Yellow Tulips


"Hey! Hi, Look, I know we really don't communicate super often, or at all, but I saw you have tulips in your backyard? I was just kind of wondering if i could take a couple to my litte sisters, they've been obsessed with flowers and im running late so i won't be able to get any on the way and- just please?" Hakyeon was already out of breath by the time he finished talking. Once he took the break for a couple breaths, he looked at his neighbor with his signature "please just give it to me im a desperate soul" face and waited for the yes or no.  


"". There it was. The answer that he was dreading. 


"I know that me asking for flowers is weird and especially your flowers but please, i need them" Hakyeon tried again, this time sounding like a child throwing a tantrum. 


His neighbor (his name was Taekwon? Taewook? something with a Tae he knows for sure) stares at him, emotion subtracted from his face which makes Hakyeon kind of intimidated but that's not the problem here. 

"Please?" He tries one last time. 


Finally, his neighbor sighs, "Alright. Only 4 though. That's it." and walks away towards the back of his house, leaving the door open which has Hakyeon feeling as if he should go in but doesn't. 

Taekwoon (in the 2 minutes he was left alone he remembered his dear ole neighbors name), came back with 4 yellow tulips and a yellow ribbon tying them together and handed them to the desperate man outside his door.

Hakyeon practically shouts as he's handed the small bouquet, "Thank you so much! I owe you my soul. I love you!" 


(And we aren't gonna talk about the fact that Tae blushed a little at the "i love you" because he didn't. He would never.)


The next time they come face to face again is when Hakyeon rings the doorbell again with a small bouquet of purple tulips in his hand. The door opens slowly and at first all he can see is a fluff of black hair obviously messed up from sleep (maybe coming to his neighbors house at 8 AM wasn't the smartest idea he's had in a while). 


"Hi?" Taekwoon's voice is small, partly from just waking up and the other part being his nature. 


"Hi! I wanted to give you a little something for those flowers you let me take a couple of weeks ago?" Hakyeon's voice is the complete opposite of Tae's, it's loud and has a little bit of a rhythm to it. 


The only response Taekwoon has to the flowers in his face is, "they're purple." 


"Yeah! I looked it up and it said purple tulips meant royalty and i thought they'd be perfect if I was the one to give them to you," Haekyeon tries to laugh at little to help his joke but the look on the other mans face tells him to stop immediately. 


Taekwoon just bows his head and takes the flowers, then walks back into his house and closes the door. 


For the next couple of weeks things go back to the way they were, only adding the waves and smiles Hakyeon gives to his newly acquainted neighbor and the little smile head bow he gets in return. Hakyeon also drew it upon himself to grow tulips in his backyard to avoid the "can i please borrow your tulips" situation that had happened. They were purple, not yellow, but purple. He always thought it was such a pretty and mellow color so he went with purple tulips for his backyard. 


The next time a door bell rings its at Hakyeons house and oddly it was a gentle ding, far from the loud ring that the bell creates; it only made sense when he opened the door and saw Taekwoon standing outside. He was noticeably nervous from the way his hands twined together and his feet only stayed in one spot 2 seconds at a time. 


Before Hakyeon can say his greeting Taekwoon spoke first, "Hi? Can i borrow one of your tulips? It's just you have purple and I-I don't". His sentence almost doesn't seem like it has an end with the way his voice gets quieter as he goes. 


"Of course! Let me go pick some!", hurriedly Hakyeon runs outside to pick 4 tulips and runs back to the front handing him the flowers. 

"Here you go! Do you need anything else?" 


"No, that's fine, thank you", with that Taekwoon walks away, purple tulips in hand and small smile on his face. 


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Chapter 1: That's just adorable! What a cutie neighbors!
Chapter 1: okay i swear this is freaking cute