Chapter 3

The Young and Restless
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The next day all the teens agreed to go hiking early in the morning. The sky was clear and bright the perfect weather for a morning hike. The teens gathered around and prepared for their hiking trip. They all gathered in the lobby.

“Since being in the same team can be boring, lets switch groups. This time we’ll be in two groups. The first group is Namjoon, Jennie, Yoongi, Jin and Hoseok. The next team will be me, Lisa, Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung. The oldest versus the youngest.” Jisoo said and everyone agreed except Yoongi.

“Are we really going hiking? We played volleyball yesterday. Can’t we do something indoors?” Yoongi asked as he grunted at the sunshine that fell on his face.

“We could, but there’s so much more you can do and explore outdoors.” Jisoo explained and although Yoongi had a very unfavorable look on his face he didn’t push the matter anymore since Jisoo wasn’t complaining despite wearing an eye patch. The bus arrived to pick up the teenagers and they all boarded with their backpacks.

“Let’s come up with team names.” Jin suggested and the other teenagers all agreed. Everyone gathered near their group members and began discussing their group name.
“It’s decided. We are team Omaha.” Hoseok announced to the other team who simply nodded. Taehyung ushered Jisoo to reveal their team name. Jisoo looked at her team mates and cleared before revealing their name.

“We decided on the name Omega.” Jisoo announced and team Omaha simply nodded as well. The teenagers began to talk about the hiking trip.

“I want to move as little as possible and work as less as I can.” Yoongi announced to everyone who looked at him not knowing what to say next. Luckily, Jisoo seemed to know how to respond to Yoongi’s comments at this point.

“That’s not exactly something new.” Jisoo joked and everyone laughed and even the motionless Yoongi smiled a bit before leaning against his chair.

The teenagers arrived at the mountain and were about to start their hiking when Jisoo’s phone buzzed through her pants. Jisoo took out her phone and realized she had an incoming call from her mother. Jisoo walked away from the group who was too busy discussing the hike, to answer her call from her mother.

“JISOO!” Jisoo’s mother yelled through her phone loudly enough to cause Jisoo to pull her phone back. Jisoo sighed slowly before putting the phone near her ear again.

“Yes mother.” Jisoo answered as she waited for her mother to respond.

“Your aunt has been calling you and your cousins all day. She couldn’t get a hold of any of you so she called me. You never called her yesterday to say that you arrived safely. Is that how you’re going to thank them for taking you in? You better call her right now and tell your cousins to call their mothers too. I don’t care what you do, but you make sure your cousins are well. Do you hear me?” Jisoo’s mother said and Jisoo sighed deeply realizing her mistake.

“Yes mother.” Jisoo responded and her mother hung up without a word. Jisoo sighed deeply once again and called her aunt. The phone rang once and then someone answered.

“Jisoo-ah?” Jisoo’s aunt who was also Jisoo’s adopted mother answered.

“Mom. I’m sorry I didn’t call you yesterday. I made everyone give me their phones so we could get along and I worried you. I’m sorry.” Jisoo apologized as she looked down at the ground. Jisoo’s aunt sighed deeply before speaking.

“It’s alright. I was worried about all of you, but since you are all well that’s all that matters. Please be safe and call me when you have the chance.” Jisoo’s aunt responded and Jisoo nodded to herself.

“Yes, mom.” Jisoo responded politely before they hung up. Suddenly her phone rang again and Jisoo answered.

“Dad.” Jisoo greeted as she looked at the floor already knowing why her uncle called her.

“Jisoo-ah. Did your mother call you?” Jisoo’s uncle asked her and Jisoo sighed once again realizing who he was referring to.

“Yes, she called me and gave me a lecture.” Jisoo admitted as she looked down at the ground.

“Jisoo-ah you do realize you’re at fault, right?” Jisoo’s uncle said and Jisoo pouted a bit before nodding to herself.

“Yes.” Jisoo simply responded feeling worse for not having called her aunt when they arrived. She could only imagine what the other students must be feeling right now.

“If you know that then there’s no need for me to lecture you as well. Make sure to call your mom and your mother more. They both worry about you.” Jisoo’s uncle said and Jisoo began playing with the dirt with her foot.

“If that was true she would’ve asked how I was doing, but instead she worried more about my cousins.” Jisoo said with a hint of bitterness and sadness. Jisoo’s uncle sighed lightly through the other line before speaking.

“Your mom loves you it’s just that your aunt..I mean mother has been pressuring her to find out how if you and your cousins were alright.” Jisoo’s uncle explained and Jisoo began making circles in the dirt with the tip of her shoe.

“I understand dad. I’ll be more careful from now on.” Jisoo said with little enthusiasm and her uncle knew that when she sounded so unenthusiastic, but promised something it was because she was still struggling to adjust, but she didn’t want to let down the only father figure she had known.

“That’s my girl. Take care princess and I love you.” Jisoo’s uncle made sure to show his affection towards Jisoo even if he found it hard to say those words to his own children. Jisoo smiled a bit and nodded as if her uncle could see her through the phone.

“I love you too, dad.” Jisoo responded feeling a bit better about the conversations she had. Jisoo ended the call and sighed deeply feeling defeated already. Jisoo grunted in frustration when she realized an even more terrifying ordeal.

“I forgot to tell them to contact their parents before handing me their phones.” Jisoo whined to herself feeling more and more upset with herself for causing such a problem. Jisoo sighed once more before turning around to return to the group when she came face to face with Jungkook.

“Are you okay?” Jungkook cautiously asked Jisoo as he fidgeted with his own hand. Jisoo tried her best to smile despite how upset she was feeling.

“Perfect! We should hurry back. If Team Omaha beats us, it won’t be a happy moment for anyone.” Jisoo tried to lightly tease as she laughed before walking past Jungkook to join the group. Jungkook silently followed Jisoo without a word.

“Okay! Before we begin, Jennie give everyone their phone and call your parents. I’m sure none of you contacted them yesterday and they must be very worried.” Jisoo announced as she watched as everyone’s smiles slowly faded away. Jisoo knew from the looks on their faces that they were scared to contact their parents so she took measures into her own hands.

“Actually, I have a better idea. I’ll contact your parents on your behalf. This is my fault either way.” Jisoo said as she looked at everyone’s surprised expression. Everyone looked at each other not sure of what to do or how to respond.

Before anyone had a chance to argue Jisoo took the closest person’s phone which was Taehyung and forced him to contact his mother before taking the phone and speaking to his parents. One by one Jisoo called each and everyone’s parents including Jennie’s and Namjoon’s just so there wouldn’t be any further problems. Jisoo received yells from all the parents including her aunts and uncles as soon as they answered, but they quickly calmed down after Jisoo explained the situation and apologizing. After the last call was made, Jisoo looked at everyone and smiled.

“Is everyone ready?” Jisoo said trying to sound enthusiastic even though she herself was already feeling the weight on her shoulders being lifted it didn’t ease the feeling she was still feeling.

“Prez, you didn’t have to do that.” Jin said as he looked at Jis

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Hello everyone!

I am currently typing up and saving my chapters in draft mode. Hurricane Irma is fastly approaching my state and I will be out of electricity for a long time. This being said I still have access to my phone and will be able to slowly release the chapters during the hurricane.


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supernatural05 #1
Keep up the good work