kyuwook fact

kyuwook fact

* They are very close because they are in the same age, just 8 months difference between them.

* Kyuhyun rarely call ryeowook with "hyung". most of the time he will call him just by ryeowookie or his nickname.

* Ryeowook care a lot about kyuhyun especially after the accident.

* Kyuhyun is also very concerned about ryeowook, he will defend him when other member talk about him in bad way.

* Ryeowook is a place kyuhyun
Will vent in when he joined suju and it still like that.

* Ryeowook rarely advise kyuhyun about his naughty and evil action. The person who will advice him is sungmin.ryeowook likes to participate in kyuhyun mischief.

* they called themselves " magnae on top".

* Ryeowook strongly believe in kyuhyun and admire him.

* Ryeowook and kyuhyun often share drinks. Sometimes also food. "Even though kyuhyun hate sharing with other people "

* They aften quarrel only because of little things, but because angry kyuhyun looks scary  ryeowook often lose.

* When kyuhyun in a drop or sad condition, usually ryeowook will start acting rather crazy to entertain kyuhyun, and as much as possible ryeowook want to be at his side.

* Kyuhyun likes to imitate other suju member's habits, but when he was ordered to imitate ryeowook he refused it. Because, he thinks they are friends.

* Kyuhyun knows a lot about ryeowook, even something that other members do not know.

* Ryeowook was a little bit afraid of the hospital, so when Kyuhyun was in hospital ryeowook rarely visited him.

* Actually ryeowook often feel jealous with kyuhyun because of his height, good looks and sometimes of  kyuhyun mature image.

* Kyuhyun likes to praise ryeowook voice that sounds very clear, while ryeowook likes to praise kyuhyun  sharp stare.

* Kyuhyun used to say evil things to other members, but he rarely say it to ryeowook.

* Somehow, they often get jobs that involve both of them. Make them often together.
"  SJ, sjm, kry together in all groups"

* Ryeowook and Kyuhyun are both good at drinking, so sometimes they like to sneak out together for a drink.

* Kyuhyun voice is perfect for calm and peace mode. While ryeowook voice is more suitable for cheerful and happinness mode.

* Ryeowook felt annoyed when kyuhyun joined suju , because it shifted his position as magnae to him, but as time goes by he started to accept him and also become very happy because he had a dongsaeng.

* kyuhyun ability in cooking is very bad. Because of that ryeowook is  willing to replace kyuhyun.

* Ryeowook is not awkward or disgusted to wipe kyuhyun sweat , because kyuhyun sweat a lot.

* When you look at them, they will usually be laughing or whispering.

* Kyuhyun called evil magnae, while kyuhyun mention ryeowook angel magnae.

* They like to wear the same clothes, either borrowed or they have a twin outfit outside the stage costume.

* while singing, if they made a mistake they will cover each other mistake.

* Ryeowook is very close to their leader leeteuk, but Kyuhyun is rather awkward.

* In suju M ryeowook close to henry, meanwhile kyuhyun close to Zhoumi.

* Kyuhyun claims ryeowook as "kyuhyun sitter"

* when ryeowook and kyuhyun have completed their job, usually ryeowook will cook something to eat for  kyuhyun though ryeowook very tired too.

* Kyuhyun will feel very upset when he see ryeowook laugh at him when he make a mistake or could not do something.

 * Kyuhyun confessed that ryeowook is the most gentle figure among the other members.

*kyuhyun Often likes to play physical game against ryeowook, eg  spanking ryeowook, pulling too hard, and pushing.even if he did it by accident or just kidding ryeowook will not dare to do that to Kyuhyun, even just to reply.

* Ryeowook is not good in sports  although he actually love it, while Kyuhyun actually can do some sports but he don't like physical activity.

* They can sometimes be very good dongsaeng silence and submissive, but sometimes they can also create dizziness and even scare other hyung.




I hope you enjoyed reading some kyuwook facts.because I really enjoyed writing them.

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hohhgoo #1
I really love it. Thank you and I wish you added more facts (there is a lot more still).
Chapter 1: This js very good
I love this
kyuwook87870 #3
Chapter 1: love it thank you