Two souls, One heartbeat

It didn't take long for the boy to wake up, the next day, the boy wake up, just when Seungcheol arrived from his daily herb gathering.

Seungcheol was forced to return home simply because he doesn't want his drunken father to bother his Yixing hyung, looking for him. So once the dawn breaks, Seungcheol was at his feet, ready to gather herbs and fruits that he will bribe to his hyung for letting the boy stay at his home.

Jeonghan woke up to a wooden ceiling, mossy blanket and a very dry throat. There's a boy beaming beside him. He was surprised at first, until he remembered what happened yesterday, or the other day, he wasn't sure how long has he been unconscious.

"Who are you?" The first question Jeonghan asked the boy who, now he realized, saved his pathetic life. The boy looked confused.

The boy spoke and Seungcheol couldn't understand a thing.

"Hyung!!!" Seungcheol called his Yixing hyung. Yixing entered the room not long after he heard Seungcheol.

As the door slides open, Jeonghan was overwhelmed by many negative thoughts. What if this kid was paid by his brother? What if he's still in his brother's sick game? All his thought might have been reflected in his face, because the boy grabbed his arm.

 Jeonghan then remembered what his mother used to say to him: "Jeonghan, don’t trust the world and all people. Don’t believe kindness shown to you, it will be just a lie. No one will help you in this world, no one but yourself."

And it hit Jeonghan that this boy has no reason to help him at all. With that, he suddenly screamed and trashed away from the boy's hold in his arm.

The door opened.

"No, let me go, he will kill me!" Jeonghan shouted at the top of his lungs.

"No one's going to kill you." An adult entered and held his arm just like the boy did in his other arm.

Jeonghan struggled from the hold.

"Calm down, we won't hurt you!" Yixing exclaimed.

That's when Jeonghan realized that the adult also speak his mother tongue. He stopped struggling.

"You’re not Ren's men, are you? Jeonghan shyly asked.

"No. So you're Chinese." Yixing asked, still in Chinese dialect.

Seungcheol watched as the two converses. He has only move from his spot once, only to get water for the boy to drink. He can't take his eyes from the boy, who now he knows as Jeonghan. He was scared a while ago; he thought that the incident might have broken the boy, so he keeps watching the two talks in a language he can’t understand.

Suddenly the talk turn to what sounded to Seungcheol as argument because he saw Jeonghan clench his fist on top of his lap.

Yixing turned to him and spoke: "You have to bring him back Seungcheol. I'll help you bring him back to his father"

Seungcheol was taken aback. Did Yixing hyung forgotten in what condition Seungcheol brought Jeonghan in. Those people related to Jeonghan want him dead, and Yixing hyung want to return Jeonghan to them.

"What are you talking about hyung? Return him? That man will surely kill him this time" Seungcheol raised his voice.

"If you won’t bring him back, someone will come and find him. He's a son of a rich merchant; his father won’t just sit still and leave this country without his son."

"If his father really cared, why would he leave his son to a madman?"

"That was his brother you saw.

"Then all the more reason not to bring him back" Seungcheol can’t believe it, how could a man wished to kill his own brother. But then again, Seungcheol's father want him dead as well, so he really can't talk about that.

"We just have to explain it to his father. Then his father will handle it. Look Seungcheol, all this only happened because Jeonghan wont, can’t speak to his father, but if we or I do it in his place, I'm  sure his father will do something about it. You are too young to handle adult's problem." Yixing reasoned.

That made Seungcheol think. Then suddenly he looked at Jeonghan, he can't talk to Seungcheol but his eyes conveyed it all, he's pleading Seungcheol. And Seungcheol doesn't have the heart to let him down.

"Or we can just hide him. They won’t turn the village upside down won't they?" Seungcheol smiled subtly and sheepishly.



YIxing has been sighing since yesterday. He can't  believe he let two 11 years old boys talk him into their 'cause'-as how would Seungcheol put it- but really, how can he lose to two young adolescent boys in a debate where, clearly, he was the right, sane, mature one. The worst part was even though the two don’t know what each other says, their words matched, complemented one another.

Maybe because he has to argue in two language that he lost. That's right, maybe that’s the reason, Yixing said to himself. So here he is now, at the town square, eyeing every house, looking for a specific red roofed house that Jeonghan described.


Seungcheol and Jeonghan are now in a looking- or not looking competition. The silence is so awkward that their previous unity against Yixing looked like a pigment of the imagination. When Yixing insisted to return Jeonghan, with or without Seungcheol's permission, the two didn't stop defending their side of the conversation like stubborn adults. What was surprising was that when Seungcheol stopped speaking, Jeonghan would follow and back to Seungcheol again. Yixing wasn't given a chance to defend his reasoning because of that. So Jeonghan was given another day to stay at Yixing's

Seungcheol decided that he can’t bear with this silence. He exhale so loud so Jeonghan would look at him

"Jeonghan" he pats his chest "Seungcheol" At that movement, Jeonghan understand what the boy meant. His name is...

"xiungchil?" Jeonghan's melodic voice spoked. Seungcheol laughed so hard at the foreign name he was called. He shouldn't be laughing. He should be insulted, but the serious, yet cute face that Jeonghan showed was priceless, he can’t complain.

"No." He shakes his head. "Seuungg. Cheoool" He pronounced slower and clearer.

Jeonghan tried again

"Siu.. Seungchul?" Jeonghan eyed the boy if he will laugh again. Instead, the boy smiled at him, the brightest smile Jeonghan ever saw in his entire life.

"That's right Jeonghan, I'm Seungcheol" And he held out hand which Jeonghan took.

"Seungcheol. Seungcheol". Jeonghan repeated like a mantra. And even in his mind, Jeonghan kept on repeating the only name he ever really liked, he even liked it more than his name.






And we are now at Chapter 4. Yey!! I would like to thank those people who subscribed in thsi story, i cant enumerate you all but please know that I really appreciate you for subscribing in this story. Thank you for taking the time to read this story. Also, I see Jeonghan as more of a Japanese dude rather than Chinese, but for the sake of the story, and other characters, I decided to make Jeonghan into Chinese-Korean. And yes, Lay will be here, but just for a little short while. I will introduce more characters as we go thru the story. Thats all i can say without spoiling everything. Happy Reading!! <3

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I decided to hold off the update of Chapter 6 because the next chapter will be heavy.

Fingers dipped in Red. RED. RED!!!!


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Chapter 7: jeonghan...T.T.why do good people needs to siffer
Chapter 7: DWC reached 100M views and I'm so happy! Ugh and this fic!!!! Jeonghan needs to be protected at all costs! He and Cheol have been through TOO much! But I'm glad Cheol is planning on taking Jeonghan away. It'll be tough and no doubt they'll run into problems but I hope they'll be okay in the end. And I feel bad for Yixing :( I just want everyone to be happy lol Anyway, Good luck with your job! Hopefully it'll get less stressful for you.
Chapter 6: I'm so happy you got to see SVT so close in person! I can only wish that someday I get to see them irl lol

and omg this chapter was on the darker side but I really enjoyed it?? I know this was Jeonghan's breaking point but I also see it as a way of him trying to take control of a situation that he had no control over. He cares about Seungcheol so much and he doesn't want cheol to be hurt in any way, so in his panicked state his body acted on it's own in order to stop Seungcheol's father. I don't think Jeonghan would've done something so extreme if he had the time to think about things rationally but in the moment all he knew was he wanted to protect Seungcheol.

Ugh this fic just keeps getting better and better! I just hope that there will be some happy moments in the future.. my boys suffer so much lol
Chapter 6: .......blood everywhere omg
Chapter 5: I'm happy that I got to read both chapters but I'm also sobbing. My boys suffer so much please have mercy on them.
Chapter 3: I'm crying! My poor jeonghan!! and omg that ending! Seungcheol finding his reason to live *cries*
Chapter 3: sheks...i need to read the next chap T^T
Chapter 2: It's only the first chapter and I'm already crying for my boys! Save them!
Chapter 1: Abuse and abuse...