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"Hey, Yeon, you're boyfriend's wearing short shorts again." Chaewon stated upon seeing Hoseok entering the exercise room where his group of friends were already gathered at the back part of the room. "Ugh, shut up, Won. He's not my boyfriend." Chaeyeon countered as her back was towards the male as she continued to do her stretches while ignoring her sister and friends' giggles. "Why aren't you guys stretching before dance class start?" "Because we already do stretches first when class starts, Yeon." Jaemin reminded her with a laugh. "Wow Yeon. Have you forgotten? We've been taking this class for weeks now." Jaerin chuckled as the older woman rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Rin. It still helps to stretch the limbs."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, Yeon." Chaewon dismissed her sister as she patted her on the back. "Just don't forget to look at your y boyfriend." "He's not my boyfriend." Chaeyeon groaned as Jaerin squatted next to her friend with a playful smile. "Hoseok actually has some nice legs." Jaemin squatted on the other side of Chaeyeon with a matching expression. "Rin's right, but them shorts are so booty shorts status." "I don't care about his shorts, Min, and could you guys stop making it seem like he and I are together when we're not. We don't even talk to each other." Chaeyeon huffed a bit embarrassed by the younger women's constant teasing as her sister squatted right in front of her with a judging face. "It's because you run away every time he tries to approach you."

"I do not." Chaeyeon denied as she finished her floor exercises and continued to stay seated. "There are other girls here that fawn all over him, anyways. So it's not like me running away means anything really." "Psh, yeah right." Jaerin elbowed her. "You do run away and honestly you just fawn over Hoseok from a distance." "Rin's right, Yeon. You do fawn over Hoseok from like faraway instead of like the others in this class. And Won's right about you running away when he approaches you." Jaemin added as Chaeyeon glared at all three of them. "Because they're so obviously thirsty for the guy and I'm not. Anyways, why do y'all care about what I do or don't do, huh?" She then side-glanced each of them a bit annoyed.

"You always stare at Hyunwoo and make small comments about him being y in sleeveless shirts or just being good-looking in general, Won." Chaeyeon pointed at Chaewon before pointing at Jaerin. "You think Jooheon is the most adorable and charismatic out of Hoseok's group of friends, Rin. And you, Min." She then pointed at Jaemin. "Won't stop openly flirting subtly with Changkyun." Chaeyeon smiled in satisfaction as the other three remained silent for a bit before bursting into a fit of laughter which made the older woman frown. "Ugh. Why do I even bother with you three?" "Because you love us, Yeon." Jaerin cooed as she enveloped Chaeyeon into a hug with Jaemin following along. "And because you know it, too." "Ugh. Hate you guys."

Chaeyeon struggled to get out of the twins' holds as she tried to stand up, but only got into a squatting position before Chaewon decided to mess with her sister a bit out of her own enjoyment. Chaewon waited for the twins to let her older sister go before using her index to push Chaeyeon backwards which made the older woman fumbled on the balls of her heels before actually toppling over onto the floor mats with the trio chuckling at their friend's predicament. "But I definitely and for sure hate you the most." Chaeyeon wiggled her index finger at her sister with a wry look while slowly standing back up on her own two feet. "This is the last time I attend this dance class with any of you."

The trio just laughed at their friend as their dance instructor walked in. "Hello everyone!" She greeted them happily. "I see we're all set and ready to learn a new dance routine today. Yeah?!" "Yeah!" Everyone agreed as she introduced herself like she does every time when a new class for another dance routine happened. "For those of who are here for the first time, my name is Kyunghee and welcome to my class." She paused to give the newcomers a moment before resuming again. "Today's class will be different today. You all will be learning a dance routine that isn't mine, but a friend of mine's. I really liked the song, but my friend is a way better dancer than I am." She laughed as she then turned behind her to face the TV.

"I'll play his video for you guys to see the choreography and then after that we can begin." Kyunghee informed them as she had the video already up and hit play. It was Jay Park's Me Like Yuh and a male and female were the main dancers to which Chaeyeon recognized the woman instantly as she already knew who the guy was. "Oh my gosh, that's Soyun!" She slightly fangirl upon seeing the idol. "She looks so good with Bongyoung. Dude, that chemistry already!" Chaeyeon couldn't help but groove to the beat as this was one of her favorite tracks from Jay Park. "Who is she?" The twins asked at the same time. "Oh, she's an idol from the girl group, Playback." "Oh, that's her? No wonder she looked familiar." Chaewon said with a smile. "Bongyoung is hella fine though."

"Because he's freaking tall, that's why." Chaeyeon stated as Chaewon laughed. "That, too." "Wait, who's he?" Jaerin asked as Jaemin added. "Is he famous, too?" "Um, kinda, but not really. He's not an idol though or a celebrity." Chaeyeon explained. "He teaches choreography at a dance studio called 1MILLION with other choreographers like him. They're pretty amazing." "And how come you're not taking lessons over there?" Jaerin nudged her as Chaeyeon rolled her eyes at her friend's playfulness. "Because the fee is pretty steep for me and the time doesn't clash well with my schedule." "Well, at least you're taking this one and can see your boyfriend, right?" Jaemin cooed also nudging the older woman as Chaeyeon nudged her friend back. "Stop."

The quartet continued to watch the rest of the video not aware another group of friends glancing their way every now and then. When the clip ended, Kyunghee clapped her hands together with a large smile. "Wasn't that wonderful? Anyways, Park Bongyoung is a friend of mine way back and he sent me this clip because he wanted feedback and to rub it in my face that I lost out on being his partner for this. Psh, yeah right. I got my own thing going on." She laughed before talking again. "Well, they also made a video tutorial to which I will also play for you guys to learn the dance moves so you can get the gist of it when I start explaining them later on." She then went to find another clip. "I'll play the one where others have also learned the dance before the tutorial one."

Once the class finished both videos, Kyunghee began the stretches before asking for volunteers that wanted to help her demonstrate the dance moves. No one raised their hands or seemed eager to do so. "Hmm, then could I get Hoseok and Chaeyeon up here, please." She called out two names as Hoseok made his way to the front with a wide grin as Chaeyeon held back despite the other three nudging her to go join the male and instructor. "Um, I'm sorry Miss Kyunghee. My ankle doesn't feel too good right now to join you." Chaeyeon lied as she pretended to rub at her right ankle. "I'm sorry." "It's okay, dear. Um," Kyunghee looked at the other dancers and noticed that practically a majority of the female students were raising their hands now.

"Saeron. Please come up here." Kyunghee chose from the front this time as a younger woman yelped happily while joining the duo to demonstrate the choreography. "Yes!" "Okay, everyone. Just spread out from one another within a good distance so that you don't hit each other and watch closely." Kyunghee explained as she began the actual dance class now. As everyone spaced out and got ready, the trio bombarded Chaeyeon with words of protest. "Why did you lie?" "Why didn't you just go up there?" "That was your chance, y'know." "That's messed up." "He looked disappointed when you said that." Chaeyeon just rolled her eyes as she remained indifferent about it all. "I'm not that good and I get too shy when dancing in front of others when they watch me."

She shrugged with an aloof expression. "Besides, there's practically more girls than boys in this class, anyways. So I don't need to pair up for anything when the ratio is off." "Wow." The female trio commented as Chaeyeon rolled her eyes again. "If it was one of your crushes, then I wanna see you go up there to dance with him." "Ohhh." They cooed as Chaeyeon realized what she had just mentioned. "Your crush, eh, Yeon?" Jaemin teased from the right of Chaeyeon as Chaewon continued. "I knew you like him, so stop denying your feelings." "Shut up." Jaerin just laughed and soon enough they returned their attention when Kyunghee began talking again while doing each part as Hoseok and Saeron demonstrated the routine step by step right after her.

After demonstrating the dance all the way through with her helpers, Kyunghee then had the duo return to their spot so she could go over the first part of the choreography with more details. "Let's start!" She clapped happily as she made her way to another part of the room so that the mirrors were now behind her with the class

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