Thirty Nine


~Jungkook's Pov~

Dinner still went on like planned, even though I didn't feel well and wanted to stay home in the end. I still went however cause they were my friends and I hadn't seen them in quite sometime. Yoongi and Jimin sat in the front, talking about some weird thing I didn't understand. Me and Taehyung were both sat in the back, looking out with window in awkward silence. I admit I found it awkward, I've never been in a relationship before and we both agreed to keep a secret from everyone else cause we wanted them out of our love life. That wasn't the problem how ever, the problem was that I had no ing idea how to act around Taehyung now, act as I normally do but if I acted like I normally would I'd get lost and it would slip out. So it kind of seemed like we were avoiding each other, Jimin even asked me through text if we were fighting and I told him no, it's just been a long night. 

I didn't even really give an answer to Jimin as to why I was sleeping at Taehyung's and not in my own house. I actually dodged the question cause at the same time Yoongi asked me if I could take photos of him for Instagram. I happily agreed and then Jimin himself forgot about the question. Yoongi kept talking about house arrangements with him and it was kinda like he knew what was up, knew how I felt and helped me dodge a bullet. We often make the joke that Yoongi has probably killed someone in his twenty plus years of life, but when you get to know him he's actually pretty wise like the old grandfather turtle he really is.

I seen Taehyung glance at me from the corner of my eye, I looked up towards the front seeing Jimin and Yoongi were distracted. I looked back at Taehyung and I took his hand, giving him a gentle smile as the car pulled into the driveway of a diner. I quickly pulled my hand away and I slouched down in my seat, seeing Seokjin's truck was already parked in the driveway. 

"We haven't done this in a while," Jimin exclaimed to Yoongi as he slowly got out of the car. I watched as Taehyung and Yoongi got out as well and pulled off the seat belt that was securing me from any accidents. I pushed up the car door and I was quickly met by Taehyung who stayed back to wait for me. 

I walked with my shoulders slumped, my head tilted towards the ground as I watched my pitiful steps scuff the cement under my feet. I hated being that friend who's glum and the life out of things, but I just didn't feel it today and on the other had I didn't want to let my friends down. They were excited for this day, Hoseok wrote it in on a calendar, Seokjin and Namjoon planned it and Jimin was non stop talking about it. I felt like I had to be excited, but I just wasn't. 

"Cheer up, you look so handsome when you smile," Taehyung said as he nudged my shoulder with his own. "I know life , but we are here for you," he added and he held the door open for me. "When we go home let's watch a movie, yeah?"

I nodded my head lightly, a half smile appearing on my face as I walked through the door and took a seat next to Jimin. Yoongi sat next to him and Taehyung sat on the other side of me. Seokjin and Namjoon were already deep in conversation and Hoseok and Yoongi were talking about an interesting show they were both watching on tv. 

"You look so sad," Jimin said and he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "You didn't have to come if you didn't want too."

"I wanted too," I said and I looked over at him. "Plus I need to get back into some type of routine, I can't just stay at home an splay overwatch for the rest of my life."

"Well. Technically you can, but life has much more to offer than a game," He said and he ruffled my hair. "When we were younger you were a real introvert too, I liked to go to the play ground and play on the jungle gyms that had most of the people and you would sit on the swings by your self and collect nice rocks you seen while looking at the ground." 

"I see not much has changed," Taehyung said and I looked over at him, hitting him in the arm with my hand. "My mom survived my child hood on an Advil and a bottle of jack Daniels."

Jimin laughed and he nudged Taehyung's leg with his fingers. "I'm not surprised, if you were as crazy then as you were now I'd take a shot of vodka inmy orange juice each morning." 

I bite my bottom lip and I keep silent. Jimin's conversation with Taehyung quickly drifted to a conversation with Yoongi. Taehyung was telling me his theory that rabbits actually lived on the moon and you just couldn't see them because they were all white. 

When we got our food the conversations died down and the crowd from the table next to us were the ones making the noise. Taking shots of alcohol, laughing loudly at basically nothing, my eyes glanced towards them and I felt Taehyung nudge me with his leg. I turned to look at him, seeing an evil smile plastered on his face. "What did you do now?" I asked him and I watched his jaw drop. 

"Me? Do something bad? I would never," he said and he nodded towards his plate. "Want a fry, small fry?" He asked and I shook my head. We go silent for a second until Taehyung turns to look at me again. "I bet you I can make Seokjin mad in two seconds." He whispered. 

"I best you can too, that's not too hard to do." 

Taehyung smiled and he picked up a fry from his plate, while Seokjin was busy talking to Namjoon, he threw the fry and it hit him in the ear. 

"Who the hell threw that?" Seokjin asked as he picked the fry up from his plate. 

"Jimin how could you do such a thing," Taehyung said and everyone turned to face Jimin who was just looking up from his plate. He looked at the fry and he furrowed his eye brow, hitting Taehyung with his hands. 

"Why are you all always attacking me?!" Jimin said in frustration.

I finally took a bite of my burger and I looked off the the distance at an empty table. I really want to enjoy this, but I just didn't.

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Chapter 59: So much fun to read ?
daniaza #2
Chapter 49: i swear to ing gosh i will stab a mf (which is myself) i swEAR TO THE HOLY HOBI THAT IF THEY DONT STOP GIVING US HEART ATTACKS I WILL DIE(lookin at you author) [okay i'm done now;-;]
daniaza #3
Chapter 43: (last comment) me- no i mean him, i mean, im actually a suga stan but no one can tell
daniaza #4
Chapter 40: i swear kookie get your out of the dumps(FEEL FREE TO BE SAD THIS IS HOW I COPE :'))))))
(also i noticed author seems to not talk that much so ill stop commenting until the end)
daniaza #5
daniaza #6
Chapter 39: hahahahahaha you ain't straight at all jungshook(I KNOW THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE SAD BUT THIS IS HOW I COPE WITH ANGST @ NIGHT)
daniaza #7
Chapter 38: (i got lazy of being lazy tf how does that happen) also HOW DID CHIM NOT GET ANGRY AND BEING CALLED SMOL
daniaza #8
Chapter 37: lazy( i already can't remember things THANKS CHIM, also i also forgot that tae was there HAHAHA wouldn't he liKE to be shipped with kookie?) also author-nim(cringe @ me) notice me senpai(FUCC me)
daniaza #9
Chapter 36: more(the blooming romance of boiiiii and sad smol boiiiii)
daniaza #10
Chapter 35: and(I DIDNT COME HERE FOR ANGST YOU AUTHOR , i'm kidding ily don't block me love me....oh no am i tae now)