listen to it while reading~


White. That was the first color of his first memory in the world. He was born into a wealthy family. He was raised properly and was loved by all who have met him. He had everything in the world but he was restricted. He was weak. He was sick. He was to remain in prison in his own house, to never leave. This made him yearn for the outside world. He would sneak in and out of his house. The most precious memory of his was the moment he got lost in the woods, ended up in a field filled with colorful flowers and first saw her sitting in the middle of all beauty.

Lemon Chiffon. He remembered the dress she wore that day they met. She was picking up flowers for her sick mother in the field near his home. It was the first time he had met someone his age. He asked her why she was picking flowers. She just simply answered, “My mother loves them. I thought she might get better if she sees them.”; He helped her in picking flowers that day. The next day, she came back with a smile telling him that her mother has recovered from her sickness.

Champagne Pink. It was the color he could see whenever he was with her. They continued seeing each other secretly in the field. They would exchange stories and ideas. It was the most exciting time in his every day life. He would sneak out in the afternoon when everyone was away in town. They learned a lot from each other. The most vivid memory of his was the time he confessed to her of his feelings. He could never forget the color of her face. After the confession, she thanked him for the time and ran embarrassingly away from him. It was awkward.

Blue to Indigo. Those were the colors when she finally admitted. She was falling much like him. It wasn’t long when they grew up to be a fine young man and lady. .He still remained at home tending to his treatments while she began to learn the arts of the world particularly playing the piano. She was a prodigy. Their meet ups in the afternoon were becoming less. He was becoming weaker but he never mentioned it to her. He didn’t want her to see him as someone weak.

Chestnut. The moment he opened the door of his home, his eyes laid upon her. There she stood outside smiling. He disappearing made her worry. She searched for him and found him. They would not only meet by the fields but also in his home. They would spend the time in his father’s study room where they would listen to music. It somehow made him feel better. But of course, he was still weak. He was becoming weaker by the day but he still remained quiet. He did not want to burden her.

Gray. That was the color of the sky when the sudden news of her death hit him like a strong current. It had been raining heavily for the past days in their place. No one was advised to go out. But she did. She had too. Her father tried to stop her and when she was questioned, she simply answered. “It’s his birthday. I have to be there on his birthday.” He didn’t get to see her. He was unable to rise from his bed. That day he despised the most; here he thought that he will be the first to leave. She was gone.

Maroon. It was the color of her journal that was given to him by her father. Her father thought it was best to have at least a memory of her with him. He took the journal with trembling hands. He never read it. He didn’t want to. He was too afraid. He locked it away, never to see it again.

Red. He coughed up blood. He was frail as two years had passed. He had no reason to live. She was gone. One night, his mother reminded her of a journal. She didn’t mean to read but she couldn’t help it. She mentioned of a wish. “I know it’s wrong of me my son but I think you should read it.” It took him days before he would do so. The wound was still fresh.


I think I like him. I won’t tell him. I don’t want him to know.

He gave me a rose which he plucked out of the fields. I tried my best to not be swayed by my strong feelings for him.

He told me a secret and confessed to me. I am speechless.

I like him. No. I love him.

Time spent with him cannot be compared to anything.

I saw him coughing blood. He’s hiding something from me.

He’s not coming to the fields anymore.

Did I do something wrong? Why is he avoiding me?

I found his house but I am afraid to knock. Does he want to see me?

It’s been days. Should I knock?

I finally met him again. He seems to be pale and weak. I acted like it was nothing. I don’t want him to feel bad.

I asked his mother. I didn’t know he was sick.

Why didn’t he tell me?

I would still love him. He’s him.

His birthday is nearing. I bought him a present. I hope he’ll like it.

It’s a recording of my composition. It cost me a lot. But I want him to hear my music.

I play because of him. I want him to hear it.

I can’t wait to give him his present. I want to see him.

This heavy rain won’t stop me. Not at all.

I wish for him to get well. Just like the flowers I gave my mother, maybe my music would cure his illness.


Black. That was the color they wore when he left. Throughout his remaining days, he remained in contact with her family despite his illness. He forced himself to come outside and stay at the fields where they first met. His hands tightly holding her journal. His eyes shut just as soon as the sun came down.




It was over.


What he didn’t know was that one god took pity of his fate. It was cruel that he was given such a life. Before the soul could leave, the god took him in to tend his wounded soul. It was the least he could do to the human. He wanted to give the human a chance of a happy ending but for now, this was the only thing he could do to help.


“In time my child. This is nothing but a momentary pause in your life.”






Green. Different shades of green covered the whole of Eden. Long and thick vines ran down the tall and ancient trees. Flowers of various colors and sizes bloom in every direction. The earthly scent of Eden made it feel like home to most but not for him. It felt nothing like home. It felt more like pain. The remorseful memory of one losing his source of life; his love.

There a young man sat in the middle of Eden, alone with his thoughts. How long has it been since I were gone?  He looked afar, in the empty abyss beyond the Eden. He rose from his wooden chair and approached the edge of the Eden. At the edge, there stood an abandoned columned temple. His eyes searched for something, someone but just like before, the person he searched and yearned for is gone.

A strong wind gusted his way. He shut his eyes and felt a strong presence of someone familiar behind. It was none other than the god who have cursed him of this eternal youth. He smiled weakly and turned to the god who has taken the form of a human.  “I see that you’re in your human form today.”


“And I see that you’re still in despair.” The god chuckled, his eyes wandered the Eden he had given to the human. “But it’s a good thing that you still tend to my plants.”


“There’s nothing to do here.” The human reasoned, his hand touched one of the flowers near him. “What do you expect me to do?”


The god walked out of the temple and sat on the single step of the stairway. He sighed, leaning back. “Of course. You would not even accept my offer of immortality for your pure soul. And so here you are, wasting your life in my Eden.”


The human chuckled at how ‘dejected’ his life must be for the god. He stood beside the god and asked what brought the god in the netherworld. The god looked up at the human and smiled approvingly. “I come here to give you a message.”


The human stared at the god who had already stood in his place. “The gods and I have discussed your impending life here in my Eden. You are a man of talents. You should not be rotting your life in here.” His hand reached out for an open space in his Eden, not too long the earth trembled as a large tree began sprouting from the ground. “That is why we have agreed to give you a chance in life.”


The human looked bewildered by the sudden news to him but he remained quiet. The god chuckled as soon as he sees the confused look in the human’s eyes. “You heard me. You’ll become human again.”


“Please do not make fun of me.” The human did not want to be played. There have been many times he was made fun of. He did not want any of that at all. The god chuckled and reassured the human that he was serious of it all.

“Sanghyuk.” The god called out his name. It was rare for the god to call him by name. It was rare for any god to call you by name. He sounded more of a god than a friend to the human. “I am here to grant you back your human life.” The god said, “But of course you cannot return to your previous life. I may be a god but I cannot control the time. Time is inevitable. I apologize.”


Of course he couldn’t do anything. They are nothing but gods, after all.


“You do know that I could hear your thoughts, rights?” the god scowled, crossing his arms. The human apologized, looking disconcerted. The god laughed, “I am kidding. I know how you feel.”


A strong wind surged pass them. The god sighed, running his hand through his raven hair. “I guess that’s my cue. The nagging god is calling me.” He stretched his arms, groaning. “Oh right. Before I leave, do you accept the offer?”


The human stared at the Eden one last time. “Yes, on one condition.”


“What is it?”


“Never take away my name and memories.” He firmly announced. The god grinned and nodded, accepting the offer. “Very well.”




Rain poured down the pavement of the city’s busy street. A tall raven haired man clad in white walked the streets undetected. He purposely stopped at a warehouse and entered. Inside the warehouse was an art gallery. No one was inside except the man…yet.


“Oh, hi there.” A woman’s voice resonated within the empty gallery. He turned to where the voice was and greeted with a subtle smile. The woman took off her soaked jacket and store it in the closet room with her umbrella. “Are you an art lover? Perhaps a buyer?”


It is time for me to grand you your wish, my friend.


“Both.” He said as he gestured at the painting behind him. “Are you the artist? I’d love to know more about this painting.”


The woman blushed, thrilled at how enthusiastic the man was. She approached the man and nodded. “I am. I’m glad you find this to be intriguing. It’s actually my favorite in my current exhibition.”


“I see that you named it Ai.” The man noticed, “The painting shows just a woman holding a balloon while holding to her stomach—“


The woman approached slowly and continued the explanation the piece with a slight hint of pain in her voice. “It’s my tribute to my lost child.” The man kept quiet and listened in to what she was going to say. “I lost my child last year. Four months. It was…hard, but this painting helped me cope somehow. I’m glad that people appreciate it.”


Perfect. The man flicked his fingers; that very moment rain stopped pouring, time stopped clicking, and the man had transformed himself to his godly form. He illuminated but no human could see such magnificent imagery, it was too much for a human. He stood in front of the frozen woman and bestowed her a gift.


“Your kindness have earned you my favor. I shall bestow upon you a gift.”


Before the woman knew it, she was speaking alone in the warehouse. She wondered what had happened, was it a dream? A cognition? The odd memory never left her especially when the surprised pregnancy came. She and her husband were more than thrilled and happy about it. Doctors mentioned that they could never have a child but they never lost hope.






“Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Han, you have a healthy and beautiful baby boy.” The nurse smiled cheerfully as she carefully handed the cooing baby to his mother. A tearful laugh came out from both parents. They gazed delightedly at their precious child, promising themselves to love him no matter what.







Unbeknownst to all was the same tall man clad in white watch the events unfold before him. He stopped at hospital’s hallway, looking at the happy family inside one of the rooms.


“What should we name him?” the husband soothed his wife’s shoulder. Sanghyuk. The man whispered.


“Sanghyuk.” She smiled tearfully.  The couple smiled in delight and both agreed with it.


“Sanghyuk.” His father uttered. “Let’s name him Sanghyuk.”


His mother smiled, slowly nodding to her husband. She turned to a cooing Sanghyuk and repeated his name. “Such a handsome child we have.”


The man walked further through the hallway. Just a few rooms away was another woman under labor, her husband waiting outside. The man smiled, “Look at me, such a kind god I am. I wasted almost a century looking for her.”


It is time for their story to unfold once more.


The child grew into a handsome and kind lad. He was taught well by the people around him, loved by anyone who gets to meet him, and intrigued them with utmost interest. The child was special, indeed. He had the talents of his mother, the looks of his father, and the odd personality of an old man that had lived a long time.


“What is that, Hyukkie?” his mother once caught her son sketching a face of a woman in his sketchpad. He looked up at his mother and showed it to her proudly.


“She’s the one I’ve been waiting for. My loving wife.”


The confident answer of her son made her laugh. He was so gullible and innocent. She smoothed her son’s head and went along with it. “Alright, I’ll be waiting for this loving wife of yours.”


Her son nodded and returned to sketching the face. “Okay. Don’t worry mom. I’ll see her soon and you’ll meet her.”


The cute and endearing mind of her son, she thought that it was just a phase in his childhood. She thought it was just a blip. She didn’t know that her son would really look for this loving wife of his throughout his whole life.


The boy turned to a young man in no time. He followed his dreams of becoming an artist just like his mother. He was accepted into one of the famous art institutes in the world and would eventually meet people much like him. He had his first exhibit in his early 20s, as soon as he graduated with colors.


“You have created another masterpiece, Han Sanghyuk.” One of the curators in the museum approached the young man who owned the current exhibit being displayed.


“Thank you for that kind compliment, Mr. Kim.” Sanghyuk bowed humbly. Even though he has received tons of compliments in his art, he remained intact and humble.


“Please, call me Wonsik. I might be a curator here but I’m still young, you know.” The curator discussed with him how his artworks were being loved by the public for it hold such charisma and mysteriousness.


“This muse of yours is partly to blame.” The curator added, pointing at one of the artworks near them. It was an installation art, a figure of a woman carefully shaped by various flowers. “She brings so much life into your art.”


“She does, doesn’t she?” Sanghyuk stared at the figure covered in flowers. It was standing upright and was looking up as if the person was waiting for something to arrive. Pretty much similar to Sanghyuk’s life at the moment. “She’s been with me as long as I could remember.”


“Oh. Is this muse someone dear to you?”


“She is.” Sanghyuk answered with a hint of despair in his voice. “I’ve always wondered why I see her in everything...and yet, I haven’t even met her at all. It all seems so strange.”


Out of nowhere, one of Sanghyuk’s friends called his attention with a pat on the shoulder. “Hey, there’s someone who wants to meet you. I think he’s a potential buyer—“


While Sanghyuk was preoccupied with his friend, the curator chuckled to himself. “I’ve been told that you wanted to keep your memories of her, that’s why I did it. I didn’t know that it would be like this though.”


Sanghyuk didn’t catch what the curator said and asked him once again but before he could the curator had disappeared. Odd…have I met him somewhere?


Bright lights. After the first night of his exhibition, he went out with his friends to celebrate. They entered to a random bar that was apparently hosting a music night. The sound of the piano resonated within the small bar. Everyone was quietly listening to the musician on stage. Sanghyuk and his friends took their seats on one of the free tables and ordered drinks.


“She’s pretty good.” One of his friends said. Sanghyuk smiled nodding as he approved it. “It does. It sounds like she’s longing for something...someone…” his eyes gazed at the one playing the piano.


Champagne Pink.


There she was, playing the piano pouring herself into it.


Blue and Indigo.


The piece ended after a minute. She smiled, thanking the audience and returned to her place, sitting amongst the crowd. She radiated out of them all. Sanghyuk felt shivers down his spine. Emotions hidden within him for quite some time suddenly appeared. His feet moved on its own, approaching her without any hesitation. His heart thumped louder than ever, he paced his way towards her disregarding the people blocking his way.


Lemon chiffon.


The call of her name caught her attention. Her eyes looked afar and searched for the one calling in the crowd. Sanghyuk reached out to her.


“Hi, I’m—“


“Sanghyuk.” She smiled, her eyes b. “It’s great to finally see you again.”



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