Tonight and Always

Diggy Oneshot Collection

A/N- bathtub scene with Diggy. Heehehehehehehehehe... Please enjoy.




“Oh my God… a bed…”


If Eunae could run to the bed, she would already have.


But with the heavy toll of promotions and barely getting any wink of sleep these past few weeks leading up to their comeback, her body could barely respond.


She looks down on the hotel floor and never did the plush carpet look so tempting to pass out on.


But the bed…. Oh wow… the bed was right there, in all its queen size and 1000 thread count glory just luring her in.


“Just a few more steps, Eunae… just a few more…” She pushed herself as she dragged her feet all the way to the bed.


But the physical exhaustion was a sacrifice that she’s ready to make over and over again just to do what she loves to do. She would rather suffer the pain of sore muscles and fatigue than have her heart getting her broken every time from not being able to do what she loves.


Sonamoo hasn’t reached superstar levels yet, but she was thankful that they got a bit of a warm reception this time. It was enough to keep them away from TS dungeons until their new boy group comes around.


The girls got a free pass tonight before some appearance tomorrow, and Eunae knows exactly what she’s going to do.


She was about to drop on the bed when she heard someone splashing around inside the bathroom.




Eunae mentally slapped herself when she completely forgot why she was there in the first place. Her girlfriend who just finished slaying everyone with a sold out back to back to back concert finally had a break (one day but better something than nothing).


The stars aligned in their part, when her girlfriend’s and her schedule finally agreed on something. Seulgi’s only day off fell at the same time as her one free night. Seulgi who is always the more fairy tale like between the both of them wanted to spend a romantic night together before they get pulled again to reality.




Eunae called out as she walked in, but she had to backtrack a bit when she felt like she’s walking in on a scene from a love story. The lights were off and only the soft glow of candle lights illuminated the luxurious bathroom. Seulgi even went into the details of having rose petals on the bath tub. Eunae steps in more and was quickly enveloped in the soothing melodies of RnB (or what Nahyun would call babymaking music) playing in the background.


But it wasn’t the candle light or the music that stirred Eunae up; it was the girl.


Speaking of Seulgi,


There in the marble bathtub, surrounded by bubbles and rose petals was the most heartbreakingly beautiful girl that Eunae had ever seen. Kang Seulgi is someone straight out of the movies, with her hair up in a loose bun, that y bare shoulders and her intimate parts decently covered in bubbles.


The only thing she had on was a smile solely reserved for Eunae.


If only Seulgi’s fans could see her now, they would probably all die from hemorrhage.


It was weird how Eunae never realized how much she misses Seulgi until she is looking at her now. Like all those days and nights apart were torturous, but not as torturous as it is now when she is just a few steps away from her.


“Hi there…” Seulgi greeted her, eyes perfectly shaped crescents and her smile was just or even more lovely than what Eunae could remember.


“Ahhh…” Eunae mumbled, before trying to downplay her embarrassment by leaning over and kissing Seulgi on the lips.


And when their tongues dance together once again, that’s when Eunae realize how much she misses Seulgi like crazy. Seulgi’s kisses felt like such a dream. Like it pulls Eunae into this enchanting trance each and every time. This was a dream she’ll will herself not to wake up from. It’s not until she felt Seulgi’s skin on her fingertips and heard the soft moan escaping her lips that pinched Eunae awake.


She was awake; this was real. She was kissing her girl, and the thought of that made Eunae kiss Seulgi even more.


Eunae was leaning closer and closer on their kiss, but she managed to catch herself before she fell in the tub, dusting herself off from the impending humiliation.


‘Did you dye your hair?” Seulgi asked with a kiss.


“I had to do some retouch,” Eunae answered back with a kiss.


“So pretty…”


More kisses…


“Look who’s talking.” Eunae kidded, before kissing Seulgi once again.


“So, do you like it?”


The innocence in Seulgi’s voice made it sounded more like she’s excited over unicorns and cotton candies than a romantic scene stripped from a page of an novel.


“I love it… you’re so romantic.”


Eunae matched Seulgi’s impish smile with her own, before squeezing in some body gel on a scrub and started to rub circles on Seulgi's back slowly. Eunae was reminded again of how innocent her girlfriend was when Seulgi responded by splashing excitedly. It was such an adorable sight that Eunae had to lean over and kiss her girl on her hair.


“I tried.”


Eunae playfully chuckles, “Congratulations on your concert.”


“You too.” Seulgi turns to face her. “It’s so quick how they loaded it on youtube… and you were just…I don’t even know how to say it. I couldn’t look at anything else.” Seulgi pouts thoughtfully to think of the proper word. “I don’t know… I don’t think they invented the word just yet. I showed Seungwan the video and she said you’re amazing. But I think you’re more than that.”


Eunae giggled, before laying a kiss on Seulgi again. Seulgi took Eunae’s free arm and locked herself in her embrace.


“I saw your videos too.”


With promotions going on, Eunae could barely watch the entire video playlist in one sitting. She instead steals any chance she gets to watch Seulgi in her first concert. But she doesn’t know whether she could survive it though. There were goosebumps all over the moment the girls hit the stage. Don’t even get her started when she sees Seulgi’s part in Be Natural. It was not even a two minute video, but Eunae had to pause it a couple of times and loop it over and over knowing she couldn’t get enough of her girl.


“I was so nervous and excited at the same time. But when I got on the stage it was just like… Whoah… It’s almost natural you know, like…”




“How do you know?”


Eunae cup some water in her hand and playfully splashed on her cheeky girlfriend.

“Yah! Come here!”


Eunae caught Seulgi’s strength off guard when Seulgi playfully pulls her down to the bath tub with her. The rapper responded with a squeal and a playful splash of bubbles on her mischievous girlfriend. But Seulgi wasn’t one who likes to lose, and quickly fight back with splashing Eunae, until the planned sensual night turned into loud laughs and giggles.


It was Eunae who waved the white flag by leaning over and kissing Seulgi on the lips. But from the sound, of Seulgi’s soft moans, it sounded like Seulgi was willing to lose anytime too if the punishment was these sweet, sweet kisses.


“I keep track of your schedules, you know?” Seulgi teases playfully.


“You like them?”


“Of course. I like all of them… eventhevlive.”


“Hmmm? What’s that?”


“N-nothing…” Seulgi looked down, waddling around the bubbles like a kicked puppy.


“What’s wrong, unnie?”


“Nahyun was kissing you and you wanting to kiss her too.”


“Awww unnie…”


“And your sunbae too.” Seungi continued her cute mumblings…


Oh now here it comes…

“Does he like you?”


“Unnieee…” Eunae whines back.


The answer was yes, her sunbae likes her, like like her that way. Her members have pointed that out, which she just dismissed every time. It was until one time when he asked to talk to her in private and he asked her out, as nice and handsome her sunbaenim is, the truth was, he doesn’t stand a chance against Seulgi. She is too in love with Seulgi to even think of anyone else. Nobody does, so, she told him no. He backed away graciously, but that hashtag obviously meant that he isn’t moving on from her yet. But this was something that she realized that Seulgi was better off not knowing.


“Why would he do that? Why would he hashtag D.ana jjang in there? There are seven of you, you know?”


“Are you jealous?” Eunae playfully joked.


“Ummm no.”


But Seulgi’s cute pout says yes.


“Are you?”


Seulgi decided to handle this the mature way, by turning around, with her back facing Eunae and just play with the bubbles. Eunae could only awwww at how cute her teddy bear girlfriend is behaving.


“Is my Ddeulgi jealous?”


“Ummm no.”


“Then, why are you not looking at me?”




“Cause?” Eunae tried to win Seulgi over with a tickle on her side.




“Because what?” Eunae double her attacks, finally making Seulgi squeal.


“Yah Eunae-yah, stop!” Seulgi begs through her squeals and giggles.


“Don’t be mad, unnie,” Eunae whined once again, before nuzzling on Seulgi’s shoulders.


“I’m not…”


“Then, look at me please?” Seulgi turned down instead at the bubbles. “Please?” Eunae asked once again, this time pouting, hoping to win Seulgi over.


“Okay…” Seulgi turns around, finally facing her girlfriend. “I’m not jealous though.”


“Good. Cause you have no reason to be.” Eunae confessed, before tenderly caressing Seulgi’s cheek.


“And Nahyun?”


“Nahyun had a little bit too drink that time, I think… and it’s Nahyun she kisses everyone she gets near with.”


“Oh okay…”


Eunae tilts her head and smiles at her girlfriend’s face, only to be greeted by a cute frown.


“I’m yours, okay?” Eunae promised, and that seems to do the trick as Seulgi finally looks up.


“I’m yours too.”


“I know.” Eunae leans over and kisses her in once again on the forehead.


“I ummm… my family is here.”


One of the million things that Eunae loves about Seulgi is how much she loves her family. She finds it so endearing how there is a certain glow on her girlfriend’s face whenever she just talks about them. Seulgi’s parents are proud of Seulgi of Red Velvet, but when Seulgi comes home, she becomes their daughter once again, their little princess with a warm meal and lots of love waiting for her.


“They must be so proud of their princess,” Eunae says, her eyes twinkling too.


“Yeah… My appa was screaming the entire time.”


Eunae could tell that this is why Seulgi is the sweetheart that she is, because of how loving her family is. It sounds far fetch and maybe a little too early to say, but it’s one of Eunae’s dream that someday she could become a part of Seulgi’s family.


“I ummm told them about you,” Seulgi smiles bashfully, splashing on some bubbles. “About us. They’re excited to see you.”


“Oh.” Eunae’s expression quickly turned into worry. She loves Seulgi with everything that she has and everything that she doesn’t have. It’s this same burning love that always makes her believe that she’s not and will never be good enough for Seulgi.


Here she is, working just as hard as Seulgi but could never be on her level. As much as she wished to be with Seulgi, still the insecurities and fear will gnaw inside her.


It terrifies her of what Seulgi’s parents might think. She won't blame them if they disapprove of her. Their daughter is rising at a terrifying speed as one of the superstars of their KPOP generation. Of course, they would want their princess to be with someone on the same level or better, someone up a pedestal.


“So, what did you say?”


“I told them I’m so in love.”




Seulgi has known her well enough to pick up on it as her expression turned to worried too.


“What’s wrong?” Seulgi asks, cupping Eunae’s cheeks and tilting her chin to look at her.


“I ummm… nothing.” Eunae could only fake a smile.


“Here you go again with your nothing when it’s obviously something.”


“It’s no big deal.”


“Then, tell me. You know you could tell me everything, right?”


“I know but…”


Seulgi stops her before anything else.


“No buts… I’m right here. Now c’mon please tell me…”


“Ummm… I don’t know what your parents would think of me. I mean… They were there at your concert, but I couldn’t even go and watch because I had work.”


Seulgi shakes her head, smiling reassuringly at Eunae.


“It’s okay, they understand…”


“Like you have fans who travel from everywhere just to see you perform and me… your own girlfriend who’s right in Seoul, can’t even go to cheer for you.”


“There’s nothing I would have wanted than to see you there too,” Seulgi flashes that endearing smile again that had Eunae falling. “But just the thought that you’re out there slaying on stage…”


Eunae burst out in giggles at the phrase that her Ddeulgi apparently borrowed from their maknae.


“What?” Seulgi pouts at Eunae’s reaction. “I’m being romantic here.”


“You are…” Eunae kisses her lover on her forehead. “Go on.”


“But yeah, ummm Eunae, just the thought of you performing on stage, like how could I be upset, when I’m so proud of you?”


“They’re probably wondering what on Earth is Sonamoo?”


Seulgi reaches out and tenderly brushes away Eunae’s hair, “That’s the last thing on my parents mind to be honest. I told them how awesome you make me feel all the time. All the sweet things you do.”


Eunae finally looked up, a shy smile curling in her lips. But the curiosity is getting to her as she softly asks.


“So, ummm… what did they say?”


“They love you!” Her girlfriend yipped excitedly.


“Wait…They do?”


“I showed them the video of you’re the boss and they think you are super duper cute.”


“Omo!” Eunae’s jaw just fell to the bottom of the tub. “Unnieeeeee…”


“Why? You were so cute there? They like your red riding hood part. We kept looping your wolf part.”


Eunae buried her blushing face in her hands, groaning to the heavens above. She hadn’t even met her girlfriend’s parents yet, and now she’s sure she’s not ever going to after this ultimate fail.


“Why did you show that one?” Eunae continued to whine.


“Because you’re so cute there.”


“There’s other videos.”


“I showed them the ones in pethouse where you jumped on the counter.”


“Wha-“ Eunae drops her head down. Who needs antis when you have a girlfriend like Seulgi?


“They were like awwwww… She’s so cute. And I said that’s my girl, a puppy that scared of puppies. Also, that part where you snored.”


Oh my God… can she drown on this tub right now?


“I told them that it wasn’t an exaggeration, that you do snore like that.”


“Thank you, unnie. Your parents probably hate me now.”


“No… they really love you.”


“You couldn’t show them any music videos?”


“I showed them Friday night,” Seulgi voice dropped low to a sheepish tone. “And they thought you were too y for me.”


Seulgi couldn’t help but scowl at the thought. It took her parents a few seconds to say something after watching the Friday Night video, before her mom said that Eunae is too y for her as if Seulgi was a little kid. Her oppa was basically drooling the entire time, even mouthing a damn at the shot of Eunae’s…ummm… behind. All he could muster was some stupid comment. “Why the hell would she pick you?” Pffft… once a always a .


Her dad though was very supportive of her, giving her a good pat on the back before proudly saying, “you did good, princess.”


“That’s why I showed those videos, they did remember you from Girls Next Door, and they think you’re so pretty.”


“Oh ummm… that’s good.”


“They’re so excited to meet you. And when you guys meet, they would just love you even more.”


“What do they think of YooA?”


“Just a dongsaeng.”


Eunae could feel her worries gradually dissipating. She was too worried about things that she forgot she was fully clothed on a tub until a shiver shot through her spine.


“Omo… you’re gonna get sick.” Seulgi just noticed it too.


Eunae pulled away just to give her enough space. With a teasing smirk decided to thank her sweet unnie with something. Her innocent DDeulgi could only blink in confusion, wondering what that smirk meant.


It was her button down polo shirt that she slowly took off first, the black tank top was the second one to go…


And once she heard Seulgi’s loud gulp followed by a whimper, she knew her girlfriend had figured it out. This girl right here isn’t her sweet, and loving Eunae, this woman so sensual and enticing was D.ana.


Eunae reaches out for her back, ready to unclasp her bra when Seulgi speaks up.


“W-w-w-w-w-w-w-wait… hold on a minute.” Seulgi raises her hands in surrender.


“What’s wrong, baby?”


The word baby only made things worse, because they both know what the word baby could trigger.


“I just… I… ummm… you know…I kinda… well…”


Seulgi continues to blabber, her eyes going everywhere in that elegant bathroom except Eunae’s.


“Baby,” Eunae said in that deep, husky tone that made Seulgi whimper once again. “You have seen me more than this… a lot of times.”


“I know but… you’re so… so… so hot I… I think my parents are right.” Seulgi finally dare to look up and say. “You are too y for me.”


Eunae smiles tenderly at her girlfriend’s confession, she moved in a little closer before pulling Seulgi’s face closer so she could kiss her on her forehead.


“There’s no rush, unnie. I’m all yours always.”


They exchanged loving smiles before their lips met in a gentle kiss. Like Eunae promise, there was no rush. Soft, gentle pecks between their I-love-you smiles before Seulgi move closer to deepen their kiss. It’s like everything was put on a standstill for Eunae and she doesn’t mind this at all.


The clock just started ticking once again when Seulgi reaches behind Eunae’s back, unclasping her bra before dropping it on the bathroom floor.




It was Eunae’s turn to whisper breathlessly as Seulgi’s fingers reaches down to her shorts. This was another one of those million things that Eunae loves, Seulgi had always been so gentle and loving with her. She remembered Joy telling her in private one time that she would probably be taking care of Seulgi in their relationship, she answered Joy that she would gladly do it.


They have just been dating for less than a year, but Eunae had never felt so loved until the moment she said yes to Seulgi’s nervous question of, “will you be my girlfriend?”


She expected to be the one doing the pampering, but to her surprise, Seulgi turned out to be the sweetest and most loving girlfriend anyone could ever wish for. Some friends warned her that it might not last, knowing how tough their life is.


Their schedules (especially Seulgi’s) are always brutal. But just like that saying goes, when you love someone you make time for them. Seulgi might not be around all the time, and they see each other twice in a month, three times if they’re lucky, but Seulgi always makes her feel so love.


The whole promotions period, even if Seulgi was busy with her concert preparations was sending her and her members some food. On the night of their comeback, Eunae came back home to a gorgeous bouquet of flowers with a sweet note how proud Seulgi is of her.


The first night they made love, Seulgi’s touches were so tender and loving while she whispers I love you in her ear. Their night goes on with Her sweet girlfriend gazing at her every expression, panting the words “are you okay” when Eunae’s breath would hitch or even if she would let out a whimper. Lost in the pain and pleasure of Seulgi’s fingers, all Eunae could muster is a weak nod.


Now Eunae is back in that same moment again, and to think that Seulgi hadn’t even touched her yet. Seulgi tugs off Eunae’s shorts, letting it trickle down her luscious legs before she let it fall on the floor.


Eunae quickly latched on her lover’s embrace, hoping to make time stand still once again as she dives in for more kisses. She peppered kisses all over, on Seulgi’s jaw, on her neck, on her cheek, on her other cheek, on her nose… Purposely avoiding Seulgi’s lips, making her girlfriend crave for more.


“Thank you for tonight, baby,” Eunae whispered huskily while nibbling on her lover’s ear.


“Anything for you,” Seulgi said until their lips finally met again in a dizzying kiss while their fingers trace longingly along their skin.


Their slender fingers were slowly tiptoeing down each other’s flat stomachs, but just when they’re about to deepen their caress, Seulgi’s playlist decided to play a joke on them.




“What the heck?” Seulgi burst out in irritation.


Lalalalalalalalalala Happiness…


Seulgi could only throw her head back, groaning in frustration at the interruption.


“Where did that come from? Why is that in that playlist?”


Eunae pursed her lips, trying not to egg on her girlfriend’s frustration. But Eunae had a pretty good idea who might have messed around with her girlfriend’s phone and took the time to edit the playlist.


“It’s okay, baby, I love that song.”


“I know but…” Seulgi groaned again before trashing her legs on frustration like the kid that she is. “I really wanted this to be romantic.”


Eunae lay down on Seulgi’s shoulder, feeling a sense of comfort taking over her.


“It is.” Eunae leaned close to kiss Seulgi on the cheek before going back to Seulgi’s embrace, slowly succumbing to sleep.


“Is it?”


“It is. I love it. And I love you.”


It was quiet for a little bit, and Eunae thought that Seulgi might have slowly drifted off to sleep too, but when she opens her eyes she could see Seulgi’s gorgeous eyes filled with so much love. It was just like falling in love once again. This was the time that Eunae felt that words weren’t need, but just in case Eunae needed to hear it, Seulgi would confess it to her world.


“I love you too.”




Tsk... tsk... tsk. I'm still not over these two. Hope you guys enjoy the update and for the people who just subscribed and upvoted this. thank you so much. Hope you enjoy this one like Eunae enjoying her burgers.



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Chapter 5: i love this one... like this a little too much.
Chapter 3: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1270127/3'>Tonight and Always</a></span>
i jumped a bit as if i heard the song lol

suddenly want to read diggy fics again after last night suddenly thinking (or more like imagining) seul with eunae lol
Chapter 9: Couldn't stop laughing throughout this XD
SilverStorm13 #4
Chapter 9: Gosh i love the humour in your fic. Little dialouges but already enough to shine through. Wenrene dynamics is just on point and Diggy is so precious.
Chapter 5: This is my favorite chap
Rizzot_1010 #6
Chapter 9: Thank you so much! Diggy is currently my favorite ship, so an update makes me really happy! :D
wansie #7
Chapter 9: diggy so cute :)))

thanks for the update author~nim.
I'm actually looking for some diggy story ^__^
11 streak #8
Chapter 9: <3
Chapter 9: Even tho the naughtiest diggy always should be paired with the 'fluff' tag because these two are just the purest and I love this so much. Ps. Yeri should make her own stupid triggering questions dictionary tho, that girl too brilliant..