Chapter 1

Let Me Hold Your Hand
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Mark loves children. He really does, even when he’s not good at interacting with them. But to take care of 3 children? That’s not something he’d expect to happen in the near future. That’s outrageous. He knew he made a mistake by smoking , but that was one time. One time he was so stressed out and when an easy way out of the stress was offered, he easily accepted it. It was a mistake. Seunghyun was on rage when he heard what happened. He suspended Mark from releasing a solo album and he was obliged to pay for an amount of fine the company had agreed to, and the money went to charity. The scandal that happened after wasn’t even his fault. He was really careful in having a one night stand. Making sure he choose foreigners who only stayed in Korea for a couple of days and don’t have any idea who he was. And that was pretty rare. Who would’ve thought that Mark would made another mistake by being fooled by a girl who made him extremely drunk and not realizing that he took home a fan who had been eyeing him since she saw him coming in the club. The girl then spread the words that she slept with the almighty Mark of GOT7 with picture proofs. The scandals with other celebrities? It was just him taking pictures with female idols who asked him to. Well most of them he met at the club, so isn’t it normal for them to wear such racy dress to a club? And the drunk performance… well, he did that on purpose. He was so sick of the bad boy image the public was giving him, so why not entertain them? That was his ultimate mistake. The result was this.

Mark didn’t even know what possessed him until he agreed to what Seunghyun said—well, he was forced to agree anyway—that the kids are really going to live with him in his apartment. Sleeping, eating, drooling, doing everything in the same roof as he is from now on. Yes, the company did hire a nanny to help him take care of the kids, especially when he needs to be overseas for work or promoting with his band or anything related to the new-formed girl band he produce, Heaven, who are actively promoting in Japan now. But still he felt all this was a little too much. 3 kids? Seunghyun could’ve just let him had one kid to take care of. And on top of that, girls? Why not a boy? Why must Seunghyun adopt 3 girls for him?

Now the three of them are standing behind Mark, fidgeting while Mark opened his apartment door. They just finished having a very nice dinner with a treat from Seunghyun and was now eager to see their new home.

“Okay, girls. Welcome to your new ho—“ the unexcited Mark didn’t even finish his words when Chaerin and Bommie ran inside the fancy apartment and jumped on the new expensive leather sofa he bought just days ago. “Hey!! Don’t do that!!! Get down! Oh my God, you’re gonna ruin it!!!”

Dara gasped seeing what her sisters did. She quickly followed Mark inside and pulled Chaerin off the sofa while Mark lifted Bom and put her down on the floor harshly, making her arm bumped the coffee table beside her. Mark was still busy checking any damage on his sofa when he heard a soft muffled cry behind him. He turned to find Bom with tears in her big eyes, one hand covering her injured arm and biting her lips hard, trying hard not to let Mark know she was crying. It was a bad habit, some of the people in the in the orphanage said. It will make adults angry and hate you forever, so you have to keep it down as hard as you can, she remembered them say. Her nanny never said so, but she always made her stop crying so the other caretakers won’t scold her. So when Mark turned to look at her crying, she quickly lowered her head, trying to hide the tears from him even when her arms are throbbing hard from the bump.

“Oh my God, why are you crying?” Mark unconsciously raised his voice at her, making Dara who was already hugging her sister looked at him in despise.

“You are such a rude person, Mark Appa,” Chaerin, the rebellious girl answered for her sister. “You made Bommie hurt and you didn’t even said sorry to her.”

“I did nothing!”

“Yes you did. You make her bump the table. It hurts, you know. That’s why she’s crying,” Chaerin answered again. She looked at Mark with a challenge look that made Mark sighed in defeat. Even though he liked children, he was never good with them. Jinyoung was. But now his band mate slash best friend is doing a solo variety show along with his band-mates Jaebum and Yugyeom, and Mark couldn’t call him to come and help.

“Alright, alright, I’m sorry, okay?” Mark looked down to the hugging sisters. Dara was still trying to sooth Bommie down while the maknae was still shaking. “Hey, I said I’m sorry,” Mark said again with an insincere tone, making Dara raised her head and showed him her frown. Mark tried not to feel guilty when Bommie said it’s okay between her crying and told Dara that she forgave her Appa. “Oh my God,” Mark sighed again. He threw himself to the couch while gesturing the kids to sit across him. They did what he said. The girls sat carefully across him on his expensive couch, with Bom on Dara's lap, looking curiously at him as he himself inspected them one by one.

“Okay, so what are your names again? And I need to know your ages too,” Mark said tiredly. He needed to go to a press conference in a few days to announce to his fans about the adoption, so he needed to know as much as possible about this kids.

“Park Sandara,” the eldest bowed to him. Mark waved his hand, dismissing her polite attitude. He’s her father now, not her boss. At least Mark had to make people see that. “I’m 11 years old,” She looked to her right where her sister was busy staring around Mark’s living room equipped with expensive vases and crystals. “This is Park Chaerin —“ Dara pulled Chaerin so she was facing Mark and gently pushed her shoulder down, making her bow to Mark. “—she will be 7 next month.”

Mark nodded. His head was still pounding, it is all overwhelming for him. “And what’s your name, cutie pie?” Mark tried to speak in a calmer tone to the maknae, and asked with a cooing tone to the little girl on the eldest hold, wh

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Joker_hyphen #1
Chapter 1: I'm really looking forward to it and to Mark's character growth! I can't wait to see how he'll regret these words lool
Animelia #2
Ooh~ this seems like it'll be one heck of a ride for Mark, haha. The plot line you've given seems pretty interesting, so I'm excited to see what you in store, especially with the three little ones involved! I wish you luck and a happy day, hon! ^^