Jungkook still doesn't make as much sense but he tried

"I guess..." Jimin for the first time he didn't get Jungkook.

The awkward silence came back as they walked around the house. Everything were oganized since Jimin cleaned his house before leaving. He then proceeded to unlock his door and let Jungkook walk in. 

"Com'on In. It's my room" Jimin happily invited.

Almost everything in the room is white. The wall is white. The bed is white. The pillow, the blanket, the fan, the table, the chair are all white. 

"Is this your bestfriend?" Jungkook spot an attractive man with a big box smile on his face next to Jimin on the fame picture hung on the wall.

"Isn't he handsome?" Jimin asked proudly. "He'd do everything for me. He's the type of person who will give everything to the people he trusted and loved. That's what I love so much about him."

'That's what I love so much about him' why do I feel like those words cut through my chest. I felt pain when Jimin compliment his friend. Well, his best friend to be exact. Someone who's so handsome. Someone who saved his life. Someone he can't imagine living without. Someone he missed so much and can't wait to meet again..

Jungkook began to feel anxious and worried that his life saver has an owner. He doesn't like the fact that something or someone he considered precious is owned by someone else and that he won't be able to touch or keep unless he has permission to. The feeling of wanting to earn and own something but there's nothing you can do to be able to achieve that. The feeling of being hopeless along with feeling jealous and envy.

"He's lucky. He found you first. He saved you. And he has you." Jungkook replied straightly without thinking.

Again Jimin found himself confused with Jungkook's replies. "No...I'm the lucky one. Without him, I might not have survived my dark time, Jungkookie."

That's what he has but I don't. That's why I can't replace him That's why I can't be like him. That's why I can't become something even if I'll work so hard for because It wasn't belonging to me. It's already belonged to someone else. Someone who looks like who has owned you. Jiminie..

Jungkook snapped himself out of those negative thoughts yet so true. He doesn't want to lose Jimin eventhough he doesn't own Jimin. All he wants now is to be able to stay beside Jimin and survive the battle he chose to fight for. 





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Preparing for BTS comeback I won't write again until they are done with promotion!!! So many things going on!!
Thank you for your encouraging words guys!
I have been busy voting for BTS on Soribada, I'll try my best to update more often.
Omg, this story is reeaalllyyy good i love it so much keep up the good work
Noctis_luna98 #4
Chapter 7: Dont you dare kim fakin taehyunggg!! Kookie! kick hiss out!!(✖╭╮✖)ヽ(`⌒´)ノ