Surprise of the Monkey

Oppa-Assa... Mufasa?!

Hiya guys! Been a while since we put this story up. I have kinda been a big slacker at typing this up so sorry people that have waited for this for a long time if you are even still waiting or waiting at all.... Well without further adou I give you chapter 1! Hope you enjoy it!

It was Saturday evening and Donghae has been in his little office/room for most of the day thinking of what to sing for his new song with Eunhyuk, who has been living in a spare room in Donghae’s house. It has been a while since he has thought of the song and to actually put it in writing and a beat was excruciatingly time consuming. Today was the day that Eunhyuk was supposed to help with the song lyrics matching the beat but he was nowhere to be found. This made Donghae angry but also a little lonely thinking that he wasn’t the best of company to people.

Donghae’s POV

Eunhyuk hasn’t really helped out much, just lazing around, eating all of my food. The least he could do was sing to the beat that I am making for the song. I mean we are BOTH singing it so he should also hear it. How hard could it be to sit here and sing? We do it standing up with the group!

I looked at my document and the beat maker. *sigh* I started singing the song to the beat out loud, getting really into it to make sure it sounded right. I guess I was singing pretty loudly because the next second I heard the door opening to my room and Eunhyuk walk in with his ears covered.

“What are you doing yelling out of nowhere?” he asked me.

“What do you think I’m doing? I’m singing OUR song to the beat that WE will be singing it to. I guess I just got a little loud because I kept thinking of SOMEONE who was supposed to help me, helping him-self to my food.” I told him, a little agitated.

“It’s not just your food babo.” Eunhyuk looked over my shoulder and stared at the screen. After a minute he looked back at me. “Looks good. How does it sound with the beat? Sing a few lines will you.” He told me. I looked at him incredulous but he just continued to stare at me and blink. *sigh* I turned around in my chair and started singing.

Eunhyuk looked at me with an amused expression. I noticed it and stopped singing. “What?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Nothing, it just sounded funny with just one person singing it.” Eunhyuk explained smiling.

I snorted, “Well it would sound better if you sang with me but I guess that won’t happen anytime soon will it?”

“With that statement I will agree but it’s not my fault that I’m not singing the song with you.” Eunhyuk explained.

“NOT YOUR FAULT?” I exclaimed, incredulous. Eunhyuk looked at me in surprise but answered.

“Yes, not my fault. You’re the one that doesn’t tell me when you are going over the song.”

“Not TELLING you? I have to TELL you now?” I asked.

Eunhyuk nodded, “Yes,” I opened my mouth at this but Eunhyuk stopped me, “And since I know now I will help you.” He finished and went to the top of the lyric sheet and started the music.

I kept looking at Eunhyuk and after a bit decided that this was the only chance I might get so I turned around and started singing with him. After a few seconds Eunhyuk stopped suddenly. I turned around ready to yell at him when he spoke before I could.

“Say ‘Oppa’ again,” He told me. I looked at him, confused, while he waited.

“Oppa,” I said.

“Now say ‘Assa’.


“Ok, now say ‘Oppa assa’.”

“Oppa assa,” I said wondering why he was telling me to say this. I soon got the answer a second after.

“MUFASA!!” Eunhyuk yelled out smiling. I looked at him extremely confused.

“Excuse me?” I asked him.

“Mufasa.” He stated.

“What about Mufasa?” I asked him.

“’Oppa  assa’ sounds like Mufasa so I yelled out Mufasa.” Eunhyuk explained. “Go ahead, say it again.”

“Oppa assa.”

“MUFASA!” Eunhyuk yelled again. “Don’t you hear it now?”

I nodded my head, finally hearing it now.

“Want to continue? It’s fun.” Eunhyuk asked.

I shook my head. “Sure.”

“Oppa assa!” I yelled.

“Mufasa!” Eunhyuk yelled back.

“Oppa assa!”


After a few minutes yelling Eunhyuk suddenly tickled me, making me drag out the ‘assa’ part. I stared at him confused and then he tickled me again. I couldn’t hold back my laugh and tried to stop Eunhyuk to no avail.

“Hahaha Eun-ha-Hyuk! St-Stop! I’m gonna die –haha- if you don’t –ha- stop! Hahaha!” I tried telling Eunhyuk but he kept it up. I was almost falling out of my chair laughing until I really DID fall out of my chair. I landed on the ground with a loud thump still laughing and Eunhyuk had fallen on top of me. He kept tickling me and I couldn’t keep my eyes open as much as I tried. Then all of a sudden I felt the tickling stop and as I was about to open my eyes I felt something on my lips.

My eyes opened wide, confused, and as I focused on what was on my lips I noticed that it was Eunhyuk that was kissing me. Out of my shock I pushed him off of me and moved away. Eunhyuk on the other hand picked himself up and looked at me with a sorry expression and I saw hurt in his eyes.

“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do that. It just sorta happened….”Eunhyuk tried to explain looking down.

I just sat there and blinked. Eunhyuk was still apologizing for the sudden act so I got up and walked over to him. I put my hand out, gesturing for him to take it and get up.

“It’s alright, let by-gones be by-gones,” I told him, lifting him up as he grabbed my hand. He stood in front of me and looked at me with a sad expression. He tried to hide it and smile but I still saw the hurt in his eyes. Those eyes never lied to me once.

“Alright then.” Eunhyuk said looking down again.

“Alright.” I said. I walked back over to my chair and desk and started looking at the song again. After a few minutes of silence Eunhyuk spoke up.

“Uh, I’ll be going to my room now I guess. I’ll help you with the song tomorrow.” He said opening the door.

“A-alright then, goodnight Hyuk.” I told him.

“’Night Hae,” he said and walked out the door, shutting it.

As soon as the door was shut I slumped down in my chair and put my head down. ‘What was that all about? And why do I feel all lonely now?’ I thought. I didn’t start working on the song until later the next morning.

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