Diary Entry #3: 6/26/17

Glass Doll

Hello lovelies!

Taking a break from script reading to update my food diary, and to highly recommend Lee Haeri's "Can You Hear Me?" from the Tears of Heaven OST - a musical that premiered in South Korea in 2011 with Lee Haeri and Junsu as a South Korean solider and a Vietnamese singer during the war. A bit hard to find, but its lovely. 

Anyway, this past weekend I hung out with my family, which means that I was more prone to higher calorie (not "unhealthy"!) foods - we went to the fair, my dad does a fair share of baking, and that's okay! We only have one life, so we have to live a little!

Here's what happened:

Fri,Jun 23
Scrambled eggs (one full egg, one egg white)
1 whole grain English muffin
Watermelon (2 slices)

3/4 cup white rice
Egg yolk

Tortilla chips from Miguel's Jr. (about 10 chips)

Beef cutlet
1 cup grilled zuchinni
1/4 cup baked beans 

Thrifty's Blueberry Cheesecake Greek yogurt (1 scoop)

I also baked these cute little apple rose pastries from some puff pastry dough I dug out of the freezer. I made them for my family, but messed up two of them and ended up eating the ugly ones. Which were delicious, and even when I factored them into my food diary, I still ended the day at 1,147 kcal, so I was still on track. Most importantly, my macros ended up:
51% carbs
29% fats
20% protein
So nearly right on the mark!

Sat, Jun 24
I went to the fair with my family, which may seem panic-inducing (fried, sugary foods galore, and everything wrapped in bacon?????), but I wasn't all that worried.

- most of the time spent at a fair is spent walking around
- one of the most important parts of a healthy lifestyle is portioning; everything in moderation

Therefore, I slathered on sunscreen and listening to my cravings, and my day ended looking something like this:
1 whole grain English muffin 
Smear of strawberry jelly

1/2 cinammon roll (shared with my sister)
Frozen strawberry lemonade (about a 20 oz cup, but I ended up splitting it and drinking about 8 oz)
2 oz teriyaki chicken

1 1/2 wedge of a Pffannkuchen (German pancake)
5 links of sausage (I had been mainly eating carbohydrates all day, and was aware I was lacking in fat and protein)

Light string cheese

Now, I may have overdone it on compensating for the protein and fat by the end of the day, because my macros ended up something like:
40% carbs
47% fat (MFP goal of 30%)
13% protein

As it is, however, after factoring in all the walking I did, I still managed to make my calorie goal. And even if I hadn't - one day isn't going to make or break my lifestyle. You CAN have your cake and eat it too!

Sun, Jun 25
Chobani yogurt with strawberry on the bottom
1 whole grain English muffin

Root beer float (1/4 cup vanilla ice cream, 4 oz root beer)

1 cup white rice
1 raw egg
(it's a Japanese breakfast known as tamago kake gohan - the hot rice cooks the raw egg a little bit, add a bit of soy sauce, and it's delicious! My sisters looked at my like I was crazy, but it's perfectly safe. If you're really scared of getting salmonella, throw some rice in a saucepan, crack the egg over it, and cook the egg with the rice over low heat).

1/4 cup shrimp fried rice
2 strips of galbi (Korean beef short ribs - my father loves Korean marinade and BBQ even though he's Vietnamese, haha. He does it pretty well too - it's delicious!)

3 Hershey's kisses

I had a small headache also, due to the heat, so I did a bit of walking on my mother's treadmill for about 45 minutes at a leisurely pace, to allow the endorphins of exercise to help. Also, drinking water is super important! It keeps your skin clear, flushes your system, helps with headaches - like a miracle liquid, haha!

Overall, my macros ended up:
50% carbs
33% fat
17% protein

Mon, Jun 26
Scrambled eggs (1 full egg, 1 egg white)
1 whole grain English muffin
2 slice of watermelon

I went to the dentist to get two cavity fillings today, and got novocaine for the first time in my life - I couldn't feel half my face! So I had to stay pretty much with liquids for the rest of the day, but I was determined to get in my macros!

Beef pho (the broth was delicious to sip, but I had a little trouble chewing the beef and not my tongue...)

1/4 cup of vanilla ice cream

Smoothie (see recipe from chapter 5)

Rice Krispy treat (my dad likes baking, as I've said before)

I managed to make my calorie goal, although my macros were a little skewed. However, that's okay! My week during the summer is pretty routine, and my body is capable of balancing it out, so I really have nothing to worry about.
59% carbs
24% fats
17% protein

At this point, according to MFP, I should have lost at least 1 lb after one week, which is the recommended loss per week. 

"Kristy," you may be thinking, "You're pulling my leg. You've been eating chocolate and sweets and red meat and ice cream and you're telling me this is all healthy?"

To which I say - yes. Yes it is.

Tomorrow, I'll be posting my bust, waist, thigh, and calf measurements. Since I refuse to weigh myself due to the fact that it could be extremely dangerous for me, it'll be a way to indicate progress.

Consider this - this entire week, through diet and exercise, I have not gone over 1,250 calories. At the same time, I have not deprived myself of fair food, or baked goods, or ice cream. I've been careful to make sure I get at least some form of carbohydrate, protein, and fat every day.

And, most of all - I feel really good! So yes, it is possible to eat what you want and lose weight without resorting to dangerous K-pop fad diets! Hopefully over the next month or two, should there be any indication in my body measurements, it'll show. 

A healthy lifestyle is not a sprint - it's a marathon. And the consequences of resorting to quick and easy solutions like starving yourself aren't worth it. 

Case in point - my cavity fillings today. For the first 18 years of my life, I never once had a cavity, because I was practically religious when it came to brushing my teeth. When I developed an eating disorder, I made sure to stay away from sugary foods and sodas. Therefore, it made no sense when I started developing cavities for the first time - until my doctor told me that due to lack of nutrients, my bones had begun to deteriorate, become more brittle, including my teeth. It's been years, and I still have to be careful and make sure my calcium, iron, and Vitamin D levels are okay. 

So you don't want cavities? Brush your teeth and make sure you're getting the nutrients you need! Don't do the banana diet or the watermelon diet! Do the YOU diet! 

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Chapter 1: Thank you for sharing your journey Kristy! I used to be pressured to lose some weight. I've been researching about diets. I'm only focusing on being thin until I realized I get sick easily when I did the protein shake diet (I only eat one meal for breakfast and protein shake for dinner and lunch). I still want to lose some pounds but I'll do it the healthier way. You're inspiring! Stay beautiful, love~