We R Who We R

You Know We're Superstars [one-shot / semi-songfic]

"I ing LOVE this song!" Key exclaimed in slurred english, all but flailing, with spilling booze on his tight jeans without a care.

Currently, the five members of SHINee were in Taemin and Onew's shared hotel room, dancing on top of the beds, rolling on the floor, singing boisterously, and hysterically laughing while the radio was blaring music. Onew had managed to smuggle in a few bottles of soju.

Was it a good idea for one of Korea's most popular bands to be completely smashed, and ridiculously loud in a hotel room? Probably not, but they were young, and threw caution to the wind. Sometimes they really just needed to let loose and have a good time, like normal boys their age. Even Jonghyun, who wasn't a big fan of drinking, and Taemin, who was underage, were partaking in the soju. Nowhere near as much as the other three-- definitely nowhere near as much as Onew had consumed. Still, they were all happily tipsy, and all of their faces were flushed.

Kibum was grabbing at Jonghyun's wrist, shaking him to try to get him to sing along while the song started. He took one more sip of the glass bottle and set it down near the TV. Onew was dancing half in the bathroom, Taemin was atop his bed, and Minho was leaning on the chair in the corner, doubled over in laughter.

"HOT and dangerous. If you're one of us then roll with us, 'cause we make the hipsters fall in love when we got our hot pants on and up." Key ran his hands over his pant legs, giving Jonghyun what he assumed with a y look.

"And yes of course we does. We runnin' this town just like a club and no, you don't wanna mess with us." He stopped to point to himself. "Got jesus on my necklace-us-us~"

Key was practically jumping up and down, and Jonghyun tried his hardest to keep up with him, but it was difficult while laughing in between words. They were all singing along, but Kibum's enthusiasm was overpowering all of them with ease.

"Got that glitter on my eyes" They all pointed to their faces and laughed.

"Stockings ripped all up the side. Lookin' sick and ified. So let's go, oh oh~. LET'S GO!"

"Tonight we're going hard, hard, h-h-hard." Taemin was jumping up and down, dancing on the bed.

"Just like the world is our, our, o-o-ours. We're tearin' it apart, part, p-p-part."

All five of them were belting out as loud as they could: "You know we're superstars! We are who we are!"

Jjong went dizzy for a moment, and before he could notice why, it appeared that Key had pushed him backwards. He had fallen onto Onew's bed. He propped himself up on his elbows, watching the younger boy dance in front of him in a way that could only be described as y, to say the least.

We're dancin' like we're dumb, dumb d-d-dumb.
Our bodies going numb, numb n-n-numb.

His mouth hung open, gawking like an idiot. Key swayed his hips fluidly before he drove his fingers through his own hair as he threw his head back. Key's hands then travelled down his face, and caught his bottom lip on his pinkie, and slid his tongue along the side of his finger on it's way down. Saliva trailed along after the digit, as his hands ran along his chin and neck. Jonghyun laughed nervously, looking around to see if anyone else had noticed what Key was doing, but they were all preoccupied singing.

We'll be forever young, young y-y-young
You know we're super stars we are who we are.

The song went on, and Key was still singing with purpose, his hips swaying. He partially crawled on top of Jonghyun, on the bed, holding onto the shorter boy’s shoulders. His legs were bent at the knee, still dancing the best he could on the mattress.

DJ Turn it up
It's about damn time to live it up
I'm so sick of being so serious
It's makin' my brain delirious

Minho had stood up and made his way to the bed at some point. His arm was supporting a lightheaded Taemin, who was still bouncing on the bed, flailing about like a crazy. Even drunk, Minho was trying to make sure their maknae wasn't going to fall and crack his head open. Everyone, except Jonghyun, was still singing. He couldn't take his eyes off of Key for a minute.

I'm just talkin' true
I'm tellin' you 'bout the we do.
We're sellin' our clothes, sleepin' in cars
Dressin' it down, hittin' on dudes. Hard.

With that last line, Kibum toppled over Jonghyun. His fingers pulled at the elder's hair as he crushed their mouths together greedily, with a hum of satisfaction in the back of his throat. Jonghyun couldn't help but slide his palms up the backs of Key's thighs, and cup his in his hands and squeeze. Hard.

Onew, Taemin and Minho all noticed the display this time, and froze in place, staring wide eyed at the scene on the bed. It took a whole ten seconds of complete and utter silence from the boys before Onew fell to the floor in hysterics, and the other two soon followed suit, howling with laughter. Minho had pulled Taemin down, and they were quite literally rolling on the floor together. Onew's legs could be seen kicking from the doorway to the bathroom, repeating something that sounded like 'oh no my bed, my bed!'

When Kibum finally peeled his mouth away from Jonghyun's, they were both panting. Key gave him a meaningful look, his lips, and broke into a smile before singing. "You know we're superstars, we are who we are."

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susumiya08 #1
Chapter 1: hahahaha why didn't the songlast forever!!!! please!!! hahahaha poor onew oh no my bed!!! hahaha
kolmilyo #2
it kinda left me begging for . ..... . <br />
<br />
Near the end of your story I erupted into a violent fit of coughing. x.x Half trying not to laugh, half of it real. But LOL - I found the Onew part hilarious. XD 'Oh no my bed, my bed!' XDD