Beer, Sweat and Tears

High School Never Ends

A lot of things happened during the summer of 2016. Here's a small list of the most remarkable ones:

 -My dad finally gave me permission to drive his car

 -I finished high school

-I got a job -I became single

 -I got fired -I scratched my dad's car

 -I entered college

Now, this last one is the most important, according to most people who know me well the odds that any college would accept me are lower than the odds of winning the lottery. Congrats to the lucky person.



September 13th

 Here I am, almost making a pool from all the sweating, looking at the entrance of what will be my second home for the next 3 years. All the buzz was inside with people walking around ralking to eachother, blue shirt boys and girls kept helping the freshman that either came with their moms so they wont up OR the ones who are close to have a panic attack.

-Welcome to C.H.S.U are you a freshman? - One of those smurfs stands in front of me smilling brighly, obviously noticing my lack of facial expression due to tiredness and all that was happening around us.


-Well, just go up those stairs- i quickly dodged his hand as the enthusiasm almost costed me a slap in the face - Sorry, turn right and you will be assigned a room to pick your subjects.

 -Sure. Thanks- He goes away with the same speed when he approached me, giving me no time to look at him. I shrugged before following his directions.

Whoever said that after getting in enrolling into college would be easy probably never done it. It's 9 am my pants are glued to my legs from all the sweat, there are no chairs so i try to find comfort on the hard surface of the floor and although there's beer somewhere I can't find the place to get it.

 Good thing I already know someone here, Momo. Now, if there's someone who had the same chances of being accepted into college as me, it's her. She entered last year in the same course and she has no idea that we will be college buddies. I pick my phone dialing her number, she would be mad if she only found out that information after school starts.

-...Hello...? - Her sleepy voice muffled by her pillow speaks up

-. Weren't you supposed to be picking your classes and making your schedule for the next 2 semesters?

 - I can do it online...wait how do you know that?

-Go figure...- A short pause followed for some noises that I want to believe was her getting out of bed.

 -...Holy ! You got in?!

 -No. I just woke up at 7 am with the purpose of spending the next 2-3 hours sitting in the hallway with my body drenched with sweat.

-Yup. Welcome to C.H.U.S.....Alteast there's beer..

 -Yeah. I saw a guy holding 2, are you coming?

-Nah, I have no intention of doing that.

- you Momo, seriously.

-Listen, how about we meet on monday?

-You mean our last day of vacation?

-Yup, I will show you the place and hopefully introducing you to some people.

-You won’t show up, will you?

 - Shut up...2 pm in the entrance, okay? I will pay you a beer.

-Fine, I have to go. They are calling for me.

 -Bye babe.


I take a deep breath, stand up and walk into the room, all the computers were occupied by one freshman and a smurf, except one. A smaller girl with short blonde hair approaches me.

-Jennie Kim? - I instinctinvely like her, maybe it’s because we’re both have the same nervous smile.

- Yup. Are you studying Literature too? – I ask curiously as we shake hands.

-Nop, my name is Sunny and I’m a senior studying Translation.

-Do you know anything about Literature subjects?

-Not really…

-…-We both stare at each other before facing the bright computer screen

-Yup- she mumbles, I guess now I know why she’s nervous.


Thankfully the smurf next to me, who was also helping another freshman, was a senior in Literature and sort of guided me in which subjects I should pick on my first year and what were the best teachers and by best, I mean the ones who are the coolest and will hardly fail me…Good thing I changed my original option as an optional subject from Medieval History to North American Popular Culture, which also means I have no free monday like I was hoping…

C.H.U.S is a great place to study…If you actually know what to do with your life:

-You pick your subjects

-You pick who you want to teach you

-You make your own schedule

-You have 17 courses and 600 options to study


Now, when you belong to the majority of students (young adults with no expectations or goals) those things will you up…. Guess in which group I am in…? But I guess college is not so bad after all.


-Alright, all done- Sunny hands me all the papers I need with my schedules and subjects- Now don’t forget to go the office at the end of the hall so you can make your payment- she chuckles at my confused face.


-Yes. To finish this, you have to pay the first loan plus the enrolling.

I look at her nodding slowly and the new information -And how much is that?

-Close to 200 I think

- ….

- Yup, welcome to college –

I turn my back to her as I leave the room quickly noticing the long line of freshman at the entrance of the office.

-I think I miss high school already-

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