reviews. (+2)

The Cliché Squad • apply open !!!
the cliché squad
seo jinah
The Rich Kid

You could say I'm not really that tough with reviews and all. I may do criticize but blandly. Well actually, there's not really much to criticize when it comes to the plot because it's a cliche squad so their backgrounds are bound to be common. I can be, well, considerate with the grammar as long as the thought is clear. Overall, I'm just pretty much saying that I'm not scary or a perfectionista, I just correct things that may be a bit off or illogical. Might as well fill in some cracks too. 
moon seohee
The Aesthetic Celebrity

Aye wuddup first-one-to-submit gal (idrk what to call it but ey). 

First off, I'd like to say that her personality is pretty much every pretty kid in the modern town. Those kind of drama girls where they're really really pretty but gets super insecure about themselves and thinks every positive comment of her was a lie and just throws it all off and cries. I think I have a bit of a route for her in mind and it would come pretty handy. Oh and props to you because Chaeyeon is a pretty good faceclaim for that kind of persona. Woop woop!

The background seems pretty much stable to me. The main points were given and I could see how the whole happy family turned to what-the-heck-we-were-doing-so-well-why. I could see a bit of similarity of her and Jinah as because money tore their family bonds resulting to be attatched with the squad. They could become pretty close. Oh and also I'd like it if you'd include how she was when coping up with requirements to graduate high school since her schedule is pretty busy because of her acting and modelling gigs. 

And lastly, for the love interest part, I'm fine with pairing her up with another plotline but in case the gender count doesn't really match up, you could write a back up love interest for her. 

That's pretty much it really. So far so good mate. I'll leave this pending for now.Thanks for applying! (btw, I really liked Chaeyeon's pinkeu hair days.) 
im rowoon
The Tumblr Introvert

Ayo whats up fren (that create 99 tho lmao)

Okay so, his personality is pretty much down to earth and I like it. The whole description pretty much screams that he's the cool and smart kid of the squad. And the whole victim complex thing is pretty much almost everyone in social media. The kind of people that easily gets triggered and then everyone joins in boo train. Overall, he's pretty much relatable to modern day people. 

As for the background, the main points were given so that's a pass. And I love me some childhood fren almost turned to lover but failed and became his enemy instead and dark stuff happened and then omg I meet him again. Y'know that kind of ish. I just pretty much don't have problems with the background.

As for the love interest part, it's nice to see an underrated broduce101 pair. I could say that Seyong's persona opens up paths your character could take and some fluffy scenes aha. We'll see what happens.

Thanks a lot for applying! I might actually at reviewing but as long as everything's good, the story shall go forth woop.
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pinguen #1
when's the deadline? i'm almost done with my app, but i won't be able to work on it for a couple days due to exams. otl
Chapter 3: thank you for the review! i hope you don't mind if i edit the app next week as im currently dying bc of my finals ; _ ; just dropped by to post this comment
btw, when i first read the plotline for the aesthetic celebrity, i immediately thought of chaeyeon so im glad that you think that she's a good fc for the plot lol
Chapter 7: thanks for the hella review :^) hope the cliche was enough HAHA
Whoa I haven't had time to think about this at all ;;;

I was just wondering if there's a specific format to follow or can we go free? I know you've been working on an example ;)) will that be up soon?
Chapter 1: hello! i'm currently doing my app for the celebrity plot but i was wondering what kind of celebrity is she? i mean, is she a model, idol or actress? or can i freely choose whatever her job is?
I'm applying for The Musical Prodigy and I'm wondering if they all have to go to the same high school? Is it possible for him to attend a different high school that the rest of the squad? Like, could he meet them outside of school at like a cafe or concert or something. If not, that's totally alright. I was just wondering ^^
Chapter 1: This is cute!! If I am to apply, though, I can't easily access HTML editors on mobile, so is it okay if I do a plaintext app?