The basketball court

♡ ღ Our Love Story ღ ♡


The basketball court 


"Better find a good seat before they are all taken." you said outloud to yourself.

Heading to the gym you slowly walked in looking around for any body already there and there wasn't except for one person. Walking towards the bleachers your contact with him never left. You sat down slowly trying to remember his name.

"I think it was Hyunsung or hyungsong. Somthing along those lines...." you said quietly outloud to yourself once again.

Watching him practice his free throws, you eventually go tired of it and bored. Pulling out your phone you fidled with it until you heard the sounds of basketballs pounding on the floor stop. Looking up you noticed his was on break. Gulping down water from his water bottle. Once he finished he finally noticed you and call you over. Confused you looked around and pointed a finger towards you and tilted your head slightly and he nodded.


Go over to him

- or -

Ignore him

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Update soon. I cant wait
UPDATEEEE! .. ^^ .. I'm so excited! . :DD
wonwoojpeg #3
I'm your second commenter!! ^o^<br />
And I'm going to sub right now~<br />
I really enjoy it... update soon~
No girl chapter ....can i <br />
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Lol joking