
baby, keep me up all night


(15:10) hey danielll. red or blue?

(15:16) what is it for?

(15:17) i need a shirt for tomorrows dance competition

(15:17) i’m so nervous

(15:18) you’ll do well. :)

(15:20) i’ve never seen you so i can’t say much but i’d go for blue. red can be overwhelming

(15:21) yea i tried it on and i think im getting this one

(15:21) thanks daniel!!!

(15:22) and fyi i look good ;)

(15:23) i rolled my eyes irl.

(15:30) you’re just jealous :D


(15:53) now i’m wondering what u look like

(16:04) average. :)

(16:06) you’re no fun :(((((((


(20:50) i’m home and i’m so tired

(20:53) daniel?

(20:54) where are you :( did i get readzoned :(

(21:32) i’m here

(21:37) sorry seongwoo. something came up. i’m annoyed and unable to go home. on top of that, i’m sleepy as hell

(21:40) ah please take care of yourself!!

(21:43) i’m trying my best… sorry for sounding so grumpy. i don’t mean to

(21:44) you should sleep, you have your competition tomorrow.

(21:46) yeah no i just wanted to check up on you! glad to know ur alive

(22:32) barely alive.

(22:38) you’ll be fine :) if you wanna talk about it im here

(22:39) i’m having a hard time falling asleep so yeah


(23:00) daniel?

(23:11) you disappeared.. i’ll go and try to sleep again. goodnight daniel (:




(09:17) i hope you’re alright :(


(10:02) i’m ok. good luck for today.

(10:08) thank u daniel!!!


(10:28) hey jisung.. do you think im annoying him

(10:29) who?

(10:30) the guy i told you about yesterday, daniel

(10:31) daniel? why would you annoy him?

(10:34) i dont know :( he doesn’t seem like he wants to talk to me

(10:35) awww seongwoo... maybe he’s a very busy person. i’m sure he has his own motives.

(10:36) yeah you’re right.. still, i can’t help but think that im probably creeping him out or something

(10:37) maybe he thinks i got his number on purpose

(10:37) maybe he thinks i’m a stalker??? or a killer?? what if he reports me to the police???

(10:38) i should stop messaging him…

(10:39) jisuuuuung

(10:39) i’m sad

(10:45) ong!! you’re not allowed to be sad >:( also stop over thinking. he would have blocked you already if it was one of those cases.

(10:47) good point :(

(10:50) he sounds so cool jisung… i wish we could be close friends or something

(11:01) you should tell him!

(11:02) that will creep him out even more D:

(11:03) i don’t know anything but his name and that he also enjoys dancing

(11:06) i don’t think he wants to tell me more :(

(11:14) if he was really that creeped out he wouldn’t be replying to you. pretty sure he’ll open sooner or later. just give him some time. :)

(11:20) i guess so… thank you jisung. you’re the best

(12:19) i’m omw to the venue, ttyl <3

(12:21) be happy, seongwoo! and tell the kids i said hi ;)


(22:19) hi daniel. am i bothering you? are you awake?

(22:20) i got home ten minutes ago from the competition. it was wild!! everyone was sooooo good!! but we won first place :D

(22:23) good evening seongwoo. i’m glad you had a blast. and congrats :)

(22:25) i also just got home.

(22:26) and i’m surprisingly more awake than ever

(22:30) thank you! we did our best //

(22:30) clearly.

(22:34) sooo is something keeping you up or are you really not tired at all?

(22:36) something in between

(22:37) i’m deep in thought.

(22:38) thinking about what???

(22:39) it’s just… a thing that happened today to me.

(22:43) wanna talk about it? :)

(22:44) are you genuinely interested or

(22:44) ‘cause it’s not that much of a big thing. let alone interesting

(22:46) im hurt 3

(22:47) of course i am

(22:47) i’m interested in u, daniel


(22:55) daniel?


(23:07) what?

(23:07) what

(23:08) … nothing

(23:10) anyway. promise me you will not laugh or judge me and i’ll tell you about it

(23:11) ok. am i allowed to smile :)

(23:12) whatever suits you, seongwoo…

(23:12) hehe. okay so?

(23:15) don’t laugh okay.

(23:15) hmmm

(23:15) so i was at the practice room today, right.

(23:16) and as i finished and was about to leave the room, bag in hand and all, this beauty appears out of nowhere

(23:16) oh.

(23:16) she was probably the most beautiful thing i’ve ever laid my eyes on, seongwoo.

(23:17) you’re being a total cheeseball right now

(23:17) i’m cringing

(23:18) i wish i was exaggerating. but i am not.

(23:19) i wanted to take her home so bad.

(23:20) lol why didn’t you?

(23:21) she left as soon as i tried to approach her..

(23:22) HAHAHA

(23:22) i asked you not to laugh. who’s hurt now.

(23:23) i’m SORRY. how can that not be funny

(23:24) it’s fine. i was told that she comes there often.

(23:24) i’m going back tomorrow to see if i can catch her...

(23:25) she’s not taken so i have really high hopes. :)

(23:28) good luck about that, buddy

(23:29) wanna see what she looks like?

(23:30) uhhhh?

(23:30) you have a picture of her? that’s downright creepy, daniel…

(23:31) not my fault she looked DAZZLING. it’s a little blurred though.

(23:32) lol ok let me see and be the judge

(23:36) i’m trying to send it.

(23:36) sure. :)


(23:48) uh???

(23:49) daniel????

(23:50) did you fall asleep

(23:58) goodnight :(



(07:47) sorry. i fell asleep without a warning once again.

(08:05) good morning daniel :D

(08:06) it’s okay i dozed off a little after you left

(08:08) have a nice day!!!

(08:10) good morning. :)

(08:10) you too, seongwoo.

(08:37) thanks! keep me updated about that beauty. ;)

(09:05) sure. :)


(11:29) r.i.p. seongwoo and daniel’s short-lived friendship

(11:43) ??? are you okay? something happened between you two?

(11:48) jisunggg

(11:49) daniel’s gonna get himself a girlfriend soon :(

(11:50) he’ll totally forget about me

(11:54) i feel like a FAILURE. what do i do

(11:56) oh no… it’s not your fault seongwoo. but let’s hope he won’t be a bad person and will keep talking to you despite being in a relationship. :)

(11:57) 3


(11:59) i thought we couLD BE FRIENDS

(12:04) cheer up!! you still have me and the kids ;)

(12:07) true :( sorry for being whiny

(12:08) i’ll try and bother him less from now on…

(12:10) as long as you’re happy! :D

(12:14) thank u jisung <3


(18:27) seongwoo…

(18:30) she’s officially mine.



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(13:28) daniel…

(13:29) yes jaehwan?

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(13:36) ???

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(13:40) STOP IT

(13:43) you got yourself the most beautiful cat on earth I GET IT

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(13:45) I SWEAR TO GOD

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(13:49) she says thank you. :)


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Chapter 3: update please :((
Chapter 3: Waahh!!! Update please author-nim!!

I love this story!!
bunny_danikkkk #3
Chapter 3: Update please, author-niiiiim huhuhu
Ai_Fang90 #4
Chapter 3: Woa~I love your story authornim!!!
And I want an update..kkk
Yunnaa #5
Chapter 3: Love it
yiseulbi #6
Chapter 3: CUTE AF
tara-xoxo #7
Chapter 3: oh my god dear I love this one !
aaaa yes i saw this on ao3 but im gonna subscribe here anw!
it's so adorable, ack.
bunny_danikkkk #9
Update soon author-nimmm!!! I love ur story :)
bunny_danikkkk #10
Update soon author-nimmm!!! I love ur story :)