Part 2/2

Falling Slowly

Trial Two.


You know, I’m really trying to keep my calm, approachable, and kind rep. But this annoying moron never fails to agitate my ill-tempered nature.


You have a reputation as a nerd. What more can you ask for?


Did you just insult me??!


Who says that it’s a bad thing?


You just insulted me—of course it’s a bad thing!


Being a nerd I mean, you stupid.


Whoa. For a second I’m a nerd and now you call me stupid???!!


Yeah! ‘Cause if you’re not stupid, then you should know by now that I like you!


How the hell would I know, when you’re busy making me miserable all the—Wait…






Freely-Falling Sunny Object


Last night, I was freaking out. I felt like someone was following me on my way home. Good thing I was back at the dorm safe and sound. Stupid Sungmin.


He STILL deserves to die.


“Today, we talk about freefall.” Says evil professor, pacing around the lab. “Now if you—” He looked at the empty seat beside me. “Sunny, where’s your partner?”


“Like I know where he is—and like I care.” I shrugged.


“Did he die or something?” He says gazing at the back, seeing someone at the door.


“I sure hope so.” I told him frankly, he nodded. This by far is my favorite conversation with him.


The next thing I know, a bag was dropped on the vacant seat beside me. The moron has arrived with a serious expression which is so not him. How long has he been here??


“Oh. Your wish didn’t come true. Too baaad…” Says evil prof. Ok. I understand that I’m pissed off by his sarcasm, but why am I feeling scared at the same time?


He didn’t hear our conversation, did he?


“Let’s start.”


The moron shot me an ‘I-heard-that’ glance before sitting down.


I’m so dead. Who knows what would he do to me this time??! Clearly, I should do the opposite of letting my guard down.


“To understand further objects in freefall, I’m gonna make you feel like an object in freefall…Some of you, anyway.” What? So are you gonna throw some of us out the window and watch us land on the ground floor with a popcorn in hand?


“Now, pair up.” He made us all stand. Oh my god. “The activity is called: trust fall. The lighter-weighted person is the one who subjects himself in a freefall, while the other person serves as the landing surface.”


Haha. Sungmin’s a landing surface. That’s funny.


“…The thing is…I’m not requiring you to catch. It’s solely up to the other person whether to do so, or not.” Ok. I take back what I said—that is so not funny.

“This is called a trust fall, people. Therefore, catch them only if you think they deserve to be.”


Everybody in the lighter-weighted group was pretty confident that their wouldn’t be making friends with the ground…everybody, but me.


Sustained by little optimism, I dared look at Sungmin’s face. He still has that serious expression, like it’s tattooed on his face.


That little optimism sustaining me has officially died.


“Another thing, people,” the prof called. “ object in freefall cannot control itself in the entire duration of the fall. Therefore, you cannot refrain yourself from falling into something once it starts.”


“Don’t be afraid to fall. Maybe I’ll catch you.” He says in the same expression—making him seem sarcastic.


“Shall you start?” He didn’t move an inch when the prof said this.


I moved in front of him and turned around. I looked at my feet and sighed deeply.


Ok. I’m ready to make a fool out of myself.




I completely gave up everything to the pull of gravity. I just closed my eyes and waited patiently for the ground to come for my —or is it the other way around? I didn’t know—nor did I care. I was just expecting a hard surface and a painful landing after this very slow fall…


…as I did, I heard a lot of ‘ouch’ around the room. I flinched as I imagine how much more would it be for me.




Then, my didn’t feel the ground, nor did I feel hurt—though I was sure I’ve reached my landing.


I opened my eyes to see Sungmin staring at me. 


I remember that odd feeling occurring inside of me at that moment. That rapid beating. That irregular breathing.


After that, we never talked. His pranks have stopped. I barely saw him in the campus. I should be happy, right?


That, I’ve been asking myself for two weeks now.


Since after that day, everything started to seem boring. Am I going nuts? Did I actually feel happy with him pranking on me all the time?


Of course not.


Maybe I found the way he pouted cute when our prof caught him trying to destroy the structure.


Maybe I was secretly happy to watch him smile and laugh.


Maybe it was fun watching him enjoy himself while he was pranking me—at least he was just there inches from me, unlike right now.



Maybe I am crazy. 


Maybe…I am crazy for not realizing that I’m falling slowly. In addition to that—stupid—‘cause I let myself fall, to start with.


 Moronity is contagious, isn’t it?




“What??” I turned around, irritated (stupid Sungmin for invading my thoughts for fourteen days and nights)—only to find evil prof’s ‘what-the-hell-I-did –not-just-eat-your-black-bean-noodles’ look. “Sorry. What is it?” I said calmly this time.


“I need you to hand this to Sungmi—”


“Thanks!” I said, grabbing the piece of folded paper from him and ran.


Then I came back, saying… ”Best thing you ever did this entire time!” I said, then I started running again.


For some reason, I instantly knew where to find him.

Our professor is weird. He keeps his music instruments in the lab.


Rest assured, I found Sungmin playing the same song on the piano again. I wonder if that’s the only thing he ever plays…


I entered the lab.


“♪I don’t know you but I want you all the more for that….♪” He stared to sing.


“♪Words fall through me and always fool me and I can’t react… ♪” He turned around to see me singing with him. He smiled, still singing while turning his gaze back to the piano.


“♪And games that never amount to more than they’re worth will play themselves out…♪” I smiled to myself. I miss this voice.


“♪Take this sinking boat and point it home we still got time…Raise your hopeful voice you havea choice you’ve made it known…♪" I sang with him again in this part.


“♪Falling slowly sing your melody I’ll sing it loud…♪” We sang the last line together and it was followed by a five-second silence. I didn’t know what to say, so I waited for him to go first.


“An object in freefall cannot control itself in the entire duration of the fall. Therefore, you cannot refrain yourself from falling into something once it starts.” He quoted our evil prof. “So have you fallen for me?” He finally turned to me.


“I think I did. Exactly two weeks ago.” I smiled to one side.


“That’s falling INTO. Falling FOR is different.” This time he stood up from the piano stool while smirking.


“I think I managed to do both at the same time.” He smiled this time as he was walking towards me. Next thing I know, he kissed me on the cheek. That, I didn’t see coming.


“See? I told you I’d catch you.” He says smirking.


“But you said maybe.”


“And you believed that?” He chuckled a bit. “Look, I like you.” He looked me directly in the eyes—making it seem like he means it.


“Yeah. You showed that quite well by pranking me all the time. You don’t have any idea how freaked out I was to go home that late that time.” I said referring to the incident during the first experiment with grudge, but smiling.


“I followed you to make sure you get home safe.” Wait…so it was him?


“You scared the hell out of me cause I’m not aware that the Edward Cullen style of ‘watching over’ A.K.A. stalking has become a fad nowadays”


“Edward Cullen? That is so gay as opposed to me. Anyway, sorry.” He chuckled. I found it cute. This is really getting weird. Understandable, since we’re practically surrounded by dissected body parts of animals floating in jars of formaline.


“Hey, but that’s not even the end of it—”


This time, he gave me a quick smack on the lips.


“Hey, you’re not allowed to do that anytime you want! That’s ual harassment!”


“I couldn’t care less. As long as it shuts all girls up—Ah, I mean—you up.”


“What??! I hate you, Lee Sungmin!”


“‘The more you hate, the more you love’. Guess that never gets old, huh?”


I wiggled my tongue against my cheek again while looking down—but smiling this time. I remembered the paper the prof wants me to hand over to this moron. We both looked at it smiling. I unfolded it.


It read:


’By the time you read this, I trust you already scored one from the nerd. I told you, reverse psychology is effective.’


My tongue still wiggled, but my smile faded. I looked up to find his mouth hanging slightly open while staring at the paper. He got over himself as things finally made sense to him.     


He was smart to run.


Copyright © 2010 by Anakin Gundam™-AUTHOR’S PSEUDONYM

A.K.A. amusingmurdermachine-AUTHOR’S USERNAME 


Guess that's it. So? What do you think?

Tell me, guys. :)

Comments are so much appreciated...

Oh, by the way...did you spot some errors? Just tell me if you did. :)


Two more things...



First: Twilight fans, please don’t kill me. I don’t intend to offend anyone on that certain part there—I just presented an example of the ‘Edward Cullen complex’ of some guys. ^_^

And: I’m not really sure of the difference between falling into and falling for but as I define it here:

 Falling into: literally hitting a surface

 Falling for: falling in love or something—a connotation  


Thanks so much for getting this far. If I get a good response, I will continue writing for you guys. ^_^

I actually have some new stuff in mind right now. I really hope I could actually write them and share them with you. :)


'Til then...I'll wait for your feedback. ^_^


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snsdanimelover #1
Chapter 2: loved it sooo much!
Sumaiya_Sultana #2
Chapter 2: Sungmin and Sunny are so cute together :3
Sumaiya_Sultana #3
Chapter 1: Sungmin is so evil...
great story!
New reader here! :-)
the story is cute just like Sungmin and Sunny
This is so nice. I love it. :))
kinzehbaby #9