Dirty Little Secret. [ONE SHOT]


We all have our secrets, we’d like to keep for our own.
So do Key and Jonghyun.


First time writing some Jongkey woohooo c:!!!!
I hope you guys like it!
Leave comments if something isn't good or right.
Because I'm still in process to become a fanfic writer I guess :D!
Lots of love!

BTW. It's not . Eventho the title might make you think it is...  ^u^


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susumiya08 #1
Chapter 1: awwww so cute!!! love you and them!!! hahahaha ^^
it's cute^^

did you hear that key asked jonghyun to marry him? :DDD
LOL so cute~~~! XD You need to write flufff I know you'll be amazing at it ^o^