Got me Now (And I can't say no)

Diggy Oneshot Collection

Seulgi: I’M BREAKING UP WITH EUNAE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😡😤😠


Seungwan’s mixing bowl almost landed on the floor as she read her bestfriend’s text message. But then she remembers that her girlfriend gave her the im I ng bowl and the last thing she needs is another argument on why she’s a klutz.


The brownie mix that Seungwan has, has now been shoved to the side as she shots her bestfriend a call. There were more pressing issues to be dealt with right now than her oreo brownies.


But basing on the ALL CAPS, number of exclamation marks and angry emojis in Seulgi’s text, this is ING SERIOUS!!!!


Because as far as Seungwan knows there is no one in this world who’s more in love than her best bud and her girlfriend.


They were dating for almost a year now and it looks like they’re never gonna go past the honeymoon phase.


Seulgi is too head over heels over Eunae, she finds even her quirks to be the cutest.


  1. Seulgi thinks it’s cute how her girlfriend acts like Tigger on crack when she has caffeine.


  1. Seulgi thinks it’s music to her ears when Eunae snores like a possessed Thomas the Train engine.


Even their arguments are about who is more sorrier.


Just last week, Seulgi and Eunae planned to meet in Starbucks. But since both has the tendency to be a little bit lost, they ended up going to two separate Starbucks. Eunae headed to the one in Broadway Street while Seulgi went to the one next to Target.


If this happens to her, Joohyun would have skewered her head or make Seungwan wants to skewer her own head.

But not these two.


Oh no, no and triple no.


After an hour and finally figuring out that oh , were in two different Starbucks, instead of arguing, the two spend their first ten minutes profusely apologizing to each other.


“I’m sorry,” Seulgi says with a sad face.


“No, I’m sorry,” Eunae replies with a pouty face.


“No, it’s my fault, I’m sorry.” Seulgi apologizes again this time looking like she’s on a brink of tears.


“No, I thought you meant we meet here, I’m sorry.” Eunae just says sorry back.


It’s not until Sooyoung has to step in and told the two, she’ll bang their heads together if she heard one more sorry that the two finally stopped.


So, in short, this is how two fluffy teddy bears be if ever they’ll be in love. (Two Teddy bears who could break beds in the process).




Seungwan gasped out loud at Seulgi’s voice. Her bestfriend usual bright voice now sounds like she’s standing on the bridge, ready to jump off.


This is Seulgi’s first real love and relationship, could she really blame her?


“Seulgi! Whatever happened, I’m sure you two can work it out. Eunae loves you so much.”


“I highly doubt that,” Seulgi said with what sounded like the saddest sniffle in the world.


“W-what? What happened?”


“I… ummm… I trained with Eunae today.”




That’s all Seungwan can answer, “oh.” She was expecting betrayal and lies and something out of K drama plot line or angst driven fanfiction, not because of cardio and probably a few push ups.


“She said I’m doing my plank wrong, Wan! My plank! She was judging my plank.”


And Seungwan is judging her too…


“Well, she’s a trainer it’s her job to make sure you are doing it right. Why did you want to do it anyway?”


“Cause I thought she’s too nice, so I wanted to kinda toughen her up.”


If there is someone in the world who could toughen up someone, it’s definitely NOT Kang Seulgi.


Eunae works as a personal trainer and Seungwan highly doubts that Eunae got that fierce, hot body from being too nice. She even heard rumors that Eunae’s workouts makes MMA fighters cry. Knowing her bestfriend, Seulgi probably thinks that since they’re dating, Eunae might go easy on her.


From the sound of Seulgi’s depressing groan, it doesn’t look like that’s the case.


Seungwan could only sigh in defeat after what she heard. Despite being the nicest and most innocent, Seulgi can sometimes be quite slow to pick up on certain things. Don’t get her wrong, Seulgi always means well and sometimes these well wishes ends up backfiring against her.


Like this situation that she got herself into.


Eunae is a super nice girl, probably the only one that Seungwan and the rest of their buddies approves for Seulgi. She was beautiful and super shy, that the first time Seulgi introduce her to them, Eunae barely said more than five words. But what she lacks in words, she makes up with her affection, from the way she gazes at Seulgi like she means the world to her and from the way she takes care of her, putting Seulgi’s food first (even setting away her veggies for her), holding the door and just those insanely sweet things that you don’t know still exist.


After that night, she instantly won them over.


“And so? What happens next?”


“She made me do the treadmill! On an 18 incline! I almost died! How can she do that? She’s my girlfriend!”


“There… there, Seul. It’s okay.”


“No, it’s not. I can barely move.”


“Hey look, I’m making some Oreo brownies if that will make you feel better.”


“Thanks, Wan, but I’m too sore, it’s a struggle even to open my jaw.”


The two both aired out a sigh at the same time.


“But she’s super duper hot when she trains though, no wonder she has too many fanboys.”


“You know what they say, if you’re sore that means you’re doing it right. That means Eunae is a good personal trainer.”


“Pffft… more like a dictator.”


Seungwan thinks that Seulgi is whipped enough to let Eunae dictate her anytime.


“Well, think before you say anything.”


“I’m just being ridiculous, you know I won’t do that. I’m still mad at her though.”


“Well, Eunae is a logical person.” More logical than her bestfriend will ever be. “So, just try to tell her how you feel.”




Seungwan just groans at her bestfriend’s childish response. Isn’t Seulgi a year older than Eunae?


“Thanks for listening, Wan… I’ll probably drop by later for that brownies. I need my sugar and carbs.”


But before Seungwan could protest, Seulgi had already ended the call leaving Seungwan hanging there.




Seulgi was about to place her phone on her bedside desk, but even that simple task of stretching her arm feels like a medieval version of torture.


So, she just huffed and buried a puff on her pillow.


Her pillow that smells like lavender like her mean girlfriend.


She huffed once again as she thinks that Eunae loves her just as much, but obviously she doesn’t.


Cause what kind of girlfriend would put the love of her life in a plank?




“C’mon unnie, you’re a dancer, you should know how to do a proper plank.”


Seulgi loves Eunae but no one, and she means no one is allowed to mock her planking skills.


“Lower your hips,” Eunae presses Seulgi’s hips to go lower. Usually Eunae’s touches sends shiver down her spine but right now, it’s like the touch of death. “Tighten your core… C’mon baby…” Eunae whispered. “You could do better than that.”


That was a new tone of voice that Seulgi had never heard from Eunae before. It sounded like Eunae is actually disappointed, over what? Cause she can’t do a proper plank?


I could do a proper plank when you’re underneath.


Seulgi said inside her head, but was smart enough to know not to say it out loud. Because right now, this girl right here isn’t her sweet girlfriend. This woman right now is a monster out for blood.


And Seulgi just happens to be the “willing victim.”

“Hold it, hold it, unnie… 30 seconds more.”


“H-hey… w-what are you doing?” Seulgi squeals when Eunae starts poking Seulgi’s balled up fists. It’s already torture to have to plank like this and now Eunae is trying to top her over by nudging on her fists.


“Don’t you feel like you’re working your core harder?”


“I don’t know, all I feel is pain.”


“Then, that means it’s working. You’re doing good.”


Does doing good means almost throwing up? Cause if it is, then she’s doing fantastic.


Now, that Seulgi thinks about it, she couldn’t really blame anyone but herself. Here she was, thinking that she could handle Eunae, obviously her girlfriend is too much to handle.




This horrible ordeal started out from one of Seulgi’s surprise visit a couple of days ago.


Seulgi was able to get her projects out of the way and to celebrate, decided to go visit her girl at work.


The second that Seulgi steps into the gym, her blood started to boil.


And that’s a rare case because Seulgi isn’t really the type who gets pissed off quickly or even gets pissed off at all. She’s bestfriends with Sooyoung and Yeri that probably help curb her anger.


But there is no curbing her anger now.


She steps in, and the first thing she overhears is these two meatheads talking about that hot piece of .


Seulgi turns around and it’s not even a question who those two were talking about. It’s kinda embarrassing but Seulgi knows her girlfriend’s posterior from miles away. Eunae is not even bending or anything, she’s just standing there focused on her client’s lunges.


But Eunae’s behind looks so glorious in her black Nike tights.


Her girlfriend might have some sort of spidey senses when to comes to her, because next thing Seulgi knows Eunae catches her gaze from across the recumbent bikes before flashing her a sweet smile and mouthing “Hold on, I’ll be done in five minutes.”


Eunae went on to demonstrate the proper way to do a squat and Seulgi could see Eunae’s client’s gaze just drifting somewhere rather than focus on the right way to do a squat.


Seulgi in turn just looked at her girlfriend and her passion for her work. Eunae’s focus is locked in, correcting her client everytime he slumps or slacks off. At the end, Eunae congratulates him with a great workout, flashing that squishy, softy smile before giving him a high five.


Seulgi wants to highfive him in the face if she’s given a chance.




But no matter how much people could stare and talk about Eunae, in the end it’s going to be her name that Eunae would be for.


It’s going to be in the backseat of her beat up Toyota Corolla that Eunae will be writhing in pleasure.


And it’s going to be her fingers that plunge ferociously between Eunae’s luscious legs.


As soon as Eunae started for her name, Seulgi forgot what she was pissed about.


That wasn’t the only thing that she forgot, the lunch that she had affectionately got for her girlfriend is now stewing on the front seat, an anomaly for the two who are huge foodies.


Making love just happens for them.


It happens a bit too often that if one of them were a dude, they would have knocked up the other a few months ago.


Today is a good example…


After Eunae’s session, the two walked with linked hands over to Seulgi’s car. What is supposed to be just a harmless trip to grab Seulgi’s charger turned into this.


Seulgi was glad for once that the parking space in front of Eunae’s gym is packed that she had to drive to the farthest end of the strip mall to park. It was right across some unoccupied rent spaces. At least no one is gonna go bust them for fogging up the windows and making the car shake.


They were planning to just eat in the car while Seulgi’s phone charge, but lunch was quickly forgotten when Eunae starts pressing kisses along Seulgi’s neck.


All it took was that hazy gaze from Eunae and the two basically raced to the backseat. Eunae got there first, but it’s not like Seulgi is gonna complain about it. Not when Eunae raises her hips and slides her tights just enough to give Seulgi some room.


The sight of her girlfriend just ready for her is something Seulgi couldn’t still get over from.


And that face that Eunae makes when she reaches her high, priceless.


Eunae reaches those lean fingers to Seulgi’s pants, and as hard for Seulgi to do, she had to hold her girlfriend’s hands still. She has to be at work soon and if this goes on, this might not end in just ped pants. Besides, Seulgi already gets her high from watching Eunae.


“Thank you for coming,” Eunae gives her that sweet, squishy smile and until now Seulgi could never figure out how her girlfriend could turn into the iest girl alive to the cutest fluffball in a few seconds.


“Why?” Seulgi squeezed next to her girl, before they intertwined their fingers together, fiddling playfully with each other’s hands. “Was your client bothering you today?”


“The one I had earlier? Ummm no. I just really miss you that’s all.” Eunae says cutely before burrowing herself in her girlfriend’s neck. “Why you ask?”


“Mmmm… nothing. I still can’t imagine you as a trainer.”


Eunae raises her head to look at Seulgi, blinking cutely at her. “Why?”


“You’re too nice.”


Her girlfriend chuckles at her observation. “Well, I’m different at work.”


Seulgi don’t think that it’s possible. Her girlfriend as intimidatingly beautiful as she is, doesn’t have a single mean bone in her body. Her girlfriend won’t hurt a fly, in fact, she’s even freaked out with a fly. Her clients probably pushes her around and the thought of that makes Seulgi frown.


“What’s wrong?” Eunae asked sensing that deep frown on Seulgi’s pretty face.








“You sure?”


“Yeah.” Seulgi leans over to peck Eunae in her hair. Before Eunae looks back up at her with that special gleam in her eyes before nuzzling playfully in Seulgi’s shoulder once again.




Her friends thinks it ridiculous how Seulgi is too much of a cheap to pay for a gym membership when her girlfriend happens to be a personal trainer. Seulgi who was blessed with I-can-never-get-fat-no-matter-how-much-crap-I-eat genes, would rather do her insanity workout from youtube in the comforts of her apartment rather than pay 30 dollars for a gym membership.


In a way, it kinda made sense, if you are dating a trainer, you’ll get workout sessions for free.


But when Seulgi told her buddies about her plan, Sooyoung and Yeri made sure to pay a visit to Seulgi’s cubicle at work just to do what they always do, bully her.


“I think it’s a dumb idea.” Sooyoung blatantly puts it out there. “And that’s saying much because I’m used to you and your ideas since college, unnie. But this one takes the cake.”


“Yeah, I heard Eunae is a tough trainer, unnie.” Yeri points out while digging her grubby hand in Seulgi’s candy stash. “I don’t know if you can handle it.”


Seulgi kept her gaze straight at her screen, trying to hold back the smug smirk that is about to break her lips. If only her friends how Seulgi just handled Eunae last night then they wouldn’t be saying all this.


But she’s gonna keep calm and workout on. She’s gonna wait until her session is over to tell them it isn’t so bad.


“It’s gonna be okay,” Seulgi reassured them before dusting herself off. “Some couples run, someone couple go dancing well… me and my girlfriend are just gonna go workout together. It wouldn’t be so bad, right?”


Sooyoung and Yeri could only exchange looks before shrugging at their unnie. They warned her… What happens next, well…




Seulgi had stepped in Eunae’s gym for what felt like a million times already, but this was the first time that a certain feeling of dread starts to loom above her. Like neon signs blaring wildly at her not to go in.


But she shrugs it off, it’s her Eunae, it wouldn’t be so bad, right?


She was just waiting over by the counter with Eunae’s boss who is raving about his top rising personal trainer and how she’s going to beat Seulgi up in shape. It wasn’t like Seulgi is out of shape.


She does her insanity workout.


Seulgi just smiles back, if he only knew.


Eunae walks out of the lockers armed with her clipboard and a welcoming grin, but her pretty smile faded when she saw her girlfriend.


“Hi!” Seulgi greets her girlfriend, and Seulgi should have known that she’s in deep when Eunae barely glanced at Seulgi’s abs. Her abs are like Eunae’s kryptonite but it looks like Eunae found a counter attack to it, when all her focus is on her clipboard than on her girlfriend.


“Eunae-yah!” Eunae’s boss yells happily. “Ms. Kang here wants to avail of our free session. Make sure you treat her nice.”


Eunae just forces a smile at her boss before turning to Seulgi and giving her, her personal trainer smile.


“Are you ready?”


“Yup.” Seulgi leans over her girlfriend, whispering. “You know you don’t have to go easy on me.”


“Oh. I won’t.”


How come Eunae’s voice made Seulgi gulp?


Do it like T. Swift, Seul, shake it off, shake it off.


The worry subsided when Eunae leads her over to the treadmill. This is easy, Seulgi can tread the mill.


“So, how was work?” Eunae asked as Seulgi steps on the treadmill.


Ahhh… Seulgi felt so much better, that’s her dear, sweetie Eunae.


“Good. I got all my designs done just little touch up here and there.”


Eunae smiles proudly at her before her focus the treadmill buttons.


“You are doing good.”


“Yup. This is ea- Wait… what?“ Seulgi squeaks in protest when Eunae pressed the incline to around 12.


“You need to warm up first before we start,” Eunae asked, sounding more like a trainer than a concerned girlfriend.


Tell her you are doing good, Seul. Tell her you’re doing good. Don’t tell her you’re about to throw up.


“I’m… I’m doing good.”


But Eunae wasn’t done yet as she presses the incline up to 15, Seulgi instantly clings to the handles for dear life.


… … … what is her girlfriend trying to do? Let her roll off the treadmill?


“You are doing good, babe. 4 minutes more.”


“What?! I mean… what? That was just a minute?!” Seulgi tried to laugh, but all that came out was pathetic whimpers. “I could do it.”


“Good… burn those Pringles and dumplings from last night.”


Seulgi shots her girlfriend a look, Eunae never whines to her about what she eats, obviously her girlfriend has this hidden grudge against her bad eating habits. But it’s not like Eunae doesn’t eat crap too!


Seulgi would have chosen to roll over the conveyor belt of death if she didn’t care too much for her pride. So, she steps down with her jelly like legs when her dictator of a trainer/ future ex girlfriend told her that it’s time to do her plank.


That didn’t go so well either.




How she survived planking, she wouldn’t know…


After Seulgi wiped away what she thinks is sweat or tears (she wasn’t so sure) she was ready to run out of there. But she can’t look weak in front of her girlfriend.


“It’s been awesome babe; I’ll text you tonight.” Seulgi tries to wave goodbye, but her arms couldn’t even raise an inch higher after her push ups.


“Wait… were not done yet.”




“We’re not?” Seulgi whimpers in between her tears.


“Yes, you still have to do wall sits.”


No, thank you.


“Okay,” Seulgi the whipped says. She leans against the wall, but her girlfriend just shook her head.




Seulgi drops a centimeter.




Seulgi drops another centimeter.


“C’mon baby, you can do better.”


“Don’t baby me right now.”


“Okay,” Eunae smiles before nudging Seulgi to bend lower until Seulgi was squatting in mid air in so much pain.




“A little bit lower.”


“Make sure your knee touches the floor.”


“30 seconds more…”


30 seconds more of this workout and Seulgi is ready to change her status to single… okay, maybe not single, maybe It’s complicated.


“Okay good job, babe.”


Seulgi highly doubts that…


“Now you could do lunges all the way to the front.”


“You’re kidding, right?”


Eunae just answers her with that squishy smile before answering, “No.”




She should have called in, she really should, but Seulgi is reminded once again that this isn’t some class she could just bail out of. This is her job the one that pays the bills.


She rolled out of bed, literally, just to get out before almost crawling to the restroom. How she managed to get to her work was a complete mystery to her.


Seulgi tried to keep it together as she drags herself towards her cubicle. She was about to sit when the excruciating pain told her Ah-ah-ah… not yet, oh weak one.


“You okay, unnie? Asks the very concern and instantly worried Chaeyoung. Seulgi’s hoobae is such a big worrier that it reminds her so much of her bestfriend. She won’t be surprised if the same worrying blood is flowing in their system.


“Yeah, Eunae just got so hard on me earlier.”


While Chaeyoung screeches and hurriedly covers her ears, her bestfriend and in the running for Thai ambassador, Lisa popped out from the cubicle next to Seulgi with that greasy grin on her face.


“That’s okay, unnie, no need to get into details.” The God loving Chaeyoung said.


“Ignore the monk, unnie. Tell me more, tell me more. Be specific too. Like what did Eunae-shii did?”


Seulgi was finally able to sit down after what felt like an hour, ready to tell her horrible tales of the gym.


“First one and she already tried to kill me. She keeps on pushing it.”


“Pushing the what?”


“Yah Lisa!”


“The button?” Seulgi asked surprise on the sudden interest.


“Oh my God…” Lisa says in amazement while Chaeyoung is praying to God to keep her away from temptation.


“I wanted to tell her to slow down, but I don’t want to sound so weak. So, for five minutes she just pushed me harder and harder.”


“And then? And then?” Lisa already rolled out of her cubicle and raced to Seulgi’s cubicle.


“The next one we did was Oh my God, my core was just shaking so bad.”


Lisa covers , this was like Christmas but so much better. “Your core is shaking?”


“Yes… And don’t get me started when I sit on the wall! Eunae keeps telling me to go lower and lower until my legs are just shaking so bad.”


“That is so amazing…”

“Oh unnie, look,” Chaeyoung whispered a thank you to God as the tall, dark haired beauty walks in their office, but Seulgi didn’t look too interested, instead, responding with a hmmmp before trying to turn on her computer.


So, what if Eunae looks incredibly gorgeous? Seulgi doesn’t care.


“Eunae-yah!” Yeri yells out. “I heard you give unnie a tough workout!”


“Just the basics.” Eunae turns to the mint green box she has. “I got some cupcakes.”


“WHOHOO!!! You’re the best!”


“Thank you!”


“Marry her now, unnie or I will!”


“Oh,” Lisa says in disappointment. “It’s a workout?”


“Yeah, what do you think it was?”


“N-nothing!” Lisa disappears back in her cubicle.


Eunae went over to her cubicle, and Seulgi is finding it harder and harder to ignore her, not when she looks like someone straight out of a magazine cover, and her scent is just too intoxicating.




“Hmmm?” Seulgi kept her focus on the screen.


“I got you, your favorite.” Eunae gives her peace offering of a red velvet cake.


“Do I have to burn the calories for that too?”




“You’re still sore?” Eunae says in guilt.


“A bit.” Seulgi isn’t going to admit out loud that her struggle is very, very real.


Seulgi continued to ignore Eunae for like a minute until Sooyoung has to step in and tried to shoo them off. Now they’re catching some fresh air out on the rooftop with Eunae cooing on her.


“Here.” Eunae spoonfeeds Seulgi her cake. And who can resist cake and Eunae? “I promise I’ll go easy next time.”


“Therewon’tbeanexttime,” Seulgi mumbles under her breath. “I guess you’re tough with all your clients, huh?”


“Well, it’s my job to push people to their limits and to keep breaking those limits.”


It wasn’t just Seulgi’s limits that were broken.


“I just… remember when I came to visit you one time?”




“It’s just that I heard this two dudes talking about how… hot you were and it pissed me a bit. You probably get a lot of those in a day.”


Eunae just smiles appreciatively at her girlfriend’s concern. “A bit, but it’s part of my job to deal with people like that.”


“But it doesn’t make it right.”


“No. It doesn’t.”


“I want to be able to stop these people before they hit on you. If I’m not there, who’s going to protect you? I want to be the one to protect you.”


Eunae smiles sweetly before pressing a kiss on Seulgi’s hair.


“I’m okay, unnie. I really am. Especially since I know, I have a beautiful, sweet girl to come home to.”


Seulgi couldn’t help but puffed her chest in pride at her girlfriend. It was amazing to see how someone as shy as her girlfriend could have so much passion for her job. And sometimes, Seulgi forgets about that. For her, Eunae is this sweet fragile beauty that needs constant protection when in reality, her girlfriend is much tougher than she thought.


Seulgi smiles before going back to her girlfriend’s kisses. Sweet, soft pecks that tasted just like chocolate. And these are  sweets she’ll run full marathons for.




If there is an award for biggest nervous wreck ever, Joohyun swore that her girlfriend would win the prize. After work, Joohyun got a call from her neurotic girlfriend telling her how worried she is of her bestfriend.


It turns out that Seulgi forgot to pick up her brownies and knowing Seulgi and her rep with food, the girl never turn down an offer for sweet. So, Joohyun drove to Seungwan’s place to pick her up and all the way to Seulgi’s apartment all Seungwan could talk about is how worried she is, this is so not Seulgi.


And if there is an award for best bestfriend ever, it will be her girlfriend too.


Armed with a delectable Tupperware of warm brownies, Seungwan is ready to bang those cute shoulders (SWAT team style) against Seulgi’s door, until she remembered that she has Seulgi’s spare keys.


“Here babe, hold this…” Seungwan shoves the brownies in Joohyun’s hands before digging through her bag for the keys.


Joohyun was smart enough to know her girlfriend of 3 years.


Instead of telling her it’s okay, Joohyun just lets out a sigh. Telling Seungwan Don’t worry, will only make Seungwan worry even more.


With frantic brows and frantic fingers, Seungwan finally opened the door.


“Seul! I-“


But Seungwan froze a bit, her ears trying to pick up the sounds that is coming from Seulgi’s bedroom.


Even from the living room, they could hear the bedsprings creaking.


Moans of More, more, more and baby, baby, and it’s so good baby…


The two nervous wrecks girlfriends jumps up in fright when they heard a loud bang in the wall before someone screams in what sounded like too much ecstasy.


“I think they made up already.” Joohyun points out.


Seungwan turns to her girlfriend and she couldn’t agree more.


“I think so too.”


The End.


Happy Box Project is coming up... And I'm so ready.


To the Diggy fangirls in the GC... here's for more to come hehe... hehe... TTYL

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Chapter 5: i love this one... like this a little too much.
Chapter 3: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1270127/3'>Tonight and Always</a></span>
i jumped a bit as if i heard the song lol

suddenly want to read diggy fics again after last night suddenly thinking (or more like imagining) seul with eunae lol
Chapter 9: Couldn't stop laughing throughout this XD
SilverStorm13 #4
Chapter 9: Gosh i love the humour in your fic. Little dialouges but already enough to shine through. Wenrene dynamics is just on point and Diggy is so precious.
Chapter 5: This is my favorite chap
Rizzot_1010 #6
Chapter 9: Thank you so much! Diggy is currently my favorite ship, so an update makes me really happy! :D
wansie #7
Chapter 9: diggy so cute :)))

thanks for the update author~nim.
I'm actually looking for some diggy story ^__^
11 streak #8
Chapter 9: <3
Chapter 9: Even tho the naughtiest diggy always should be paired with the 'fluff' tag because these two are just the purest and I love this so much. Ps. Yeri should make her own stupid triggering questions dictionary tho, that girl too brilliant..