Chapter 1

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Jungkook sighed frustratedly and ran a hand through his hair as they all talk about what could have possibly happened to Taehyung and who would have taken the boy. It’s been about a week and Jungkook was ready to go insane with worry. Pacing around the small room, the other people followed his movements with their eyes, watching

Jungkook let out all the pent up energy fueled from worry.
“No leads?? No nothing?” Jungkook asks out loud, going over the facts for the millionth time since they had found out. He finally stopped the restless steps to look at the members sitting in front of him, briefly making eye contact with each of them. One thing that seemed to deplete his spirit even more was that even the others were slowly starting to lose hope; he could see it in their eyes no matter how confident their words may seem. 
“We’ve been over this Jungkook” Namjoon was the one who spoke up first, answering Jungkook’s question with a light shake of the head. “Whoever planned this was extremely thorough. Didn’t leave a single trace and obviously knew what they were doing. I just can’t figure out why... The only lead we have is-”
He was interrupted by a sudden knock coming from the door. All heads snapped towards the soft sound, and for a good 10 seconds no one moved an inch. 

Jimin was first to get up, seeing as how this was his house they were currently meeting at afterall. The least he could do was greet whoever had business with them. He silently headed towards the front door, feeling 5 other pairs of eyes gazing at him from behind. 
This was odd, Jimin rarely got any guests and he certainly was not expecting anyone today. If it was one of those marketers that went from door-to-door in attempt to promote their product Jimin was so ready to slam the door in their face or punch them. Maybe both. 
Strangely enough his door didn’t have a peep hole, otherwise this would have been a lot easier. Sighing as he approached the door, he wore an exasperated expression as he was definitely not in the mood to deal with the landlord or random marketers. He swung the door open with ease. 

“Yah, Mister I’m not interested in-” His sentence was abruptly cut off as if a lump had been lodged in his throat. As he brought his eyes up he found out that it in fact wasn’t the landlord nor some ing telemarketer he did not want to see. This was the exact person he needed, the presence he had been missing since a week ago. 
He was speechless as he took in Taehyung’s features. He was wearing the same clothes as the last time they had saw him, hair neatly puffed up at the top of his head with rosy cheeks. He looked completely unharmed, if anything better than before. Though there was one change that Jimin wasn’t able to put into words; the familiar sparkle in the youngers eyes had long since disappeared. 

“Taehyung..” Jimin calls out, having finally found his voice to acknowledge the other. It was hard to keep the slight tremble from his voice, having been overwhelmed with gratitude that his brother was ok. 
Taehyung, who had been pretty mu

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babytaekookforever #1
Chapter 2: Update please authornim!!!! :(
Bubbaboo #2
Chapter 1: omg what happened neeext!

lol. minho xD