Warm Hugs, I Mean Mugs

Warm Hugs, I Mean Mugs

Warm Hugs, I Mean Mugs

A Joyri AU oneshot (bc I love you all)

Yeri didn’t seem to be getting the best of days so far this week. With her finals week in a few days, she needed to study her off in order for her to pass. Yeri wasn’t really the best beadle in class, in fact, she rarely attends lectures on time. Her schedules have been piling up like crazy, not to mention she rarely gets help from her busy friends. On a rainy season like this, she sure did feel the blues.

“Yeri!!” A voice came down echoing from Yeri’s room. Not even looking away from her desk, Yeri shouts back “What is it Joy unnie???”

Joy comes running with her cute lanky cardigan on top of her casual pj’s as her short hair bounced with her enthusiastic movement. “Wendy unnie? You know her right? She has this solo gig at a café tomorrow, would you wanna come with me?”

Bluntly, Yeri declines “I’m sorry unnie, I really need to study. Why not invite someone else?” Joy pouts “It won’t be fun without you. What the hell, Yeri? It’s a Saturday night tomorrow…nobody’s studying but you.” Yeri looks back at Joy seeing her pull her puppy dog eyes that she knows a lot of people have been a victim to. Deep down inside, Yeri actually liked treating Joy like this, she just liked seeing her act cute like that.

“That’s not going to work, unnie.” Yeri says as she goes back to her work.

“Fine, you won’t stop huh? I’ll just help you finish your work so that tomorrow, you won’t have to do anything okay?” Joy said as she went to get some of the papers sitting on Yeri’s desk.

“Are you crazy?? Are you sure??” Yeri said quite shocked seeing what Joy was doing. To this Joy replied “Yes, I am. You’re such a workaholic, Yerimmie, I’ll cut you some slack.” Hearing this made Yeri’s cheeks unconsciously show a faint tint of red. She appreciated what her unnie was doing and despite her efforts to stopping her, she failed. It was sweet.

“I just don’t understand; why do you do this?” Joy lets out a small giggle in disbelief at the amount of reviewing materials Yeri had. “Unlike all of you, I need to make sure I do well and so if I do, it’ll finally be done and I’ll be so relieved when that day comes haha.” Yeri explains while letting out a small laugh.

A few hours have passed and before they knew it, they snoozed off already. Yeri woke up in the middle of the night a bit groggy. “Ughhh..what time is it?” as she checks her clock it was already 4 in the morning. She stretches from her chair a bit and stands up, scratching her back. “When did I fall asle—ah!” Yeri jolts all of a sudden as she sees a soundly sleeping Joy on her bed. “I see, so we did end up falling asleep midway.”

Yeri slowly approaches Joy and nudges her to wake up. “Joy..wake up it’s already 4 a.m.!!” Joy nudges a bit and wakes up from the bed “Oh yeahhh, I fell asleep before I knew it. But I did finish all your leftover work!” She said as she points at the piles of paper next to Yeri’s lamp.

In disbelief, Yeri says “Wow! You really?? I can’t believe.” while giving out a really loud laugh. “Alright, you win, I’ll go with you today.” She smiles at Joy

Joy, feeling like she had won a contest jumps up and around said “Yay! Can’t wait to see you!! Meet me at the Coffee Bar at 5 okay?? You better be there.” While leaving the room.

Yeri, having a smile plastered on her face, found her unnie really silly and cute the same time. She let out a small sneeze shortly after “Man, the rain caught up to me, I hope it just stays like this.”

Hours after the two eventually end up meeting with Joy being a little late. The rain was pouring outside the café but the interior of the place felt warm, a contrast to what was outside.

“Hey!! You’re here.” Joy said while waving to Yeri as she approached her. “Yeah, a promise is a promise haha.” Yeri replied as she wore a mouth mask and black sweater and a scarf.

“Oh, are you sick??” Joy asked looking genuinely concerned “Maybe I shouldn’t have forced you to come here, you should’ve told me.” She let out a small frown. “It’s okay, it came just awhile ago actually haha I’ll be fine.” Yeri said in a quiet tone as so not to disturb the performance.

As the gig started, the two sat a small table near the back of the place. Joy could hear Yeri sniffling trying not to cough too much because it might disturb the audience. “Wendy unnie is really great isn’t she??” Joy asked Yeri trying to dispel the awkward air between them. Yeri turned to Joy with her cheeks lifting “Yeah she is!! I never heard her until now.”

A few minutes in and Yeri started sneezing, using up a lot of tissue. Joy could see Yeri trying to pull her hoodie down, she was clearly feeling cold. Joy felt a bit bad about it and so she told Yeri “Hey Yeri, I’m just gonna go grab a snack, would you want something?” Yeri softly shook her head. Joy disappeared for a while

Yeri was feeling a bit chilly, she knew she should’ve worn a top with sleeves underneath why’d she wear her tank top at this weather?? She put on the hood of her jacket and tried to keep some warmth.

As she was staring at the singers, she felt something hot press up her cheek. She was shocked to see it was a coffee mug. “Joy unnie?” She peeked up and saw the sun, wait, Joy looking at her with 2 cups of warm coffee. “For me??” Yeri asked as she got the cup. It was a caramel macchiato with swirling vanilla on top. “I saw you a bit cold there. I just wanted to get you something to warm you up a bit ehe.” Joy replied giving a soft blush on her cheeks.

“I also have something else to warm you up…” Joy continued on. “Huh? Another coffee?” Yeri tried guessing. Joy hesitated at first, but she suddenly jumped Yeri giving her a soft bear hug almost cuddling her. Yeri blushed “Wh-wha-what are you doing unnie? People are looking at us.”

Joy gave out a soft smile “Like I said, to warm you up.” As she added a small giggle. Yeri could feel Joy’s arms around her and how it somehow felt reassuring and warm. She let her be and wrapped her fingers around the cup that was still giving out steam.

“Hey Yeri, are you red?” Joy noticed as she looked up close at Yeri.

“Wh-what?! No? It’s from the steam of the coffee unnie!!” Yeri pouted a bit trying to cover her face with the mug.

As the night concluded, the rain didn’t seem to stop at all. It got colder outside and so people starting heading in for some warmth. Ah yes, it indeed was the most perfect time to get a fresh warm mug of coffee and love.


(A/N: This was cheesy as hell, I know but yeah haha)


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Chapter 1: Can’t believe I’m the first comment but anyway I love it, thank you very much ^_^.