Happy Birthday, My Love.

Happy Birthday, My Love.

"Happy birthday, my best friend. I hope you are still doing well."

"Go away. Let's stop talking."

"Hey... I miss you.. How have you been?"


Scenario: You have a very special friend, you met him years ago. Throughout everything, you thought you guys would make it. Even if it was just friends, it was okay for you. In 6 days, it would be his birthday. Yet for the first time, you will not be there for him. You don't even know where it went down. 

Laughter and screams were heard at the park nearby as you walk to a bench. 
Kids running around, with paper hats written "Happy Birthday" and "I'm 6!", seeing parents at the back with picnic mats laid out, cakes, snacks and drinks all displayed on the tables set up by them. 

"Ah... it's May...." you said, realising when you saw kids celebrating birthdays. May was just a month where you just felt a little more in touch with. It was just a month where you feel like you used to look forward to, but not anymore. 

16 May 2016

"Oppa you can't open your eyes okay!"

You tried to blindfold his eyes with your hands as you try to guide him to the table filled with food and drinks, cake in the middle with a simple scribble of "Happy Birthday Oppa!♡" 

"Okay okay, I promise my eyes are closed! Be careful don't trip me! I'm wearing my new pants today! Don't get it dirty!" 

"We are here!" You grinned as you slowly remove your hands from his eyes, waiting for him to open his eyes as he blinks, adjusting to the light and seeing what was infront of him.

"Omg.... wow... I'm speechless... Eun-ah... you shouldn't have.... I'm so... I LOVE YOU SOO MUCHHH AND THANK YOU SOOOO MUCHH OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE THISS!!" He hugged you tight as he saw whatever you have done. 

"Happy birthday oppa. I couldn't celebrate it last year with you because I wasn't in country. Forgive me and to cover up last year I prepared this and will surprise you more this week since you don't have work this week and I applied leave this whole week for you." You could not contain your smile while telling him the news. You felt guilty for not being able to spend his birthday last year and you felt like you two had not been meeting each other often so you requested one week off from work in order to cover up and make sure he was happy during that birthday week. 

The following week was beyond expectations. You two went out, had fun at amusement parks, ate lots of good food, had lots of great memories and took pictures and videos that were edited and printed/posted online. It was a week that could never be forgotten. Little did you know that was the last week you two had the most time together, laughing and being all happy. 

11 August 2016

It has been months since his birthday. Ever since that week of joy, he had been too busy to meet up with you. He had to go overseas constantly for business purposes. He kept ignoring your texts and calls, saying he was too busy or too tired when you contacted him. Slowly, he did not even bother replying your messages, giving you the last seens and the blue ticks. You wondered what had gone wrong. Yet you were clueless. You tried asking his friends around him. Yet they said they had met up every 2 weeks or so when he is in country. 

At this time, you were preparing for your 6-months overseas attachment with your current course at university. You did not want to leave him without at least seeing him once more before you were gone for so long. Even though by this time, you felt like he was just a stranger in your life. A stranger with memories that you would never forget.

text messages
"Oppa, let's meet. I promise I wouldn't meet you soon after this. Neither would I disturb you with my texts and calls. Let's meet at the usual coffee shop at 12pm"


"Wow... he finally replied when I said I would no longer meet him anytime soon.... Ouch..." you said as you saw his prompt reply. You did not expect him to reply you that fast. Trying to hold your tears in, you walked to your waredrobe and picked out a lovely dress that he loved it when you wore it, it was the exact same dress you wore when you celebrated his birthday. Knowing you would breakdown, you skipped majority of your "going out-looking fancy" makeup and wore almost little to no makeup, not wanting to look like a fool in public. 

Since the coffee shop was walking distance from your apartment, you slowly got ready and walked down to the coffee shop, meanwhile trying to make yourself as calm as you could, to refrain from crying even before meeting him.                        
"I'm here... it will be my last time seeing him... who knows if he would even want me as a friend anymore.. It's okay. At least I get to see him before I leave. I should be happy that he is willing to even meet me when he sounds so busy." Mumbled as you slowly approach to the glass door. 

You were afraid to open that door. That door was first opened when you guys had a "date" (a study date, to be exact). That door was where all the memories first began. Where it became a constant place you two would always meet. Gathering all your emotions and courage, you opened the door. 

"Eun-ah! Oppa is here!" He waves at you, smiling. You couldn't help but smile despite on the verge of crying. 

"Ahhh oppa you came early... It's only 1145" you said as you took the seat opposite of him, realising he already ordered your favourite drink for you. 

"Ohh... erm.. I just thought I would get us seats hehehe... you know lunch hour is approaching and it gets packed here... oh here. I got you your favourite."

You smiled, thanked him for the drink as you slowly sip on it. Realising that as you are going to finish the drink, you will no longer have any connections with him there after. 

"Eun-ah... you know you look very pretty today. Something about your outfit just makes you look... so... amazing"

You blushed as he said that, however that made it harder for you to say your true feelings and wanted to just leave. But you know it isn't good for the both of you. It was better to end it off and have a clean cut between you two. You didn't know where to start,  fidgeting on your seat, thinking how to say it all without hurting yourself or letting him get disappointed. He noticed how you were also starting to bite your lip, an action you always do when you get nervous/anxious and do not know how to get the topic across.

"Eun-ah.. why? What is bothering you? You can't hide from oppa.. you can let me know what you wanted to tell me. I'm okay and will be no matter what you wanted to tell me when you texted to meet me."

"I... I'm going to be travelling to the US... t-to study... I'm leaving this weekend... I don't know if I would ever come back Korea... if I have a good job there.. I.. I might just migrate and never come back.." you mumbled, but at a volume where he was able to understand. You could barely hold in your tears because memories kept playing. Seeing how he was so happy with you for the past few years as friends. How you grew and saw how he matured along the years. It was just hard for you to let go all of a sudden. 

"Oh.. that's fast.. I'm so proud of you. I really am. I always knew you would never be in Korea when you have so much potential infront of you. Take care of yourself when you are there okay? No one will be there to help you and comfort you when you are down." He gripped his coffee gently, not wanting to spill and not wanting you to see that, which was impossible as you saw his eyes turn slight red as he spoke. You stared at him so closely, knowing it would be your last time. You saw how his hair, reddish-brown, softly styled. His face, as he talks, as he smiles. How his slight odd eye shape forms the iconic eye-smile that everyone knew of. It was the last time you would ever get so close to him. 

"Thank you oppa... I really, really appreciate it. Oppa, please take care of yourself. Stop being so clumsy. I wonder how will your future wife handle with your clumsiness. It is scary at times." Ending it with an awkward laughter as you were trying to hold in your tears. You knew it has to end somewhere. You said what you wanted. He responded as how you predicted it to be. 

"Alright then, oppa. Can I at least get a goodbye hug and a goodbye forehead kiss? These are the last 2 things I will ever ask from you. Please?"

"Of course! Anything for you, my little Eun-ah. I will really miss you. Take care okay?" He approached you with a tight hug and a kiss at your forehead. You couldn't help but cry as he did that. You could no longer hold it in, but you had to.                        
"Oh no! Don't try! I don't want to see you crying when this might be our last time meeting." He wiped your tears and hugged you again tightly, this time, you tried to control your tears and hope that he would also let you go because the longer he hugged you, the more it ached you. 

How it could have been a thing became nothing. How many fun memories became just plain old memories you look back on. 
How many places that you used to frequently visit became a place where you are afraid to go because of the memories attached to it. 

"This is it, I guess. Oppa. I'm pretty sure you're very busy. Goodbye oppa." You forced a smile as you gave him a slight peck on the cheek, you just had to do it despite knowing that you would regret later on. You tidied up your outfit and hair, smiled at him once last time, and walked out of the cafe. 

That was the very last time you ever saw him.


16 May 2017

"Woah. Finally. I get a break from this attachment. I am finally on a week's break!" You cried in happiness. It was very long before you were able to get even 3 days break, let alone a full week off. You grabbed a cold, yet refreshing cup of tea from the nearby coffeeshop you always visit after being here. You started to lean towards tea than coffee because you knew coffee would just remain bitter within you but tea at least cheers you up. Walking to the park that you often visit, as you see kids running around.

"Ah... no wonder I was on break. It is school vacation month. It is so packed here, where can I even enjoy sitting down?" You bit your lip as you tried to find any sign of empty seats, atlas. You saw a bench that no one sat on because nearby, had parents with picnic mats and kids running around. You walked happily and sat down. Sipping on your drink as look at everyone at the park. Some playing, some laughing, some silent.

It was normal for you to miss your home. And it happens to be one of those days where you miss it so darn much. Whenever that happens, you get on your phone and started scrolling through your gallery, seeing the pictures that you saved so that you would too homesick. 

"I wonder what day is tod-...today.... is... 16 May..." It was that moment where you went quiet. You were too busy earlier in the day and did not realise the date. It was that one fine day that you had a love-hate relationship with. You were pretty sure you gave up all thoughts about him, but once in a while, you miss seeing him, miss his voice, miss his hugs and kisses.

You decided to go on your phone and check his social media, seeing how he rarely updates unless it was huge gatherings or special occasions, you wondered if he would also post something on this birthday. As you scroll through your feed, you saw his username and wanted to see what he posted. Yes, of course. It is his birthday, he would post pictures of cakes, gifts, friends together and all the happy comments wishing him a happy birthday. Yet the post was slightly off.

You saw that he had amazing gifts, amazing company, yet he was not smiling as bright as he usually does, like how you remembered. His caption stating, 
"All is well. I'm older now. Hahahha. Thank you everyone for the wishes and gifts! Appreciated." It was so formal and it did not sound like him. However knowing that you could not just ignore this very special day, you decided to comment saying, "Happy Birthday Oppa! Hope you had fun and always take care and be safe! <3"


Strange enough, he liked your comment and replied almost immediately, "Thankyou, I miss you Eun-ah. Take care. <3 <3 <3"

A/N:  GMT+8, 10.11pm:

Finally after days of doing this after work while travelling home. I made it. Before 16.05.2017 ends. I know it has a sudden ending and a unreasonable one, but it is just like my life now. I know the whole story is weird, but I tried to form it so that it isn't so similar to my real life experience, which isn't as dramatic as this. (I exaggerate a lot) and it is just so tiring to find a proper link but I tried. My 2nd fic and I do not know if I would continue writing just because I can't remember my plots for the other 2 chapters posted here. Also work gets tiring (I'm on internship now but I do consider it as work) and I don't have the energy to force myself. Maybe I would randomly write another, a short one. Who knows?


To whoever it is, Happy Birthday, My Love. I will always love and care for you from here. Goodbye. 

A/N 2: It is 19.05.2017. Decided to repost because I wanted this to be just a story on its own. and these are Special days that I will never forget. 

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kpoppurelove #1
Chapter 1: this was too good I need to learn from u too