
Teacher Troubles

V was heading towards the entrance at Z's school in his typical "disguise" when he caught wind of Z's name.

"I can't believe she's back for another year. Clearly I'm above Miss Z in both intelligence AND stature." Miss Park twittered with some students.

He told himself that he shouldn't get involved but then he heard his voice coming from his mouth.

"Excuse me - did I hear Miss Z mentioned?" He paused next to the group. They all looked on in shock as he'd partially lowered his mask. 

"Yes..." Miss Park said cautiously.

"The one I worked with on the fundraiser? She can't possibly be the one you're referring to." He looked disarmingly confused. "After all, I'm here to congratulate her for the largest single fundraiser success in school history. Or so your principal told my company, not to mention all the media coverage it's gotten." He swept his gaze over the students, swaying them to his side.

"I'm sure that had everything to do with the generous donations you provided and not her work exclusively." Miss Park said, trying to gain her followers back.

"Ah well even if that were the case, it was pretty intelligent of her to get in contact with BTS to make it so successful. Clearly she had her students in mind and did her best to make the fundraiser as successful as possible. Don't you think?" V continued to feign confusion. The students slowly started nodding their heads in agreement. "I heard from the BigHit representatives that were there that a lot of students really seemed to appreciate the work she did and that Miss Z was the epitome of hardworking and personable. In fact, I'm also here to help organize another donation for the fundraiser this year. Though of course that's still confidential." He winked at the students, solidly aligning them with him.

Miss Park scoffed and fumbled for a comeback.

"So I *must* have misheard you. There must be another Miss Z in the building." V leaned in and hid his mouth from the kids with his hand but still spoke loudly enough for them to hear. "Though personally I would advise against badmouthing anyone. Particularly in front of such beautiful and intelligent, but still impressionable young minds. I'm sure you take pride in showing them the way to become hardworking, kind, and honest citizens by leading with your own example."

Miss Park huffed. V checked his watch. "Ah. I'm afraid I don't have enough time left to give my full attention to the fundraiser meeting. I'll have to reschedule to insure it is cared for properly. I'd appreciate it if you all kept this under wraps for now. Have a wonderful day!" With that, he readjusted his mask, put a hand in his pocket, and gave a quick wave goodbye with one last wink to the girls as he headed back to the parking lot.


Z got a strange text from V that said he'd meet her at her apartment instead. Curious as to what was going on, she hurried home. He was already waiting for her on the couch when she got there.

"What happened? I thought we were meeting at school to discuss the fundraiser?"

"I'm sorry. Something came up. I had to take care of some trash."


"Yeah. Let's just say I won a gamble."

"V. You're not making any sense." Z finally made her way over to him after putting her things away. He grabbed her hand and pulled her sideways into his lap.

"Don't worry about it."

Z sighed. "Fine. I've got too much on my mind anyway with that dirty Miss Park. She's already rallying students against me and the school year has barely started."

"Oh I'm sure things will calm down with her."

"...did you do something? Why are you still wearing that hat and mask? You know everyone knows it's you underneath them."

"Someone didn't know it was me when we first met." He teased. Z smacked his chest in reply. "Now. I think it's time for some after school activities." He said as he dipped Z onto the couch. "I've earned some extra credit today that I'd like to cash in on."

Z laughed. "That's not how it works you know."

"I know. But I don't care." He smiled as his lips descended on hers.

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