Accidentally or knowingly love

A story about a girl of dreams

Inha kissed Lee Jung suk......

Inha wanted to wake him up from the control of that spirit..she thought that of an evil spirit controlled him than a good spirit could maybe​able to save him...

As she kissed him it seemed that he was coming back to the spirit left him he saw Inha and fell down...

Inha didn't know how could she send him back to the human world..but if he stayed here for too long than he might die here or can be captured here for the rest of his life.....

After a couple of hours Lee Jung suk woke up and found himself in a room of dark.. it was too dark for him to see anything​...He tried to get out of the room but was unable to do so...

He shouted that he wanted to get out but Inha just told him that he would be locked there forever..

He remembered that a girl saved him so he wanted to meet he.. He had fallen for love at first sight with that girl but was unknown that she was already dead...

He tries but fails to get out.. Inha knew that if she brought him out from that room that he would be definitely killed..

Now Inha is trying to figure out a way how to send him away from this world...

Do you think she would be able to do that???

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Chapter 3: I love the idea of this fic but there is just one thing that is bothering me. It reads like a surmised version of what needs to be a more detailed story. If you take each sentence and try to extend it by three-five more sentences, turning one sentence into a paragraph then your story will have more depth. Try to be as detailed as possible. So far we don't know what is happening around Inha, what this dream world looks like, sounds like, smells like, and feels like. You need to describe everything about everything so we can see it clearly like we'e there. You also need to describe what Inha looks like, Jongsuk and Kangchul too. They might have long dark hair or short dark hair, or even auburn hair, flaxen hair, oakre hair. It could be bristly hair or soft shiny hair, matte hair. There are so many words you could use to create this wonderful world you've come up with, so do your best to use them. Use the internet to search them and keep a dictionary by your side at all times. Use your words love.