
Diggy Oneshot Collection

“So, Seulgi unnie…”




What Yerim got from Seulgi was barely a response. The second they sat down, Seulgi was quick to pull out her phone, angling herself just to take an Instagram worthy pic of her cupcake before forwarding it to her baby girl. Her baby girl studying hard for their future. (Seulgi is squealing deep inside already)


But Yerim didn’t seem to mind, because if anybody could grab anybody’s attention it was no other than Kim Yerim herself.


“In a rate of 1-10, how nasty do you and Eunae get?”


“Get what?” Seulgi sounds barely responsive.


“In bed?”


“Wait? What?!”


There you go, that’s a reaction.


“Jesus Christ, Yeri, like seriously?” Sooyoung said, regretting on sipping on her tea after Yeri just blurts out stuff like this in public. “Not everyone is a like you.”


“Where did you think I learn that from?”


“Shut it before I shut it for you.” Sooyoung warned her to no avail. “And c’mon, it’s not like you’re not curious about it.




Seulgi looks at Sooyoung in dismay. Sooyoung glares at Yeri like she is ready to murder the girl.


“We are eating cupcakes, where did this question even come from?”


“Well, this cupcake is nasty good and I see Seulgi unnie on her phone which I’m guessing is texting Eunae.”


“I’m not texting Eunae,” Seulgi answers back. Her girlfriend is currently in class and Seulgi would never try to come in between her girlfriend’s education. Instead, she’ll settle with liking her posts on Instagram.


“Well, something related to Eunae. So, yup, connect those two and two together and my mind thought of it. So, Seulgi unnie going back to you. In a rate of 1-10… like 1 being Happiness to 10 which is like Make stars blush, what can you say is yours and Eunae’s level?”


Seulgi had to put down her phone to actually think of that one. Nasty is the last thing that Seulgi would ever describe her relationship with Eunae. They had always been the make love type. There’s a lot of kisses, a whole lot of kisses and there’s a lot of I love you’s, a whole lot of I love’s you’s.


Seulgi could never admit it to anyone but she almost teared up after their first time. (Okay, she didn’t almost teared up, she did tear up and Eunae went to panic mode thinking that it was terrible. And Seulgi had to reassure her girlfriend that it wasn’t like that, not at all.)


But it was the opposite of that, it’s like how those KPOP idols cry on stage when they get their first win? Seulgi felt like that experience was something very similar to that, like she couldn’t contain her happiness in a neat set of words.


“Ummm…. I don’t know… three maybe?”


“A three?”


Sooyoung and Yeri exchanged confused looks, with a girlfriend as delicious looking as Eunae, Seulgi is only going to give a three rating?


That’s not even ice cream cake level.”


“Well… we don’t really you know... go wild? We just… Is that bad?”




The disappointed Ohs in Yeri and Sooyoung’s tone was enough to get Seulgi all frazzled. What does that mean?






Seungwan leans over the cafeteria table, trying to figure out what Seulgi is head slumped down and her words are muffled by the table.


“There there, Seul, if it makes you feel any better this day is just as worse for me too.” Seungwan tries to reassure her bestfriend, while slathering a heart clogging amount of cream cheese on her bagel.


“You know, when you are trying to be a good girlfriend but your girlfriend is PMSing?”


Seulgi has been single since birth unless you count the unfortunate blind dates that Sooyoung and Yeri tricked her to go as relationships. So, whatever Seungwan is whining about, Seulgi really can’t relate.


So, she continued to play dead and this gave Seungwan the silent permission to go on.


“I asked Joohyun, are you okay? Then she started ranting about why, what’s wrong? Am I not okay? Do I not look okay? So, I just shut up cause I’m whipped like that.” She said before chugging down her orange juice without a single thought of the calories or sugar.


“Then she asked me to get Downy, and mind this, Seul… this was at ten last night… So, I did. Then, when I got home she got mad at me again because I got her Active Fresh instead of April Fresh, like how would I know?”


Seungwan starts waving her bagel in the air in sheer frustration before she continued,


“They both have gray containers and they both start with A and ends with fresh. So, I suggested, nicely that maybe you should try something different, and you know what she said? You know what my girlfriend of 3 years said? Oh yeah? like a different girlfriend? I’m like shiiiittt…” Seungwan took a huge chomp of her bagel before shaking her head.


But Seungwan is nowhere near done…


“Did I get upset with her when got me purple onions when I specifically asked for white? Of course I didn’t!”


Obviously she did if she’s still harboring salty feels about it.


“She didn’t even know that it irked me, she’s freaking 22 years old how can she not know the difference between white and purple? It completely ruined my salad, but you know what? It’s over and done.”


Seungwan took a couple of deep breaths before saying the final touches.


“I’m so upset, she’s making me eat all these carbs. Not the simple carbs, but the kind of carbs that goes straight to your hips and . But enough about me, how about you?”






“So ummm… in a rate of 1-10, 1 being Happiness and 10 making stars blush. How nasty do you and unnie get?”


Wendy almost choked on her bagel as that question came out of nowhere.




“How nasty do you and unnie get?”


“What? Seul… that’s kinda like a personal question.” But Wendy could rate it at 11. “Why are you asking?”


“Yerim was wondering about it.”


Why is Wendy even surprise where that question came from?


“About how nasty we get?”


“Well… more of how nasty me and Eunae get. How do you spice things up with Joohyun unnie?”


It was surprising to ask someone who looks like such a fluffball about these types of things.


“Spice things up? I think we are doing okay without the whole spicing things up. I really don’t think you should care about Yerim’s question.”


“I’m just thinking that there’s gonna come a time that you know, Eunae might get bored.”


This was Seulgi first real relationship. So, Seungwan couldn’t really blame her if the simplest things could get Seulgi in a tizzy. But one thing that Seulgi needs to learn is to have faith on what she had with Eunae. What the two of them is something almost no college students in a relationship have, and that’s to have their relationship just revolved around . The two of them are ones you could probably predict who would end up getting married.


“I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Like everything else, some people have their preference.”


Seulgi blinks those almond eyes in confusion. “What do you mean?”


“Well, think of it this way, Seul… some like red flavor better and some like Peek a boo. Doesn’t mean anyone is wrong or someone is more right, it’s just a preference type.”


“But shouldn’t we like try different concepts?”


“Well, if you think that’s what you need then maybe. It’s up to you.”


Seungwan’s phone started rattling on the cafeteria table, begging for her attention.


“Well, well, look what we have here? The Downy dictator is trying to call. Well, guess what? She just has to wait cause I’m having a great mothering time with my bestfriend and my bagel.”


Seungwan scoffs between taking another bite of her bagel, but that carby goodness didn’t last her long when a deep sense of dread starts to take over. Last time she didn’t pick up her phone, Joohyun went to the campus police to search for her.


So much for trust and honesty as the foundation of a relationship.


Her phone continued ringing and soon it wasn’t the bagel that she’s nervously chewing.




“I got to take this, Seul.” Seungwan swipes the vibrating contraption of the table and was ready to speed out of there, but not before reminding her bestfriend. “Don’t worry bout Yeri’s question.”


Seulgi groans as she watches her whipped bestfriend run out of the dining hall, with her phone immediately glued to her ear.





“You know what I wish for, baby?”


Eunae burrows herself in her girlfriend’s arms, answering Seulgi with a sleepy. “Hmmm?”


“I wish we have those lights that has the clap thingies so all we do is clap and it turns off.”


Eunae answers with a huge sigh before getting out of bed. A huge lump of throat was starting to choke Seulgi as she watches her gorgeous girlfriend walked over to turn off the light. But Gawd! The sight of those tank top and boxer shorts just trigger enough feels.


And if this is how she dies, dehydration from her own thirst then Seulgi is sure to die happily.




Eunae got back into Seulgi’s bed, wrapping her girl in her arms. “Yeah?”


“Do you think I’m y?”


Eunae was half awake but that question sure did wonders to her consciousness. “Where is that coming from?”


Seulgi pouts before saying, “Is that your way of saying I’m not?”


The younger girlfriend could only chuckle softly at her lover’s wounded pride. Sometimes even she wonders who’s the younger one. Eunae scoots herself closer to her pouting girl before wrapping those luscious legs around Seulgi’s waist.


“I think you’re absolutely beautiful.”


“So, no?”


“What do you mean by y though?”


“You know y… like when you see me, you go, omo I want to ummm… you know, ahhh… do the nasty with me?”


“Why would you think that?” Eunae brushes away Seulgi’s bangs, her heart fluttering when she sees Seulgi’s monolids eyes blinking back at her. “I like you too much that cuddling is even too much.”


“So, no?”


Thank God for the dim lights because Eunae don’t know how to hide her deep blush. “I…I… well sometimes.”


“Like when is this sometimes?”


They have been dating for almost a year but even Eunae has a hard time admitting when she gets all hoe-y about her girl.


“W-when you dance?”




“Well, not all the time.”


“So, I’m not y like all the time?”


Eunae wonders if pretending to sleep would work to end this conversation.


“Eunae? Eunae? Eunae?”

“Yes… yes, I’m still awake.”


“So, I’m not y like all the time?” Seulgi asked once again.


“I think you’re beautiful.”




“Beautiful beats y any day for me.”


“Oh… okay.”


Seulgi doesn’t sound convince and now those little teddy bears inside her brain are working double time to prove to Eunae that yes she could be y too.


Just you wait and see, Jo Eunae…




“How do you even do these things?”


This being y thing is a lot harder than Seulgi thought as she had been battling with this corset for almost an hour. Yup corsets… She with the help of Sooyoung were trying to figure out this how to be y thing, there was lap dancing, toys, until they decided on corsets. It’s y but not too ty y. It’s the I’m going to make you want me kind of y.


And when Seulgi sees it, it’s like oh… tying a shoelace around your waist… She could do that.


Apparently not…


But her attention quickly flew away from her struggles to the door when she hears someone fidgeting with the doorknob.


“What the ?”


Seulgi grabs her phone to check on the time, and … Eunae is home 15 minutes earlier than expected.




She immediately jumps off the bed and slams the door just in time before Eunae could walk in.




Eunae in the other hand looks at her door in complete surprise. This wasn’t really the time for this. Eunae might be known as being patient as , but maybe it’s almost her time of the month, because she’s starting to get crazy over the simplest things.


And today is a perfect example of it.


“What the ?”


This really isn’t the time for her door to act ty. She leans her shoulders against her door ready to slam it down swat team style.


Well, this was new. Seulgi obviously underestimated her girlfriend’s strength when she was almost thrown down to the floor. She obviously didn’t get the memo that she’s dating the Hulk.


“Babe… babe… babe… it’s me!” Seulgi begs from the other side of the door.




“Hey baby, can you wait a little bit?”


“Unnie? Is everything okay?”


“Yes… I thought you had a meeting after work?”


“It got moved, what’s going on?”


“Hahaha…” Seulgi forces a laugh, while struggling between holding down the door and trying to put on the corset. And God, how come tying this thing is ing worse than college algebra? And she failed college algebra 3 times.




“Hold on… can you just wait for a little bit, Eunae? like give me five minutes.”


“Are you okay?”


Eunae asked worriedly, last time Seulgi wanted to surprise her, she almost set her entire room on fire.


Seulgi grunted her answer, “Yup… yup. Finally.” Seulgi pumps her fist up in victory, before realizing her girlfriend is probably growing quite impatient on the other side of the door.


The older girlfriend, jumps into the bed before calling her out.


“Okay, you can come in now.”


Just when Eunae thought that she’s prepared for any surprise that Seulgi has, she was proven dead wrong. The younger girl swallowed a huge gulp when she walks into her room and there is her girlfriend, looking absolutely divine as she sits invitingly on her bed.


But it wasn’t just Seulgi’s pose that made her super y, it’s her outfit.


Her girlfriend is in a damn corset, the shortest black short in the universe and thigh knee high satin black boots.


“Welcome home, baby.”


And to that, Eunae could only answer with a…


“Oh wow…”


“Is that oh wow… like my girlfriend is so y? or is that oh wow, this is completely weird kind of wow?”


Eunae shakes her head in response, before she smiles back at her girl.


“More like the first…”


Seulgi almost lost her composure as she was about to break into a cute squeal. But she managed to catch herself in time, clearing .


“I mean of course… come here…” Seulgi motioned Eunae with her finger.


Eunae sits next to Seulgi and Seulgi didn’t waste any second on swinging her legs over her girlfriend, almost kicking Eunae on the face. But even with a bloody nose and a black eye, Eunae will still end up smiling. What’s not to smile about when she got the hottest girl in the universe on her lap?


“So, what’s the occasion?”


Ahhh . It’s times like this that Seulgi wished she was witty as , that’s why they’re a three she can’t even come up with a y line to jumpstart this seduction mode.


“Well, you know… everyday with you is an occasion.”


Eunae smiles back.


I didn’t know where to get a whip so I improvise and have a ruler instead.”


Eunae’s eyes darted to Seulgi’s too cute Ryan doll ruler. Eunae didn’t want to upset her cute girlfriend who is obviously trying very hard to bring y back but have the complete opposite effect.


“What are you going to do with that ruler?”


“I ummm… you know… to rule over your body tonight.”


Seulgi smirks a little too proudly at that line, Eunae meanwhile tries not to break into a smile for the sake of her girlfriend’s pride.


“You look so y, unnie.”




If Eunae is being honest, she’s really too damn exhausted to do it. The only thing she wants to with Seulgi is snuggle in bed with her, but her girlfriend looks so excited over this new ride they’re going and the last thing that Eunae wants is to hurt her feelings.


Eunae didn’t waste a second more and started laying kisses along Seulgi’s bare shoulders. And just when Seulgi thought that she’ll have Eunae in the palm of her hands tonight, obviously she’s wrong. There must be some aphrodisiac to Eunae’s kisses, because as soon as Eunae sinks her teeth into her skin, Seulgi almost fell into a daze, but things get infinitely worse or should she say better for her when Eunae trails her tongue on the love marks.


“Baby?” Seulgi never sounded so needy and it was making Eunae lightheaded.


Eunae moans as she a trail along Seulgi’s exposed neck, “Yeah baby?”


“Can you take it off? it’s kinda tight?”


That sure brought the temperature way down.


“Oh… oh… yes… sorry.”


Eunae then loop her fingers around the string, gently trying to free her girlfriend off the corset. But it looks like putting it on is just as hard as taking it off.


“This is hard.”


“It is…”


“So, ummm… I’m just wondering unnie, what is this all about?”


“Oh. Why? You don’t like it?”


“No, I do. I do it’s just that. Ummm… unexpected I guess. But in a good way. I mean, I have such a terrible day at work but walking in my room and seeing you like this? You just know how to brighten my day.”


“I should wear more corsets then.”


“Just seeing you brightens my day. With or without corsets.”


Seulgi’s eyes disappear in a smile before she nuzzles her nose against Eunae.


“My baby is so cheesy.”


They shared a sweet kiss before pulling away.


“Well Yeri kinda asked me something about us?”


“Oh? About what?”


“So, ummm… Yeri was asking how I rate our nasty level.”


Eunae’s raised a brow in confusion. “Nasty level?”


“Like how nasty we get when it comes to you know… doing it.”


“Oh.” Eunae is genuinely curious on how her girlfriend rates their love life. “And what’s your rating?”


“I said three.”


Eunae who usually has a stoic expression with everything, couldn’t mask the faint hurt that Seulgi’s rating gave her. She wasn’t expecting a ten, but maybe an 8 or a 7, a 6.5 the least. But a three? A three is never good. It’s not good in grades, its not good in surveys, and it’s definitely not good in rating your life.




A pang of guilt instantly hit Seulgi as she sees the hurt expression on her darling’s face. She leans over her girlfriend, trying to reassure her with sweet pecks on her face.


“No, no, no… I… I didn’t mean it as a three bad, it’s just that in terms of nastiness we don’t really do nasty.”


The younger girl couldn’t really decipher what Seulgi is trying to say.


“Are you ummm… doing this because I’m boring you?”


“What? No…no…no…” Seulgi hurriedly defend herself. She never thought this whole y idea is going to backfire like this. “No, not at all. I love us so much, I love you so much. It’s just… as the unnie I just want to you know, kinda take control, make sure I ummm… keep you satisfied. I didn’t mean it as a bad thing.”


Seulgi probably didn’t mean it as a good thing either.




“That’s why, I’m trying to spice things up? Is this spicy enough for you?”


“It’s very spicy.”


“Like sriracha spicy?”


“Like Sichuan peppers kind of spicy…”


Those adorable almond eyes widened at the description.


“Ohhhh… that level.”


“Yup… mind numbingly hot.” Eunae presses another kiss. “Baby, what’s going on?”




“The other night you were asking me if I think you’re y, then tonight you’re in a corset.”


“You don’t like it?”


“I do… it’s just that… you know, you don’t have to try so hard with me.”






Seulgi nods weakly, “Hmmm… it’s just that… it’s bothering me worse than I thought. Yerim asked what level of nasty do we get? Like one is Red Velvet Happiness…”


“Oh. What’s a ten? Really Bad Boy?”


“Ummm no, it’s ummm make stars blush?”


“How do you do that?”


“I don’t know. So, I asked Yeri and Sooyoung bout it.”


“What did they say?”


“Like you know… this and ummm… more ahhh positions?”


Positions. They could work on that.


“Positions, oh okay. And what else?”


“Doing it in public places.”


Eunae’s brow shot way up at Seulgi’s suggestion.


“Well, it’s for you know, the thrill of getting caught.”


Eunae isn’t really into that, but if Seulgi wants too then of course.


“And that’s it?”


“Ahhh toys?”


Seulgi could see the cute frown on her girlfriend’s face.


“Well, I guess… if you want too.”


“No… ummm… not really.” Seulgi admits sheepishly, her finger drawing lazy circles around her girlfriend’s arms. “I would like it more if you’re the one touching me.”


Eunae raises her head up and smiled back in relief. “Me too.”


“Well, when I said three, it really meant something else.”



“It’s cheesy,” Seulgi whines so cutely in Eunae’s shoulder and that sometimes it’s hard to figure out who is the older one. “I don’t want to say it.”


They have been together for a year, Eunae is pretty damn sure that Seulgi had already said every cheesy cringe worthy line possible.


“C’mon, I want to hear it.”


“I said three because it’s your jersey number.”


Eunae had such a ty day but she doesn’t know how Seulgi does it but just that easily, she could turn the worse day of her life to one of the best.


“Is it too cheesy?”


Eunae’s grin couldn’t be wider before she leans over and gives her girlfriend the sweetest kiss in the world.


“I think it’s just perfect.”


And if anybody asked what their level of nastiness was that night, they’ll both agree that it’s 0. Who needs nastiness when you’re with that only one who could bring you so much happiness?



The End


To the 4 Diggy shippers left in this world... hope there is more hehe.


A re edited version because it ended up all mushed together. Sorry bout that.

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Chapter 5: i love this one... like this a little too much.
Chapter 3: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1270127/3'>Tonight and Always</a></span>
i jumped a bit as if i heard the song lol

suddenly want to read diggy fics again after last night suddenly thinking (or more like imagining) seul with eunae lol
Chapter 9: Couldn't stop laughing throughout this XD
SilverStorm13 #4
Chapter 9: Gosh i love the humour in your fic. Little dialouges but already enough to shine through. Wenrene dynamics is just on point and Diggy is so precious.
Chapter 5: This is my favorite chap
Rizzot_1010 #6
Chapter 9: Thank you so much! Diggy is currently my favorite ship, so an update makes me really happy! :D
wansie #7
Chapter 9: diggy so cute :)))

thanks for the update author~nim.
I'm actually looking for some diggy story ^__^
11 streak #8
Chapter 9: <3
Chapter 9: Even tho the naughtiest diggy always should be paired with the 'fluff' tag because these two are just the purest and I love this so much. Ps. Yeri should make her own stupid triggering questions dictionary tho, that girl too brilliant..