
Like the Lotus: The Next Generation

Wae: Why?
Eyes are high: Korean idiom meaning standards are too high or having unrealistic expectations
Stomach hurts: Korean idiom meaning to be jealous
Michyeosseo: Are you crazy?
Like eating cold porridge: Korean idiom meaning easy
Jagiya: darling
babo (pronounced pabo): fool, idiot 

Disclaimer: I do not own the original BOF characters. Also, I am not in the medical field, so please forgive any errors on the medical condition. If there is anything you would like to correct me on, feel free to.

Chapter Sixteen: Crushed

When Aidan first ran in, trailed by a legion of crazed fangirls, Mee-Yon was shocked. She was even more shocked when he jumped into the pool with her, fully clothed. Mee-Yon was so angry at those idiots for tearing his uniform and chasing him like a pack of wild dogs. What were they thinking? Were they insane? She wanted to tell them off and also punch their faces...

Yoon Mee-Yon had been told more than once that she looked a bit like her appa, and while she might share a few of his facial features, she certainly didn't have his calm disposition. There was a fire inside the Yoon girl, one that rarely reared its face but was there nonetheless. She wouldn't hesitate to stand up to a bully or to say something to someone in the wrong. Appa said she got her spirit of 'Justice,' as he called it, from her eomma.

Regardless of this, Appa was always eager to introduce her to people, and she would always hope she didn't embarrass him. When important people first met her, they often expected her to be the perfect little lady, just because her father was Yoon Ji Hoo-world-renowned surgeon and owner of the Suam Cultural Foundation and Yoon Clinic. But that was so far from how it was. Although she tried to present the image of a refined, well-mannered young woman-and in all fairness, she'd had every opportunity to become one-it just wasn't who she was inside. Appa never seemed to care about any of that, though. He loved her for who she was, as did the rest of her family, and he was always proud to present her to colleagues and patrons. That was enough for her.

But while the guy she liked remained submerged beside her, she wasn't thinking about any of that. She wasn't thinking about how to punish those girls, or about anything else, but only about how to get rid of them, so he wouldn't drown. She couldn't believe he'd stayed down there as long as he had.

Thankfully, she'd managed to get rid of them, and here they were… And as Aidan leaned in, Mee-Yon forgot all about what had led to this moment…

As his lips traveled closer and closer to hers, Mee-Yon's mind was spinning out of control. Even more than that, her body was reacting strongly. She was tingly and warm all over, and she felt as though her heart was going to beat through her chest. Somehow, she felt weak and energetic all at once, as if she'd just completed an 800-meter swim race and won, leaving her exhausted yet exhilarated.

Mee-Yon had to pictured this moment many times before-her first kiss. The first time she imagined it, she didn't have a particular guy in her head. She simply dreamed of being in love and receiving an amazing kiss from the perfect guy. And back then, all she knew was that she wanted to marry a man like her dad, handsome and caring, one who would love her as much as Appa loved Eomma. There was a brief time when she imagined Park Jung-Ho kissing her, but when the moment arose, it just didn't feel right.

And now, there was Aidan.

Yes, she'd liked him from the moment she met him, even before she knew him, but she realized that it had just been a crush before. It was more than that now, at least she believed so. Now that she actually knew him she liked him even more, and dare she say...could love with him?

Naturally, she'd pictured kissing Aidan before, but it was nothing like this…

In her fantasy, they were on a romantic date, not in a pool. She was wearing something much cuter and more flattering than swimwear, and her hair was nicely done up, not hidden by a swim cap. Well, Aidan was as perfect as any dream guy could be, but the setting...was less than desirable. Why Aidan Sunbae? Why did you choose to do it here and now?

But when his lips touched hers, she no longer cared about any of that.

A surge of hot electricity ran through her body, and she was sure she would liquify and become one with the pool. Mee-Yon didn't know what to do exactly, but she'd seen enough kisses on TV and in movies to tell her that she should close her eyes. So, she did that.

His hands were resting on her shoulders while hers were flat against her sides. Telling herself to keep it together and relax, she tried to focus on the feel of his lips. They were so soft, and it was so nice having them touching hers. She didn't want this to end…

Right now, her lips were unmoving as he pressed his against hers, but in a sudden surge of courage, she decided to kiss back. Hesitantly, she pushed back, causing his lips to part a bit, and he held her tighter. At that moment, her capacity for thought shut down, and another part of her took over, one that only knew how to feel…

"Ya!" an angry male voice shouted out, bringing Mee-Yon out of her trance. And she recognized the voice immediately. She had only heard him get really mad on one or two occasions in her life and never had he sounded quite this furious. Almost as soon as she heard her brother's voice, Mee-Yon broke away from Aidan, and she turned her eyes toward the doorway to confirm. "O-ppa?"

Seok-Young wasn't even looking at her, and that almost seemed purposeful, like he couldn't stand to. Mee-Yon lowered her eyes guiltily and waded backward in the pool, putting further distance between herself and Aidan, as if she'd done the worst possible thing she could have. But she didn't do anything wrong, so why should she feel so bad?

The Yoon girl glanced at Aidan, who was looking away, and then she looked back at her brother. Seok-Young was seething. His arms were folded tight across his chest, and his face was redder than she'd ever seen it. His body faintly shaking, he was a time bomb about ready to explode.

"Hello, Seok-Young," Aidan spoke in his disarming way as he waded to the edge of the pool.

Seok-Young glared at him. "That's all you have to say? What's going on here?" he demanded of the pop star.

"N-nothing, Oppa!" Mee-Yon spoke up for Aidan.

"Nothing?" he squinted over at his sister in disbelief-the first time he'd bothered to look at her-before once again fixing his eyes on the boy beside her.

Aidan looked at Mee-Yon, giving her the briefest flash of a reassuring smile. And then with a sigh, he pulled himself out of the pool and stood. As soon as he did, Seok-Young crossed the space between them, grabbed him by the collar, and slammed him against the far wall.

"Seok-Young, take it easy," Aidan gently demanded as his back hit the wall.

"Oppa, stop!" Mee-Yon urged as she quickly pulled herself out of the pool.

"How dare you! How dare you kiss my little sister!" the red-haired boy grimaced as he pushed the slightly taller boy into the moistened wall of the natatorium.

Neither Aidan's tranquil demeanor nor his pleas for Seok-Young to calm down and let him explain were doing any good, so Mee-Yon rushed over to the two and tugged at Seok Young's sleeve. "Oppa, let him go, please." At first, it was a soft request, but when her brother completely ignored her, she raised her voice, shouting "Yoon Seok-Young!" at the top of her lungs. Growing impatient, Mee-Yon grabbed Seok-Young by the back of his jacket and yanked as hard as she could, separating the two.

Surprised by her forcefulness and at hearing her call his name, Seok-Young took a few steps back from Aidan. Realizing he'd gone a bit far, he looked over at his sister. His face softened a bit, but she was fuming. Mee-Yon's shoulders rose and fell heavily, and her breathing was elevated. At the opportunity, she put herself between her brother and the guy she liked. And brother and sister stared each other down…

Seok-Young was always able to read her well, and her dark, blazing eyes seemed to say, 'don't you dare come any closer.'

Suddenly, it felt like one of the staring contests they used to have as kids, which he almost always won. She said it was because he was a robot who was programmed not to blink, but he thought it was because Mee-Yon got too intense and emotional while he just relaxed and let the time pass. Besides, she was too impatient. But this time, he could tell she wasn't going to blink or back down.

After several minutes passed, Mee-Yon finally spoke. "You should apologize to Aidan Sunbae," she demanded. Seok-Young said nothing, but it was clear from the look on his face that he didn't intend to do so. He could be so stubborn sometimes!

Aidan placed a hand on Mee-Yon's shoulder, earning a harsh glare from Seok-Young, but the pop prince didn't move an inch. "It's OK, Mee Yon-ah," Aidan said, and he looked at Seok-Young over her shoulder. "Seok Young, please let me explain."

That only got Seok-Young mad all over again. "There's no explanation you can possibly give!" he shouted back. Mee-Yon cast her older brother a cautionary glance, but he shot right back with a look that suggested he needed a word with her.

Then he focused on Aidan again. "You," Seok-Young addressed him calmly but with complete lack of honorific or even basic respect, and Mee-Yon was shocked. "I'm going to say this in English, so I'll be sure you understand," and her brother continued in the foreign tongue, "Stay away from my sister."

Seok-Young probably assumed she didn't know what he said since she wasn't so great in English, but Mee-Yon knew. And she was furious. She turned to Aidan. "Excuse me, Sunbae, but could you give my oppa and me some time to talk in private?"

Aidan nodded to her. "I should go and change anyway," and he walked away and out of the natatorium, hands in soggy pockets.

Avoiding eye contact with her, "You should change, too, or you'll catch a cold," Seok-Young muttered.

But Mee-Yon needed to say her piece first. "What's wrong with you?!"

Her harsh tone shocked Seok-Young a bit. Why should she be so surprised and angry with him for defending her honor? Wasn't that what older brothers were for? He'd always thought so. Appa was Eomma's firefighter. Plain and simple. And Appa was Mee- Yon-ah's firefighter, too. Eomma had always said that, and Appa had also told him that he was the 'mini' or 'honorary' firefighter for his mom and sister. If Appa could not be there, it fell to him, and it was a role he gladly accepted because he loved them both so much. Yoon Seok-Young did not see himself as the strong or brave type necessarily, but when it came to Eomma and Mee-Yon, he had a strong sense of protectiveness, and he knew he would endure anything, even bodily harm, to keep them safe and happy.

Foolish girl, can't you see I'm looking out for you? You can't see past today, but I can see you crying for weeks, even months over him… And Aidan, how could he do this? How could he be okay with leading her on like this when he knows it can never be? Seok Young had thought that Aidan was an alright guy, but now, he didn't like him at all. Jun Seo was right all along…

"Well, what do you have to say for yourself?!" she demanded, stomping her bare foot on the ground.

Seok-Young sighed at his sibling's impetuousness. "I could ask you the same thing."

Mee-Yon huffed in annoyance; her cheeks were as red and shiny as apples, and she looked so close to exploding...

"I know you're angry with me, but it was for your own good."

Mee Yon's mouth dropped open.

"It's fortunate I showed up when I did, or…"

"Or WHAT?! What, Oppa? What terrible thing would he have done to me?"

"I don't even want to think about that."

"No, tell me. What terrible thing do you imagine Aidan Sunbae doing to me?"

Seok-Young released a heavy sigh and simply said, "He shouldn't have kissed you. You shouldn't be kissing him."

"Why not, Oppa?! There was nothing wrong with what he did. He likes me, and I like him, and we kissed," Mee-Yon prattled on, "So what? There's nothing wrong with that!"

"There is, for many reasons. For one, you're too young."

"Too young? Really? What about Eun-Jeong? She's the same age as me. Is she too young to be dating and kissing YOU?"

Sticking his hands into his pockets, Seok-Young replied, "Well, that's already been dealt with. But that's not even the point. Appa said one date. That was it. And now you're kissing him. Maybe Appa should know about this…," and Seok Young turned as if he was going off to tell Appa right now, but Mee-Yon called his bluff.

"Always running to Appa, aren't you?" She had tears forming in her eyes now. "Is it you and Appa's mission to make me miserable?"

That one hurt, and it rendered Seok Young speechless.

"Mee-Yon-ah…," he muttered, once he could speak again, "You know that's not it." How could she say such a thing, anyway? He and Appa had only ever tried to make her happy. He approached her, reaching out to wipe away her tears, but she pulled away and turned her back on him.

"Why don't you just...stay out of it?" she growled.

"Mee Yon-ah…"

"No, I don't want to hear anymore! Just stay out of my life!" And with that, Mee-Yon geared up to run away.

"He's leaving, Mee-Yon!" Seok Young shouted, stopping her from bolting.

She froze in her tracks, and her shoulders slumped. "...You don't think I know that," she mumbled, her back still turned to him.

"I know you know," Seok Young spoke gently, approaching her slowly. "But...I don't think you realize how soon...or what it's going to do to you when it happens... If you keep going like're going to be in so much pain. I don't want to see that, so please...just stop now," Seok Young released a sorrowful sigh. "It's better not to know what it's like if it can't be."

He could see her body shaking lightly; it was clear that she was crying now.

"I'm so sorry, Little One," he continued, "I don't say this to hurt you but the opposite. I know that you are hurt, though, and I feel terrible, but I believe that I have to hurt you a little bit right now to prevent a much bigger hurt later on… Just let him go, please," he spoke softly, "Just stop this." He put his hand on her shoulder, but she shrugged it off.

Mee-Yon spun around to face him, eyes moist and red. "You stop it! Just...STOP...interfering in my life!" And with that, Mee-Yon took off running, leaving Seok Young feeling bewildered and sad.

Seok-Young knew that the pop duo would be leaving someday in the near future, and something Jun Seo mentioned earlier that day had made him realize it would be sooner rather than later…

"I heard my dad talking to Aidan and Aria's manager this morning, something about a world tour coming up…," Jun Seo mentioned to him while they hung out on the steps before school.

"What, really?" Seok Young asked.

Jun Seo nodded.


"I don't know. Soon, I think. The manager was talking about doing a farewell performance here that Appa agreed to have at Shinwha, and then they are off to tour around Asia, then South America, and finally end in the US."

"Oh. Are they...coming back?" Seok Young asked, assuming that was a stupid question.

"I don't know," Jun-Seo shrugged. "I don't keep up with that stuff." Seok-Young was silent as Jun Seo went on. "Good riddance, though, right? The girl is okay, but the guy is so annoying..."

That hadn't sat well with Seok-Young, and he'd heard the alarm ringing immediately, so, as soon as he was able, he went looking for Mee-Yon. He wasn't sure what he'd say to her, but he wanted to at least check on her. That was when he saw the kiss and lost it.

Hopefully, Mee-Yon would forgive him and perhaps heed his advice when she cooled down. If not, he'd try talking to her again. If not, perhaps he would talk with Aria; he couldn't even think about looking at Aidan right now...

Later that day, after school…

Mee-Yon had gone looking for Aidan after the incident but didn't find him, so she texted him, apologizing for her brother's behavior. He responded back and was really nice about it, but she still felt horrible. So, after a quick call to Ju-Mi, Mee-Yon made her way to the Goo mansion, in desperate need of friends and a little girl time. She'd thought to call Eun-Jeong first, but after her fight with Seok-Young, she didn't feel comfortable talking to her brother's girlfriend, even if she was her best friend. And that also took Yeong-Hui out of the picture.

In the sanctuary of Goo Ju-Mi's tastefully elegant room, with Ju-Mi and Hye-Mi beside her on the bed, Mee-Yon felt at ease. Even though she was upset, she wanted to be happy right now and freely talk about the kiss, so after beating around the bush for no longer than ten minutes, she came clean to her younger friends.

"Aidan kissed you? Seriously?" Ju-Mi exclaimed.

Mee-Yon felt herself blushing, "Yes."

"Wow, your first kiss! Right, Unnie?" Hye-Mi asked.

Lowering her eyes, the Yoon girl nodded.

The Goo girl smirked over at her friend. "And for it to be Aidan Cho…wow, you're so lucky."

Mee-Yon's lips curled up into a small smile.

"Yes, you're so lucky, Unnie! You're making my stomach hurt, but I'm also really happy for you!" Hye-Mi babbled.

Then, in a matter-of-fact tone, Ju-Mi asked, "How was it?"

Mee-Yon stopped to think about that. The moment was perfectly preserved in her head; she was sure for all time. In fact, she kept replaying it over and over, and she couldn't stop smiling. "It was…really nice…," she replied, cheeks burning.

"Were you nervous, Mee-Yon-ah?" the youngest asked.

"Yes," Mee-Yon admitted, "I was…at first... But the weird thing is that...I wasn't as nervous as I thought I'd be… I mean, with Park Jung-Ho, it was so different. I really thought I liked him a lot, but when he leaned in to kiss me, I knew that it was all wrong. When Aidan leaned in, though...I…I didn't even hesitate to let him kiss me…it just felt right, somehow."

"Awww," Hye-Mi squealed. "That's so romantic!"

Mee-Yon smiled. "Somehow, I just feel…safe with Aidan Sunbae. He makes me really...really happy, too."

Hye-Mi squealed and hugged Mee-Yon hard around the neck as if she'd just told her she was getting married. Mee-Yon lightly hugged back but kept her overzealous friend at bay, lest she be strangled to death.

"So, tell us how it happened; tell us everything!" Hye-Mi begged while Ju Mi nodded in agreement from beside her.

So, Mee-Yon proceeded to tell them about the fangirls, about Aidan jumping into the pool, and finally about the kiss…

After hearing the story, Ju-Mi was smiling, but Hye-Mi seemed to be off in her own world pondering something. Raising her eyes to the ceiling, the Song girl surmised, "You know, it would've been better if Aidan nearly drowned…"

"What?!" Mee-Yon and Ju-Mi exclaimed simultaneously.

"Hear me out!" the youngest of the three continued, "So, Aidan Sunbae nearly drowns and Unnie resuscitates him...he opens his eyes, and he looks at her. Then he gives Unnie that... amazing smile of his and says something like…," Hye-Mi spoke in her most dramatic and masculine voice, "'Mee-Yon-ah, thank you for rescuing me'...and then he cups her cheek and slowly lowers her face down to his...or, no, no," the Song girl waved her hands rapidly, "this is better!"

Mee-Yon groaned. Perhaps her choice of supporters was not the best.

Hye-Mi continued her little play, "Aidan says, 'When I was on the brink of death, I saw the beautiful face of an angel. I opened my eyes, and now, here you are, jagiya.' And then he brings you down for a kiss." Still caught up in the moment, Hye-Mi clasped her hands together and stared off into space.

Mee-Yon exhaled and flopped down onto Ju-Mi's bed, burying her face in the comforter. "That's not better!" she murmured in a muffled voice from her face-flat position.

This caused Ju-Mi to laugh a little. "Yeah, Hye-Mi-ah, I think you have been watching too many dramas. Does your appa even allow you to watch such things?"

Hye-Mi scoffed. "Of course! But that was just from my imagination."

"You have a very active imagination, don't you?" Ju-Mi commented.

"Wae, don't you think it would be romantic?"

Mee-Yon sat up, answering honestly, "Not really."

"Waeee?" Hye-Mi whined.

"Because I would have been so scared if he nearly drowned. I was so scared! And resuscitating a drowning victim isn't as romantic as the dramas make it out to be, Hye-Mi-ah."

"Oh right, you're a swimmer, so you know all about CPR, and also, your parents are doctors," Ju-Mi remarked.

"Well, yeah," Mee-Yon replied.

Hye-Mi perked up, "Well, even without the near-drowning, it was really romantic!"

"You think so?" Mee-Yon questioned, tapping her chin. Ju-Mi and Hye-Mi's heads both snapped toward her in shock.

"You don't, Unnie?" Ju-Mi was now staring at Mee-Yon as if she was crazy. They both were, so Mee-Yon quickly attempted to explain. "Well, it's just wasn't..what I expected exactly…"

Ju Mi lightly slapped her own forehead, as if disgusted by her friend. "Let me get this straight, you are actually complaining about kissing Aidan Sunbae? I think Unnie's eyes are way too high," the Goo girl smirked.

"Yeah! Michyeosseo, Unnie?" Hye-Mi exclaimed, shaking Mee-Yon vigorously by the shoulders as if that would knock some sense into her. "What more could you ask for? Kissing Aidan Cho is the ultimate fantasy!"

Mee-Yon's blew her bangs out of her face. "I know, and I'm not was amazing, but…"

"But what?" Ju Mi gently demanded.

"Well…," Mee-Yon went to explain the image she'd always pictured.

"Come on, Unnie! In a pool is one of the most romantic settings you could get!" Hye-Mi asserted.

"You really think so?"

"Yeah!" Ju-Mi exclaimed.

"Duh!" Hye-Mi resounded, a word she must've picked up from her dad.

They're right...maybe there's something wrong with me…, Mee-Yon mused.

"You're a very, very lucky girl, Unnie," Ju Mi pointed out.

"Yeah, you got a super romantic first kiss from the hottest guy in school, basically in the whole country," Hye-Mi proclaimed. "...The only guy around as hot as Aidan Sunbae is Seok-Young Oppa."

At that, Mee-Yon growled, "Would you please stop saying how hot my oppa is?" The other two turned to look at her. "In fact, don't even talk to me about him…"

"Wae?" Hye Mi asked. She'd only said it twice. Was she being annoying?

Deducing the real problem, "Did you two have a fight?" Ju-Mi chimed in, and with a sigh, Mee-Yon admitted it. Ju-Mi was young, but she was sharp and perceptive like her mother; it wasn't easy to fool her, so Mee-Yon told them the rest of the story-about Seok Young's interruption, his behavior toward Aidan, and about their subsequent argument…

Ju-Mi's door had been ajar, and as Goo Jun-Seo passed by, he'd noticed that Mee-Yon was there. After hearing Aidan's name, he'd stopped to listen, and he'd heard the whole thing, about Aidan kissing Mee-Yon…

Having heard more than enough, Jun Seo trudged off to his room, his fists balled tightly at his sides. Once inside his room, he slammed the door, and he began to pace. Jun Seo's stomach felt inexplicably…strange. It almost felt like that time he had the flu—it was that same uncomfortable churning he got inside just before he hurled. But no, it was worse than the flu. And he couldn't exactly pinpoint what this feeling was, but it was the worst feeling he'd ever had… What was it, and why did it begin the second he heard Mee-Yon had kissed Aidan?!

Jun-Seo had been having some strange feelings lately, ones that ranged from feeling confused to sick to downright angry. And the one thing he noticed was that they all seemed to center around his noona, Yoon Mee-Yon…

Briefly, the Goo boy wondered if there was something really wrong with him; perhaps he should talk to Appa about it, but he immediately thought better of that. He was being stupid, and he didn't want Appa to think he was stupid. What would he even say to his father if he did talk to him? 'Appa, my stomach feels weird when I think of Yoon Mee-Yon. She makes me want to barf?'

Ridiculous! Appa would probably just call him a babo and tell him to get over it.

Yoon Mee-Yon...Yoon Mee-Yon...Yoon Mee-Yon...why is your face always in my head lately?!

Gripping his hair, Jun-Seo took another lap around his room before storming up to his closed door; he reared back and punched the door—hard. But the door was of sturdy material, so he only succeeded in hurting his hand. Jun Seo winced and tried to shake away the stinging pain, and then he lumbered over to his bed and collapsed onto it.

Jun-Seo clutched at his hair, tugging at the bouncy waves and pulling one black curl down over his eyes. He tried to look at it. Suddenly, he thought back to a time in the past when he was 6 and she was 9. Yoon Mee-Yon had about his hair. She'd said it looked weird... Granted, he had just yanked on one of her pigtails, calling her 'little piggy,' but he was only playing with her! She was just being mean...

Of course, being raised as she had been, she apologized right after, but the damage had been done. She'd already hurt his feelings, so he threw another insult back, this one about her clothes. She huffed and puffed, called him 'immature' and then just walked off.

Oddly, the memory made Jun Seo's eyes begin to water. What the heck was this?! He pounded his fist into his mattress and sat up.

Aidan Cho.

That name rang in his head like an annoying, deafening gong.

Again, Jun Seo's feelings had run the gamut, and he was back to anger. Practically crazed, the Goo boy wanted to rush out, find Aidan, and punch him square in the jaw! And he probably wouldn't stop there. With the way he was feeling right now, he might even continue beating him senseless.

Why was he feeling this way?

Take a deep breath, Jun Seo repeated what Eomma always told him to do when he got angry.

He tried that now, letting his emotions settle like sand at the bottom of an hourglass. And he considered why the guy bothered him so much. Sure, he was annoying, but this was more akin to hatred. He absolutely hated Aidan Cho!

Upon realizing that, he felt bad. He didn't even care about his throbbing fist anymore, but he just felt awful, not so much because Eomma would be disappointed in him for being so angry and hateful, but because Aidan had kissed Mee-Yon.

Yes, there was no getting around it. He was mad because Aidan had kissed Mee-Yon. He didn't like it; he didn't like it at all! In fact, it made him crazy to think that Aidan had kissed Mee-Yon, that he stole her first kiss. How dare he! He didn't deserve to be the one!

But, Jun-Seo wondered, why should I care?

"Because she's my noona, because she's my noona," he repeated it several times. That's why he cared, and that was the only reason.

Falling back against the bed, Jun Seo stared up at the ceiling. Shaking away thoughts of Mee-Yon, he took solace in knowing that Aidan Cho would be gone soon, hopefully forever...

The younger girls were actually quite helpful when it came to Mee-Yon's suddenly complicated life. She'd expressed how she was, of course, upset about fighting with Seok-Young, and they recommended that she talk to him about it. She'd also told them how she was worried about her father finding out that she'd kissed a boy…

"I really hope Appa doesn't find out," Mee-Yon said.

"Do you think Uncle Ji Hoo will be really angry about it, Unnie?" Hye Mi asked.

"I don't know, maybe. But I'm more worried he'll be…disappointed in me."

"Disappointed? Why, Mee Yon Unnie?" the Song girl asked.

"Well, Appa thinks I'm too young to be dating and kissing boys, and he told me that he trusted my judgment… Even though I am confident that I didn't make a bad decision by letting Aidan kiss me...I know Appa will feel differently. And I'm really worried about disappointing him."

To Mee Yon's surprise, Ju-Mi spoke up with fervent words. "Your appa could never be disappointed in you."

"Really? You think so?"

"Mm," she nodded.

"Yes," Hye-Mi seconded, "Your appa loves you so much, Mee-Yon-ah. I think he just has a hard time seeing you grow up."

"You think that's it?"

"Yeah. I know I get mad at my appa for putting bodyguards on me and monitoring everything I do, but I know it's only because he loves me, so I put up with it. For now, anyway. Once I hit 16, I am going on a date, no bodyguards!"

Ju-Mi and Mee-Yon laughed a little. And then Mee-Yon stuck her lip out. "Do you think I have to tell Appa?"

The two friends shrugged. They'd all been taught the importance of honesty, but they all had slightly overbearing fathers, as well. Their fathers were kind yet intimidating sometimes. Being an F4 daughter was not so easy. Not to mention, their dads had a way of finding things out, so any secret would not remain hidden for long.

The Yoon girl sighed. "I've never kept secrets from Appa before," she spoke sullenly. "Well, except about what happened with Jung-Ho, which he found out, anyway. I feel guilty keeping secrets from Appa, but I'm still afraid to tell him. I wonder if Oppa will…"

"It's not a simple situation, but I think it will be fine either way, Unnie," Ju Mi inserted, "Your appa loves you dearly and has always been your biggest supporter. Maybe you should just tell him. Maybe he'll understand. He's much calmer than my appa, anyway," she laughed a little. "Now, I would really be scared to tell my appa."

Mee-Yon smiled. "You're right, but Uncle Joon Pyo is really not so scary. I think his…what's that English saying...," she tapped on her head as if to help her remember, "..his bark is worse than his bite…? Uncle Joon Pyo is just a big softie, really."

"Oooh, DO NOT let him hear you say that," Ju-Mi gave Mee-Yon a little poke in the arm, "You'll get an hour-long lecture about how he is just the opposite."

They all laughed.

"Gomawo, chingus," Mee-Yon grinned, and she wrapped one arm around each girl's shoulder and pulled the two in for a group hug.

"When did you two get so wise, anyway?" Mee-Yon asked of her juniors, placing her hands on her hips. The Song and Goo girls just laughed.

The Next Day…

Mee-Yon was walking through the courtyard of Shinwha on her way to class when she felt a hand reach out and grab her by the wrist. She started to scream, but after being pulled into an empty corridor just outside the music hall, she saw that it was Aidan.

"Aidan Sunbae!"

"I'm sorry to startle you, Mee-Yon-ah."

"It's okay, but what are you…?"

She wasn't able to finish what she was saying because he gave her a knee-weakening smile and took her in his arms.

He pulled back for a moment after their quick hug to apologize. "I'm sorry, but I just couldn't help it. You look so cute today."

Mee Yon's heart jumped into , and she glanced away in shyness. And then he hugged her again. One arm was around her back and the other was placed at the back of her head. Mee-Yon stiffened against his tall, lean body. She enjoyed his warmth and the feel of him so much more than she could put into words, but he was being so...strange today. He wasn't normally quite this bold. "Aidan Sunbae...what if my oppa sees?" she whispered against his shoulder. And that was entirely possible. They were in the music wing, after all. Had he lost his mind?

Aidan didn't say anything or make any move to set her free, and then she felt his hand her hair. Mee Yon's resolve wavered as he squeezed her tighter and ran his fingers through her hair. Finally giving in, she hugged back, clutching onto his jacket with both hands.

After enjoying a full minute-and-a-half of bliss, surely, the longest hug she'd ever had from a guy other than her dad, they broke apart.

Aidan pulled back and removed his hands. Then he looked into her eyes, and without a word, he leaned forward to peck her lips. It was the briefest of kisses, but it nearly turned her into soggy porridge. "Ai-Aidan Sunbae…"

He smiled at her, and she smiled back faintly, but almost immediately, she frowned. "You shouldn't do that, Sunbae...if my oppa sees...he'll kill you."

"You don't think I can handle your oppa, Mee Yon-ah?"

"Well, I…"

"It was a joke," he said, laughing a little.

But Mee-Yon wasn't very amused. In fact, she was a bit bothered by his sudden change in attitude. "...Why are you being this way?" she asked directly.

Aidan looked surprised. "What way?" he chuckled and poked her in the cheek, but his cheerfulness seemed fake. Mee-Yon glanced to the side, thinking of the best way to answer And he placed his hands on her shoulders. "Mee-Yon-ah, I'm sorry if I did something wrong...did you not like when I…?"

"It's not that," she cut him off. It's not that at all! "I didn't mean anything bad by it. I like it when you…when we...," Mee-Yon cleared ; she didn't finish the sentence, "'s just that you seem...different. Is something wrong?"

Aidan sighed; he shook his head. "No. I guess I'm...just trying to...seize the day."


"You know, live in the moment, enjoy the time I have to the fullest...with you," he put on a smile as he added the part at the end.

Mee-Yon couldn't seem to smile back, though. On the contrary, she felt a tight knot forming in her stomach. It sounded kind of morbid. Part of her wanted to ask what he meant by that, but she had a pretty good idea, and she was terrified to hear the truth.

Changing the subject, the pop star asked, "So, did you make up with Seok-Young?" He'd heard all about the fight from her through text.

"Not yet."

Aidan turned away from her and stared up at the sky. "You should," he asserted.

Just then, a plane flew over the campus. Mee-Yon looked up, too, when she heard the roar of the engine. It must be close to landing, she imagined. "I really hate flying…," Aidan muttered as he watched the flying machine soar across the sky.

"I know you do," she mumbled sadly, staring at the ground. And she recalled his devastating story. It was no wonder he hated it after that. And her heart ached for him, because of that and because he'd probably have to face his fear again soon...

Aidan suddenly spun around to face her again. "Mee Yon-ah…"

She looked up. "Mm?"

"To be honest, I don't mind if Seok-Young hates me."

Mee-Yon flinched. Well, that was unexpected!

"It really only matters to me that you like me. But for you, he's your brother, your family, so I think it's best that you two make up."

Mee-Yon sighed, "I don't want to be in a fight with him. I do love my brother, but I'm just angry with him. He shouldn't have treated you that way."

"It's okay-," Aidan began.

"No, it's not. He was wrong, and he should apologize to you, Sunbae," Mee-Yon hung her head a bit, "I...just...want you two to get along…you both...mean so much to me," she mumbled, staring down at her pink and white knit lace-up sneakers.

Aidan took a step toward her; he placed a finger under her chin and gently lifted. Mee-Yon felt her jaw beginning to tremble, but she simply stared into his eyes. "Since it's so important to you that we get along, I'll try to talk to him and work things out."

Mee Yon's resulting smile could have lit a stadium, and when his finger fell from her chin, she went up on her toes to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. Her own cheeks heated up, and she gave a small, awkward giggle before saying "Gomawo!" and turning to run away.

"Mee Yon-ah!" he called out to her retreating figure. She stopped and turned around to look at him.

"Where are you going?" he asked, the hint of a cute pout on his full lips.

Cheeks still rosy, "I...I have to do something!" the Yoon girl shouted back, "I'll see you later!" And she waved vibrantly at him. Smiling, Aidan gave her a little wave back. He watched her look at him for a second longer before sprinting off in a flash.

The pop prince shook his head a bit. Yoon Mee-Yon was certainly a cute, interesting girl, and he just couldn't help but like her, a lot…

Mee-Yon had decided to do as Aidan had said and enjoy the time they had left. Oppa had said it was better not to know what it's like if it can never be, but she disagreed. She believed that every experience is important and makes you who you are. Eomma believed that, too. So, she would seize every chance to be with Aidan, even if they were just sitting together silently, enjoying each other's presence.

And that was what they did.

Over the next week, the secluded corridor near the music wing became Mee-Yon and Aidan's special spot. It was an odd place for them to go because it was where most of Seok-Yong's classes were, but she hadn't even seen him pass by there. Perhaps he was off with Eun-Jeong during those times. And that was fine by her. It gave Aidan and her some privacy.

Whenever they could, Aidan and Mee-Yon hung out down a set of stairs in a small tucked away corner. It was hidden enough that they were yet to be discovered by anyone. No one seemed to come down there, which surprised Mee-Yon because it was such a nice spot. They would go there between classes to talk about whatever was on their minds, except for the ever-present issue for both; they would never talk about that. They practiced their languages a bit with each other, and his Korean and her English had gotten much better over a short period of time. They would also eat snacks, hold hands, and occasionally, they would hug. Sometimes he would her hair while they hugged or brush it out of her face for her. He hadn't tried to kiss her again, and Mee-Yon was a bit disappointed by that, but she was simply enjoying these beautiful little moments. Slowly, she was becoming more comfortable with Aidan, yet he still made her insides twist. Regardless, it felt like the best time of her life right now…

A few days later…

Seok-Young went looking for Mee-Yon after his Music Theory class. He'd been having trouble keeping tabs on her lately; she hadn't been at the pool; she didn't get anywhere near the stairwell, for obvious reasons, and he suspected that she'd been going off with Aidan somewhere. Wherever that place was, he had yet to locate it, and that drove him nuts. Aidan could be doing anything to her, and he wouldn't even know! And Seok-Young was practically crazed with worry. But if he confronted Mee-Yon about it at home, she would just get mad again, and she'd been avoiding him there, too, so he decided to go and confront Aidan. If he could find him… He knew his schedule a bit by now, so it shouldn't be too difficult to eventually track him down.

Seok-Young made his way to where Aidan's last class should have been; perhaps, he could search between there and his next one. But instead of finding the pop prince, he ran into the princess, almost literally. Sideswiping Aria just barely, Seok-Young apologized for not paying attention, and then he bowed to her. With a smile, she told him it was fine, seeming happy to see him. But before she could exchange any pleasantries with him, Seok-Young asked if she knew where her brother was.

"No," she replied.

"Have you seen my sister, then?"

"No," she replied again.

Seok-Young shut his eyes and clenched his jaw.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yes, I just can't seem to ever find her these days." Either of them… Seok-Young gritted his teeth. Where is your little hiding spot, Aidan? Seok-Young's 'alarm' suggested it was right under his nose… He glanced around suspiciously.

"They're probably together, but don't worry, Seok-Young; my brother wouldn't do anything to your sister. He's not like that."

Seok-Young sighed. "I hope you're right." And then the Yoon boy turned to her and asked, "So, when are you leaving?" Right away, Seok-Young realized how it came out, and he apologized. "I know I have a tendency to be blunt, and it comes across as rude. I'm sorry, but I heard you are going on a world tour. Is that true?"

Aria's long eyelashes lowered slightly. "Yes, it is."


Aria took a deep breath. "We leave next Sunday."

"Next Sunday?!"

Aria nodded. "Aidan tried to postpone it, but we've already put it off long enough. Our manager is upset as it is. We do a farewell concert here next Saturday, and we leave on Sunday morning."

Seok-Young placed a hand to his head. "Does...Mee-Yon know?"

Aria thinned her lips. Of course, he's thinking of the effect on Mee-Yon and not of me… "I don't know what he's told her. He's been quiet lately…"

Seok-Young was calm and quiet, perhaps off in his own world, but Aria decided to take the opportunity. "Yoon Seok-Young, there's something I wanted to-"

But he cut her off. "I'm sorry. I have to go find her!"

With a sigh, Aria watched Seok-Young take off running across campus.

Later that Day…

When Eun-Jeong got home from school, she announced her presence and called out to see if anyone was home. When she heard or saw no one she wandered through the main foyer and toward the kitchen to get a snack. As she passed her father's office, she heard his voice through the crack in the door. Then she heard her mother's through the speakerphone, and then Uncle Ji Hoo's. She wasn't normally the type to eavesdrop on a conversation, but she was in when she heard her baby brother's name. Byeong-Ho had been so sick since birth, and she knew her parents had been trying to find out what was wrong with him.

When she heard the words 'heart surgery,' her blood ran cold. She only listened for a few seconds longer, long enough to hear something about going to the United States, and then she ran out.

Feeling terrified, Eun-Jeong rushed down the hallway, and she stopped in Baby Byeong-Ho's nursery. Trembling, she went to his crib and looked down upon him. She felt the tears forming in her eyes at the sight of him. He looked so beautiful and peaceful. He was sleeping so soundly yet she could hear him wheezing and straining for breath. He was so small, she thought, and she watched his tiny chest rise and fall in a labored manner. At first, they'd thought his breathing difficulties stemmed from a cold and then asthma; she had no idea it was his heart...

"No!" she shook her head rapidly. "It's not fair! It's just not fair!" And then she lowered her voice so as not to wake him, "...You're too young to be sick like this, my dear sweet baby brother," she whispered. And then she reached down to touch his soft, pale cheek but immediately pulled back. She didn't want to wake him. He needed his sleep, to keep up his strength. "You're going to be OK, precious one. Appa and Eomma will make sure of it. Noona promises you're going to be OK," she sniffled.

But she couldn't really be sure of that.

Turning away, Eun-Jeong rushed ran out of the nursery, headed down the stairs, and flew out the door. And she ran all the way to the Yoon residence without slowing down once.


After his last class, Seok-Young went straight home hoping Mee-Yon would be there. He got to her room, knocked on the door, and she answered. When he opened it, she was lying in her bed with her arms crossed. As soon as she saw him, she turned her head and asked for him to leave her alone.

"Mee Yon-ah, I'm sorry. Please talk to me."

"Maybe later, Oppa, but not right now."

Seok-Young nodded sadly and began to leave, but before exiting, he asked, "Are you alright?"

"Y-es," then she shook her head, "No, I don't know!" she sniffled and turned her face from him and buried it in her pillow. Ignoring her request, Seok-Young came back inside; he went to the edge of her bed and sat on it.

Tentatively, he asked, "Did something happen...with Aidan?"

She lifted her head long enough to let him see her eyes, and she shook her head. That was a relief, mostly that it hadn't but also that she wasn't angry about the question. "He didn't do anything to me, but I don't want to talk about it," she said, burying her face again.

"We don't have to."

"O-kay," she muttered, her face still covered by the pillow.

"Do you...want me to go?" he asked.

Mee-Yon shook her head. She was facing away from him and curled up in a ball now, hugging her pillow.

"Okay," Seok-Young pressed his lips together and just sat there. After a moment, he glanced up at her shelf and noticed the ragged otter stuffed animal from Appa. He picked it up and touched it to her arm. She brushed it away. Then Seok-Young made a small squeaking sound while swimming the stuffed animal along her arm. Mee-Yon's head snapped in her brother's direction. "Was that supposed to be an otter?! That's not what an otter sounds like, babo! It sounds more like a mouse…," and Mee-Yon started laughing.

Seok-Young couldn't help but smile, even though she'd called him a babo. At least he seemed to have cheered her up a bit. "Well, how do I know what an otter sounds like? I'm not a marine biologist," Seok-Young joked in his dry way, and Mee-Yon started laughing harder. He tried a different sound.

"Now it sounds like a dinosaur!" Mee-Yon was laughing so hard that she was practically crying, but inevitably, her laughter did turn to tears. When that happened, she hid her face again. He placed a hand on her back and began to rub it lightly.

"I think...Aidan is leaving soon," Mee-Yon finally blubbered.

Seok-Young lowered his head slightly. Should he say something to confirm? "Did he tell you that?" Seok-Young decided to ask.

Mee-Yon rolled over and rose up on her knees. "Not exactly," she shook her head. "But I can tell."

Seok-Young nodded.

"You must be happy, Oppa…"

Her bitter words stung him a bit. "Why would you say that?"

"You don't like him."

"I don't dislike him. I just don't want him to hurt you."

Mee-Yon lowered her head in shame. "I know, I'm sorry."

"If I could fix this for you…"

"I know, Oppa."

There was a brief silence. Mee-Yon sniffled and wiped at her face. "I'm...sad, Oppa."

Seok-Young felt his chest tighten with those words. "I know, Little One. I'm so sorry."

Dropping her head, she nodded And after a brief hesitation, she crawled across the bed and threw her arms around her brother's neck.

Seok-Young wrapped his arms around her back while Mee-Yon held him tight and rested her chin on his shoulder. She started crying again full-force, finally managing to mutter, "What...should, Oppa?"

With a sigh, Seok-Young held her tighter and whispered, "Just enjoy your time with him. I was wrong before, to say what I did…Oh, and you should talk to him before he goes, so you will know what his intentions are."

Mee-Yon nodded, causing her chin to dig further into his shoulder, and then she buried her head there and grew silent.

After she basically cried herself to sleep in Seok-Young's arms, he made her comfortable, lying her down on the bed, adjusting her pillow to ensure it wasn't smothering her, and then he tucked her in and left.

When Seok-Young stepped out of her bedroom and into the hall, he saw, at the top of the stars, another teary-eyed girl. This time, it was his girlfriend who apparently needed comforting.

When it rains, it pours...

He was shocked by the sudden appearance of Eun-Jeong, out of breath, and with a reddened face and teary eyes. "Eun-Jeong-ah, what's wrong?"

Several minutes ago…

By the time Eun-Jeong arrived, her legs were ready to give out. It was not exactly close by, but she wasn't able to stop until she got there. Panting hard, she knocked on the door of the Yoon mansion. The housekeeper answered and greeted her, leading her in right away, for she knew who the So girl was. Eun-Jeong bowed to the staff member and asked for Seok-Young.

"The young master is upstairs, Miss," the housekeeper said, and Eun-Jeong bowed and thanked her. She half-ran up the stairs on her wobbly legs, clutching tight to the railing for support.

Just as she made it to the top, Seok-Young came out of Mee-Yon's bedroom. He stopped when he saw her and immediately asked what was wrong.

"O-ppa…Op-pa…" She stumbled toward him. Her legs buckled, but Seok-Young was quick to catch her.

"Eun-Jeong-ah, are you alright?" She nodded, but there were still tears in her eyes, so he guided her to his room and sat her on his bed. He sat next to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Has something happened? Please tell me. What is it?"

"It's…it's Byeong-Ho-ah…," she whimpered, fighting back a few relentless tears.

"What's happened to Byeong-Ho?"

Eun-Jeong sniffled. "He's…he's sick…," she choked out, "…some-thing is wrong…w-with his heart…"

She was unable to get any more words out, but Seok-Young understood. "I'm sorry, Eun-Jeong-ah. My appa knows, right? He's helping?"

"Yes," she nodded. "I heard my appa and eomma talking to Uncle Ji Hoo about it. He says it's serious, and I think...Byeong-Ho-ah needs...s-surgery… Oh, Oppa…," she muttered, staring at him with large, sad eyes.

Understanding what she needed most right now, Seok-Young wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against his chest. Slowly, she locked her arms around his thin waist and rested her head on his chest. And she began to sob. "...I heard something...that we might...have to go overseas," she blubbered. Briefly, Eun-Jeong wondered if this was the distance the fortune teller had spoken of. It did involve the ocean, after all… But then she felt like a horrible person for even worrying about such a thing at a time like this.

Seok-Young tightened his mouth and held his girlfriend closer. "It'll be okay," he soothed alternating between rubbing her back and her hair. "Whatever needs to be done...I know that your parents and my appa will make sure that Byeong-Ho gets the best treatment."

Eun-Jeong nodded against his chest, but she continued to cry. He allowed her to cry for a few minutes, and when he noticed it beginning to decrease, he pulled her back. "Would you like to go for a ride?"

Without a thought, Eun-Jeong nodded, so Seok-Young grabbed his leather jacket and threw it on. He took the keys to his motorcycle and led her down the stairs, keeping a hand around her waist for support. He took her to the garage and opened it, pulled out his motorcycle, and put his helmet on. Then he handed the extra one to her. He helped her with the strap and with getting on the bike. She was getting better at that, but she was a bit shaken. Finally, he hopped on in front of her and asked where she would like to go.

"Anywhere… Somewhere far…," she replied. Escaping far away with him sounded so good right now…

"OK. Hang on tight," he said, and she wrapped her arms around his waist.

Seok-Young drove off down the road and headed toward the countryside…

While they drove, Eun-Jeong hugged him tight around the waist as he'd told her to, and she rested her face against his jacket. The leather was cool against her cheek, but his back was warm. It was comforting. But inevitably, her thoughts drifted to Byeong-Ho—to his birth, playing with him, holding him… What if everything wasn't OK? What if nothing could be done? What if he didn't survive the surgery? She felt her tears beginning to slip again.

Seok-Young felt her body shudder against his and heard her release a small whimper, so he drove a bit further and pulled off to the side. She barely seemed to register that they had stopped, so he took one of her hands and put an arm around her waist to steady her while helping her off his bike.

"Where are we?" she asked. She hadn't even realized they'd left the city, and now she was staring at a large, beautiful lake with mountains off in the distance.

"Just outside the city," he responded. Since his family's place was on the outskirts, it didn't take long to get to a more rural setting. He took her by the hand and led her onto a bridge. They leaned against the railing and stared out.

After a few minutes passed, Eun-Jeong sighed. "...I knew he was sick, but I didn't know it was so serious. I'm scared, Oppa; I'm really scared…"

Seok-Young looked over at her. He watched her hair blow in the wind and studied the pensive expression on her face. Finally, he turned toward her, squaring her shoulders to where they were facing one another, and he looked down into her dark brown eyes which were still glazed over from crying. Her face was puffy, and her eyes were red, but she looked beautiful, nonetheless. "Eun-Jeong-ah…," he spoke her name in a soft whisper.

She still seemed so sad, and it was too much for him to bear.

"Eun-Jeong-ah…," he repeated, and then he did the only thing he could think to do at the moment. Leaning in, he brought his lips down to hers and softly kissed her.

At the instant their lips met, Eun-Jeong's eyes widened. It seemed like she hadn't felt his kiss in so long… He hadn't even attempted it since her father told him not to, but here he was now, kissing her...

His lips were as soft as she remembered, maybe even softer, and after a couple seconds, her eyelashes fluttered shut. As she gave in to his sweet kiss, he wrapped his arms around her, one around her back and the other around her waist, and he held her close to his body.

After what seemed like a lifetime, yet too short by contrast, they broke apart. He pulled her to his side, and she rested her head against his shoulder while they stared out at the sunset...

"We should probably go," Seok-Young commented after glancing up at the sky. The sun had gone down now, and they had a bit of a drive home. Not to mention, he had completely neglected to notify anyone that they were going somewhere.

"Do we have to go just yet?" Eun-Jeong asked, snuggling in closer. Seok Young glanced at his watch on the wrist of the arm he had around her. "Not yet. We can stay a little longer if you'd like."

He knew they should get home soon, or everyone would notice and worry, but he could give her a bit more time. She seemed so peaceful right now...

Yi Jeong had fallen asleep in his study. When he awoke at his desk, he was in an awkward position, and his head was throbbing. The So heir groaned and squeezed his neck when he felt the sudden twinge. Pushing aside the bottle of liquor, he glanced at the clock on his desk. 3 AM.

When Byeong-Ho started getting worse and undergoing testing, Yi Jeong had taken to drinking again… In the past, alcohol had been his go-to when he was stressed-out or depressed, and this was something Ga Eul had warned him about many years ago. Even though she never threatened it, he worried Ga Eul would leave him if he didn't stop, so he did his best to quit altogether. With his wife's help, he was able to break the terrible habit, but when his newborn son got sick, he fell back into it. It started as just a drink here or there, privately in his study.

Yi Jeong felt nearly as guilty about his illicit affair with the bottle as he would about one with a woman because he'd promised Ga Eul that he would never drink again. But after hearing about Byeong-Ho's condition earlier, Yi Jeong went to his study and had a drink.

Ji Hoo had called it-what was the name-Double-something...Double-Outlet Right Ventricle. Yi Jeong didn't know what the hell that was, but it sounded awful. Then Ji Hoo had explained the condition, and that it required surgery, and he was practically in shock. His two-month-year-old son needed open heart surgery?! Ji Hoo gave them some options, suggesting that the top specialist in this field was an American doctor at a hospital in Boston. Traveling to the United States… Well, if that's what needed to be done, then they would do it.

Yi Jeong knew that Ga Eul was also struggling with Byeong-Ho's illness, but she was far stronger, mentally, than him. She kept her positive attitude and continued to work and take care of the children like normal. But everything wasn't normal at all. Not only was their son sick, but the pregnancy had taken its toll on Ga Eul's body; he knew this, and so did she, yet she was trying to pretend like she wasn't still struggling with the aftereffects.

When he had asked Jun Pyo about how Alex was doing, he'd said that she had resumed normal activity shortly after and seemed like her old self-Jun Pyo put it in his own colorful way, of course. But the birth of their child had been more traumatic for mother and child than that of Jun Pyo's, and also, apparently, Alex was a superwoman. She seemed to share Jun Pyo's stubborn spirit, so nothing seemed to keep her down.

But even though Ga Eul's body was in a fragile state right now, she was so incredibly strong in other ways. The way she pushed through her body's limitations and her pain every single day, the way she continued to do only for her family, again and again, day after day, with no thought of her own welfare; it was all so remarkable to Yi Jeong.

And he was screwing it up by being weak…

It was then that the love of his life rushed into the potter's office, shouting that their daughter was missing!

First, Yi Jeong cringed at the ear-piercing quality that her only slightly raised voice had taken on when combined with his hangover. And then the fear overrode that. "What?! What are you talking about?"

Ga Eul's entire body was shaking. "Eun-Jeong is not in her bed!" And she started prattling nervously on, "I got home from my teacher's conference at 9 and went to check on Byeong-Ho. He was short of breath, so I gave him medicine. I almost called Ji Hoo, but his breathing got better. I was up half the night with him, and then I fell asleep. When I went in to check on the kids just now, Eun-Jeong wasn't there!"

"Okay, stay calm," Yi Jeong told his normally cool and collected wife.

When Ga Eul approached his desk, she saw the bottle and glared at her husband. The burning look in her eyes suggested they were going to have a long conversation later, but for now, she was set on finding her daughter, so she said nothing about that. "What are we going to do?" she asked instead.

Yi Jeong didn't often see Ga Eul acting so helpless, but she was a mother afraid for her child, and this type of situation would drive any person to act differently.

"Have you tried calling her?" Yi Jeong suggested the obvious since Ga Eul was obviously at a loss.

"Of course I have!"

"Alright, well," Yi Jeong rubbed at his temples. He was so afraid that he was finding it difficult to think, too. Plus, there was the terrible ringing in his head. "Okay, okay, let me think..." Where would a teenage girl be at 3 in the morning…? Ga Eul was going on and on about how she might be hurt or lying dead in a ditch somewhere, but he was worried about something else entirely. Her boyfriend."Call Jan Di," Yi Jeong told his wife. "She's probably with Seok-Young." I'm going to kill him!

"Seok-Young! Y-you're right," Ga Eul nodded her head rapidly, "Yeah, she's probably just with Seok-Young...but...Seok-Young wouldn't keep her out this late. They probably got into an accident!"

"Calm down, Jagiya. We would've been notified if that happened. Just call Jan Di."

"Okay…," Ga Eul fumbled with her phone due to her shaky hands, but then her phone started to ring. Without evening looking, she answered, "Hello, hello, Eun-Jeong?!"

It was Jan Di on the other end, sounding equally panicked. She'd woken and also discovered that Seok-Young was not home.

Ga Eul covered the phone with one hand and whispered, "Seok-Young isn't home either," to her husband.

"I knew it," Yi Jeong grumbled. That boy is so dead!

"Oh, wait! Jan Di says she just got a message from Seok-young. Ga Eul sighed in relief and placed her hand over her chest. "Oh, thank God! They're alright. Seok-Young is bringing her home now."

"Where were they? What happened?!" Yi Jeong demanded.

"I don't know. Let's just wait until she gets here."

Before Ga Eul left the room, she fixed Yi Jeong with a withering stare, snatched the ¾ empty bottle of alcohol from off the desk, and stormed out.

The teen couple knew they were in huge trouble from the second they woke up on the bank of the lake at nearly 3 in the morning. They hadn't intended to fall asleep there, but they just got so comfortable lying in the grass in each other's arms and staring up at the stars.

The entire drive back Seok-Young was berating himself for his stupidity. He should have done so many things differently. First of all, he should have informed his mom or dad as to where they were going. He didn't even know, himself, at the time, but he could have told them something. Then he could have left a message when the sun began to go down, and finally, he should have just taken her home before they got too comfortable.

With an uneasy feeling in his stomach, Seok-Young took the turn into the So's driveway and pulled up to the estate. All lights seemed to be on inside the house, where he was sure a horrible fate awaited him. This was going to be so much worse than when he first kissed her. Regardless, he should go inside and face the music with her, shouldn't he?

Seok-Young barely had the chance to stop the bike before Eun-Jeong hopped off, so quickly that he worried she might fall, and then she nearly ran inside with his helmet on. She realized it, came back, and took the helmet off and gave it to him.

"Eun-Jeong, I'll go in with you," Seok-Young offered.

"No, I think that's a bad idea, Oppa. My appa is going to be on the warpath, and I'm sure your parents are worried sick. You should just go home. You'll have enough explaining to do there."

"Okay. I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault, Oppa. Actually, thank you," she smiled at him. "I really needed you tonight, and you were there for me."

He gave her a faint smile and nodded. "I'll talk to you tomorrow," he said.

"Hopefully," she said with a forced smile. Chances were good that she would be grounded from everything but breathing as of tonight. She tossed him a quick thanks and waved before rushing to the door. Seok-Young let out a sigh as he watched her go into the house.

When Eun-Jeong stepped through the door, she was immediately greeted by her mother, who rushed to her and threw her arms around her, pulling her into a crushing hug.

"Eomma, I'm so sorry! It was an accident. We just went for a drive, and then we stopped somewhere and...fell asleep. Glancing away, Eun-Jeong added, "Nothing happened."

Ga Eul pulled her daughter back to arms' length and looked her in the face. "I believe you. Now, please go speak with your appa. He's in his study."

Eun-Jeong poked out her lip slightly, not looking at all forward to the forthcoming meeting. Taking a deep breath, she garnered her courage, and slowly made her way to her father's study. She knocked lightly at his door and was bid to enter.

Yi Jeong looked up when she entered and then immediately back down at the sheet of paper on his desk. "Come in," he spoke as formally as if she was a business associate, not his 15-year-old daughter who had stayed out until the wee morning hours with her boyfriend. She shuffled forward a few steps. "All the way in," her father urged. She made it all the way to his desk, and he instructed her to have a seat. Swallowing hard, Eun-Jeong complied.

"You...wanted to see me, Appa?" she spoke timidly.

He finally looked up, and she could see that his eyes were red; his hair was disheveled, and there were bags under his eyes. "Where have you been?" Yi Jeong demanded in a low, cold tone. When he spoke, she also smelled the alcohol on his breath, and Eun-Jeong had to admit that she was a bit frightened of him right now, one of the few times she had ever been. She'd never seen her father seething this way, even after Seok-Young had kissed her, and he'd clearly been drinking, something else unfamiliar to her. She had only seen him have a drink one time. He avoided it, in fact.

Intertwining her fingers in front of her, she hugged one knee and replied in her strongest yet most respectful voice, "Appa, I just...went for a drive...with Seok-Young Oppa."

Yi Jeong sighed heavily. He was really trying to hold his temper and let her give her side of the story. "And you didn't think to tell anyone this?" he narrowed his eyes.

"Well, I, uh…," she stammered as her eyes flitted back and forth.

Yi Jeong's chest began to heave, and he was quickly succumbing to his fear-driven anger. "Well? Well, what?!" he raised his voice, "You don't tell anyone where you are going, and then you stroll in at 3:45 AM! Explain yourself, young lady!" His last words came out as a shout; he stood and slammed his hand down on the desk.

Eun-Jeong flinched. "I'm...I'm sorry, Appa," she shuddered a bit, "I...can explain…"

Her appa was leaning over the desk slightly now, and it was intimidating. "Did he do anything? Did he touch you?"

Eun-Jeong's nose wrinkled up at the horrible insinuation, "NO!" she shouted back.

Yi Jeong sighed a bit in relief over that, but then he grew firm again. "Well, you can see how I might think that…"

"Nothing happened! We fell asleep, that's all!"

Yi Jeong exhaled sharply, "Well, you know you're grounded, right? You won't be seeing Seok-Young or using your phone anytime soon, that's for sure."

Eun-Jeong lowered her head and nodded, expecting as much.

"Do you know how worried I was, how worried your mother was?! We very nearly had an army out looking for you! Your eomma has not been well, and she doesn't need this stress!"

Her chest began to heave uncontrollably, and tears trickled down Eun-Jeong's face. "I know...I know… I'm so sorry, Appa!"

"That's not good enough! How could you be so thoughtless? Your mother and I have enough on our minds with your brother being sick without having to worry about our daughter running off, too!"

She was crying hard now. "I know; I know all about Byeong-Ho-ah, Appa!" she shouted.

Yi Jeong ceased his tirade long enough for her to get more than a few words out.

Squeezing her hands together in her lap, Eun-Jeong continued, "I...overheard you talking about Byeong-Ho's condition… I got so upset that I ran off without leaving a note. I sad, and I needed, I went to Seok-Young… That's all it was. I'm sorry we stayed out too late. We didn't mean to; it was an accident, but nothing happened!"

Yi Jeong's lips parted, and he practically fell back into his chair. Placing a hand to his forehead, he got eerily quiet, "I see. ...So, you heard all about it?"

"Yes," she sniffled and wiped at her tears, trying to will her breathing to return to normal.

Her father covered his face with his hand and began massaging his temple.

Tentatively, she asked, "A-ppa…is Byeong-Ho…going to be OK?"

Yi Jeong dropped his hand and looked her straight in her still saturated eyes. He was clearly fighting back tears of his own. "Yes, he's going to be fine."

His words sounded confident, but somehow, his eyes gave him away. And Eun-Jeong could tell that her father was not so sure of that statement. "Really?"

"Yes. Now, go to bed, Eun-Jeong-ah. I'm tired. We can talk more tomorrow." He covered his face with his hand again as she stood.

"A-ppa…?" She cautiously made her way around the side of his desk.

"What?" he muttered without moving his hand away from his face.

" okay?"

He nodded.


"What?" This time, he looked up at her.

"Are you...mad at me?"

Yi Jeong looked up at her from his chair and slowly shook his head.

"Okay…," she turned to leave, but she didn't get far at all.

She gasped when she felt her father grasp her small wrist, and before she knew it he had stood and captured her in his arms. Eun-Jeong stiffened from the shock of her father's forceful hug, but then she gave in to it. Wrapping her arms delicately around his waist, she embraced him.

When Ga Eul came in, her husband and daughter were hugging and crying a bit. A soft smile crossed her lips; she walked over and put her arms around the both of them, and they welcomed her into a three-person hug.

The Next Day…

Ji Hoo had called Yi Jeong and Ga Eul, asking them to bring Byeong-Ho in, and after a thorough checkup, the experienced doctor was feeling concerned. While a nurse watched Byeong-Ho, Ji Hoo took the Sos aside. "I think Byeong-Ho needs to have surgery right away. I don't think it should be delayed, and I think a flight would be difficult on Byeong-Ho in his condition."

Yi Jeong was holding Ga Eul by the shoulders. Her face was completely red, and her eyes were moist; she was clearly trying not to cry.

"What about you? You can do it, right, Ji Hoo?" Yi Jeong immediately asked. Ji Hoo and Jan Di were the only two doctors he truly trusted, after all.

"I'm not a pediatric surgeon," Ji Hoo replied, "And I'd prefer that someone who is a specialist in that area do it, as I'm sure you would."

"Who here, or at another hospital in Seoul, can do it?" Yi Jeong asked.

Ji Hoo thought for a moment. "There is someone here who can do it. Dr. Yu is a promising pediatric cardiology specialist and surgeon, so I believe she would be the best choice."

"Dr. Yu? Really?" Yi Jeong squinted, "But she's so young. There has to be someone better."

Ji Hoo shook his head. "Despite her age, she's very capable. I've been overseeing her work, and she knows Byeong-Ho's case well…"

Yi Jeong's breathing accelerated slightly, and he cut Ji Hoo off, "Ji Hoo, I don't give a damn how good you think she is or what promise you see in her! She's too young and inexperienced! She's in her twenties for crying out loud; I don't want a child operating on my baby!"

Ga Eul tried to calm her fuming husband while Ji Hoo stood silent for several seconds.

"Yi Jeong-ah, do you think I would recommend her if I didn't think she was the best for the job? She's the only one for the job, in fact, at least here in Korea. I've called around and looked into some other doctors, but none have quite her knowledge of this procedure or her success rate. I could do some more calling, but this is what my instinct is telling me to do. You could travel to the United States, but I don't think it's prudent, and this needs to be done right away. You can't delay this decision."

Yi Jeong and Ga Eul exchanged a look, and Ga Eul nodded to him. Turning back to Ji Hoo, Yi Jeong asked, "When can she do it?"

"I'll talk to her now and prep an OR for tomorrow morning at 6 AM."

Yi Jeong nodded. "Thank you, Ji Hoo. And...I'm sorry."

"Think nothing of it. I would be the same way, and you know I love Byeong-Ho very much."

Yi Jeong nodded. "Oh, and I want you in the OR, to assist or oversee or whatever."

"Of course," Ji Hoo agreed. "Oh, and I'd like to keep Byeong-Ho here overnight so that we can monitor his vitals prior to the surgery." Ji Hoo said, and he instructed the nurse to prepare a private room for Byeong-Ho in the pediatric wing. "Please relax and wait for me. I'll speak with Dr. Yu and get your paperwork and instructions. Just try to keep as much of his routine the same as you can," and Ji Hoo turned to Ga Eul, "but no feeding four hours before surgery." She nodded.

It was then that Jan Di came running down the hall. She'd gotten the page from Ji Hoo but hadn't been able to get there until now. Jan Di stopped before them, clutching her stomach and catching her breath. Ji Hoo placed a hand on her back. "You didn't need to run, my love."

Once Jan Di could speak, she stood and asked to be filled in, and Ji Hoo did so.

"I'd like to have some things for Byeong-Ho if he's staying overnight," Ga Eul said after the exchange of information.

"I'm off now, so why don't you stay here, Ga Eul-ah, and I'll go and get them for you," Jan Di offered.

"Thank you so much. Well, he'll want his blankie...the one with the dinosaurs on it and his stuffed alligator...and...oh, what else…?" Ga Eul placed a hand to her head, trying to think.

"Don't worry, Ga Eul-ah. Just go and relax and be with Byeong-Ho. I'll bring some things for him, and if you two think of anything in the meantime, just text me."

"Thank you," Ga Eul said, and Yi Jeong nodded.

Jan Di kissed Ji Hoo, hugged Ga Eul, and Yi Jeong a reassuring smile. "I'll be back."

After taking care of the Sos, Ji Hoo paged Dr. Yu and met her in his office to discuss the surgery. She was willing, but he needed to be sure of his choice. He knew that Dr. Yu looked up to him, and she was an honest person, almost brutally so; he was sure she would tell him the truth, so he would ask her directly. "Can you do this? Do you have any hesitation about this at all?"

She paused.

"If you do, then you need to tell me. Don't let pride get in the way of saying so because this man has been my best friend since longer than you've been alive, and it's his child, so if you don't think you can do it, then you better tell me now."

"I can do this," the young doctor insisted without further hesitation. Upon studying her face, she seemed completely confident.

Ji Hoo's face remained serious as could be. "Alright, then prepare to operate at 6 AM tomorrow. I'm putting a lot of faith in you, so don't let me down."

He dismissed her, and she bowed, but as she turned to leave, suddenly she spun back around. "I would never let you down, Dr. Yoon."

. . .

Ji Hoo had to admit that he was surprised by her fervent words, but somehow, it gave him greater hope in her. "Good."

Dr. Yu turned to leave again, but Ji Hoo called her back. "Oh, I'm planning to assist you tomorrow in surgery per the father's request, and since I don't normally perform surgery on infants I'd like to practice this evening. You're welcome to join me, if you so choose, and share your expertise."

Dr. Yu looked stunned but responded right away, "Yes, I'd like to."

After spending three hours practicing the procedure with Dr. Yu, Ji Hoo made it home. Feeling exhausted, he found his way to the bedroom and collapsed onto the bed next to Jan Di without even removing his clothes.

Waking up when he came in, "What were you doing all evening?" Jan Di asked.

"Suturing grape skin," Ji Hoo replied in a muffled voice, as his face was currently buried in his pillow.

"You're joking."

He rolled over to face her. "No, I was practicing the procedure for tomorrow with Dr. Yu. She actually has a good method. She says that since infants have such small and fragile organs that it's advisable to practice on grapes to get the feel for it."

"Wow, that's...interesting. How did it go?"

"It went well. I feel more confident now," he replied.


"But I never want to see a grape ever again."

"Mm, I'll bet," and Jan Di paused a moment before asking, "So, what did you do with the leftover grapes?"

Ji Hoo just laughed.

"Well, I wasn't sure how to respond to such a situation. I hope you didn't just throw them out."

Ji Hoo smiled and leaned forward to kiss his wife's lips. "You certainly haven't changed, my otter." Jan Di smiled.

Ji Hoo placed a hand behind his neck and stared up at the ceiling. "Jan I doing the right thing...operating on Baby Byeong-Ho with Dr. Yu?"

She looked over at her pensive-looking husband. It was odd to see him so uncertain, but it was Yi Jeong and Ga Eul's baby, after all.

"There are doctors in the US who have done this more than she has…," he continued, "but I just worry about them transporting Byeong-Ho. Time is of the essence here, and I don't know how well he'd handle a flight in his state."

Jan Di looked deep into her husband's dark eyes. "I think it sounds like you're doing what has to be done, so why do you question yourself? I believe in you, and if you believe in her, then…"

"Well, she assured me she could do it, and I know how capable she is. She's very determined, even a little like you, Jan Di-ah, but only in that one way. In other ways, she's completely different from you. In other ways, I suppose she's more like least the person I used to be or would have been...before you. She's methodical, formal, almost cold. She doesn't interact much with others, but she is great at her job."

Touching his arm, Jan Di simply said, "I trust your instincts, Ji Hoo-ah...And you'll be with her, so nothing will go wrong."

Ji Hoo smiled faintly. "I know you are trying to be positive and reassuring, my love, but something could very well go wrong. It's risky, and Dr. Yu...well, I am putting a lot of trust in her abilities."

"It'll be fine, I'm sure."

"I don't know if you really believe in me that much or you are just really good at comforting me." But Ji Hoo wasn't fully comforted...

"Well, it's like you told me long ago, for some things you need faith to see, right?"

Ji Hoo smiled and kissed her forehead. "Right."

"Well, now that you've practiced, it's late, and I think you should change and come back to bed immediately. You need your sleep."

"Yes, dear," Ji Hoo smiled and did as he was told, but when he lay back in bed with the lights off, he struggled to fall asleep.

"Ji Hoo-ah, you need to get some sleep so you can operate in the morning," Jan Di reminded when she noticed that he was still wide awake.

"I know, but the more I worry the more I can't sleep..."

Jan Di didn't say a word but simply placed a hand on Ji Hoo's cheek. Then she moved her hand to the back of his head and pulled him down, to where he was resting his head against her chest. "Just close your eyes and let your mind go blank," she said.

Ji Hoo wrapped his arms around Jan Di and closed his eyes. He focused on the steady beating of her heart, which had always been like a lullaby to him. It was working, and after several minutes, he let his mind empty.

"I love you," he whispered as he drifted off.

"I love you, too," she replied.

***To Be Continued***

A/N: Well, Seok Young, the mini firefighter, was putting out some fires this chapter, huh? But he also showcased his mom's infamous temper again. Well, sorry for the cliffie, but if you are really worried about Byeong-Ho then you can comment, and I may be able to be enticed to give you a spoiler.  Also, thanks to all who voted in the polls!  I do take that into consideration, and you can still vote if you want! 


Teaser: Byeong-Ho's surgery. Aidan expresses his desire to take Mee-Yon with him on tour. Thoughts on Ji Hoo's answer? Haha. The pop twins give the Yoon siblings something to remember them by and perform their farewell concert. Mee-Yon is feeling depressed. Will she receive comfort from an unlikely source? And in hopes of cheering his daughter up and having some quality family time, Ji Hoo finally takes the family on vacation! (I'm so eager for this! How about all of you?) Will it just be the Yoons enjoying the beautiful foreign land?

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seamusmommy #1
Chapter 20: Omo...took me almost all day to finish. Kids, Umma and Appa want to show their love to eachother just as much as you do with your significant others. Lol. That said...perhaps the parents could keep it on the down low until they are safely behind a locked door. Kekeke. Good job to our brother sister rescue team. Lei was cute in his shocked blabbering. Looking forward to a new friend for Meeyoung. It's ok Seoky, blame it on the cold saltwater you ingested- gave you weird dreams. Hmm but who is under the blankets with him...? Tadum...Tadum. tadum...
seamusmommy #2
Chapter 19: Oh, MeeYoung!!! *sobs* cry him out of your system. Super daddy to the rescue. I'm sure there's a reason he had to say that but you two live in two different worlds not just country. JunSeo is an old softy under that prickly facade. EunJeong, it's natural to be a little put out but you love your best friend and your boyfriend both,so I know you'll be patient. And I think Seoky has enough love for both girlfriend and sister. I like how you snuck in "Smile " and yes,you can take the man out of F4 but can't take the F4 out of the man. That was a classic F4 move though I'm sure it wasn't all done in a few hours. Anyway, can't wait for vacation. Good luck trying to go alone. Lol
seamusmommy #3
Chapter 17: Intense chapter! Seoky is like his Mom, taking the weight of the world onto his shoulders but at least he's got enough of Jihoo to keep him grounded instead of flying of the handle. lol At least he and EunJeong didn't get too in trouble. The adults are preoccupied with the baby but they understand it was a mistake and I think YiJeong does trust Seoky that he'd never disrespect his daughter. The F4 could be a little intimidating put together but they are all softies, thanks to their wives. JunPyo, really? Just drop your baby into an unsuspecting teen's arms? You're lucky it was Mee-Young.'s just not your time, dude. Maybe in 15 years. Ok, maybe I feel a little bad for Aiden but at the same time he's asking her to give up everything to follow him on tour? She's not like that. He's only 1 part of her life, her family, her friends, school, swimming are all very important to Mee Young. And she's just a kid! She needs all those things to make her who she is. Mianhae need to chase your dream and let her chase hers.
Well, I was counting on Jihoo to save the day and the So's will be forever grateful. Very humble Jihoo, remembers to make sure Dr. Yu also gets the credit. I sense a bit of a crush on her part...???
seamusmommy #4
Chapter 16: Ahhh...our Seoky is so sweet! And yes, has the tendency to overreact (just a bit). Though, I think he has a right to ticked at Aiden for kissing his sister even though his girlfriend is the same age but different circumstances. And really the swimming pool for crying out loud? Been taking lessons in romance from your Sunbae Kim Hyun Joong? lol I know I know (Garth Brooks playing in the background - could've missed the pain, etc) but she's fifteen and kind of sheltered why should she be 2nd to Aiden's career. He doesn't mean it to be but still...that's the truth of it. Rip off the band-aid now and get it over with.
YiJeong...YiJeong...YiJeong...your wife is going to kick your once she get's the strength too. Why these guys try to be the strong one and not show they are hurting and end up make themselves a fool. But at least he's not going to kill Seoky. ByeongHo gave Seoky a get out of jail free card.
JunSeo, my friend...I just don't know what to do about you. You're too young for MeeYon. Maybe when she's 40 she won't mind a guy of 37. lol
It's a very fair question that JanDi asked, I want to know what happens to the grapes too. After all, everything is sterile, right? I like that Jihoo can seek comfort (though he tries not to) from his wife as much as she gets from him. Fighting Dr. Yoon & Dr. Yu, we have faith in you. Besides you have no choice, if anything happens to that baby, YiJeong will murder you and then kill himself. So, you're saving 4 lives in one go. As for what he will say about his daughter going on tour with Aiden? A very simple blinking, no smiling, no inflection in his voice.
You take 100 years to update you get a super long comment. :p
seamusmommy #5
Chapter 15: YoonJeong moon
Kim Mungo (can't picture anyone else now)
Bael Sring Heon. (Nam DaReum looks too sweet to be JunPyo’s? :D
Chapter 15: Great chapter and it funny to see Yi Jeong panicking about his Eun Jeong with Seoky but he mostly panicking because of the motorcycle.
Ga Eul really has her way of making Yi Jeong listening to her and making him studded and she right that Seoky will never let anything happen to Eun Jeong.
Poor baby byeong Ho it so sad that he has a heart condition and I feel so bad for the So family.
Yi Jeong has every right to be mad because the doctors didn't know what wrong with his son with them performing so many tests on baby Byeong Ho until Ji Hoo took a look at it
Dr. Yu seem to be a great doctor and good that Ji Hoo keeping eye on her
Seoky and Eun Jeong date was cute and Eun Jeong really love Seoky to know about his past girlfriend
I think it good that Eun Jeong ask Seoky about then found out from someone else
Seoky telling her is good too and I think it was good to tell her about Baek Hyeon and his past because Baek Hyeon may try to use Seoky ex against him or have Eun Jeong get mad about it.
Baek Hyeon family problems is not Seoky fault but Baek Hyeon parents fault because his dad is drunken and also abuser and his mom is in denied and can't understand that it was not Baek Hyeon fault that her husband left.
Baek Hyeon is jealous of Seoky happy family.
Double date would have been cute if Seoky didn't go all big brother protective on Mee Yon and preventing her from having fun with Aidan
Eun Jeong has a lot of patient to stand see Seoky going protective on Mee Yon
Seoky finally had enough of see Mee Yon and Aidan getting close and pull Mee Yon away and getting mad at her and Mee Yon tell him to stay out of her business to which Seoky shocked and then tells her he going to tell their appa to which scare Mee Yon
Seoky tell Mee Yon he afraid she get hurt if she get too attached to Aidan and Mee Yon tell him she know
It good that the double date end with them having fun and Eun Jeong asking Seoky to sing Kim Hyun Joong song
wow so Jan Di and Ga Eul like Kim Hyun Joong
Seoky sang I'm Your Man as Aidan sang SS501 Let Me Be The One and Love Ya
Seoky really need to tell Aria that he like her as a friend and nothing more because her feeling for him will grow and it will hurt Eun Jeong more and Yi Jeong will kill Seoky for it if Seoky make Eun Jeong cry because to him Eun Jeong is like younger version of Ga Eul and he hate seening Ga Eul hate.
Mee Yon really love Aidan so much that she remember when she tore her rotation cuff and thankful Ji Hoo did the surgery on her and Jan Di had a sad memory of her losing her ability to swim and Mee Yon still doesn't know the real reason why her mom can't swim anymore
Aidan had to hide in the swimming pool where Mee Yon was in because he had girls chasing him.
Omg Aidan and Mee Yon had a sweet moment and it look like they going to kiss
Can't wait for next chapter
seamusmommy #7
Chapter 15: The So baby...hope they figure out what's wrong and can treat it. No parent should have to go through their baby being sick. As for Seoky, he is the perfect gentleman on his date with EunJeong. Very romantic and sweet, it was the perfect first date and only a little F4ish. Just missing fireworks and a serenade ;) The double date...*sighs* Seoky is lucky he has an understanding girlfriend. I'd be really ticked if I were her. That ending! ┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘ She's only 14! If Seoky were around I'm sure he would have finished off drowning him. And know she's going to say something to EunJeong...I don't like her one bit. Send them back to the U.S. please.
liSSie #8
Seoky is charming one second and super annoying on the next one. I guess he's just being the protective brother. Good thing he let MeeYon enjoy the rest of their date. I wanna ship her and Aidan but i don't like Aria causing any problem between Seoky and Eun Jeong. Although he promised his sister to not tell Jihoo entirely about what hAppened during the date, how do you think Jihoo or Jandi for that matter will react if and when they learn about it..
Chapter 14: Jan Di will make a big deal for seoky because he always be Jan Di baby
Seoky turn down the birthday gift from girls but it remind me of when Yi Jeong got valentine day gift
Mi na n baek hyeon asking for trouble to hurt the f4 kids
F4 r not someone to mess with especially yi jeong n woo bin
Aria is in love with seoky even though she denies it
Seoky got motorcycle n had a talk with grandfather
Seoky n eun jeong date is cute
Cant wait to see wt happen next n i might know who help eun jeong with mi na n baek hyeon
Thank u for the birthday wishes
seamusmommy #10
Chapter 14: Grrr...too short! That said. ..I give the F4 adults credit for not embarrassing the kid. I'm still surprised JanDi agreed to a motorcycle. Loved Harabeoji and Seoky!! I'm really worried about Mina and BaekHyeon. And Aria. just had to try and get your digs in? Can we ship her and her brother back to the US? Now, why are Seoky and Mee Yong going to get angry at each other? Probably has something to do with Aiden. Lol