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A little hesitate, sulking, and love


Ouch, able to finish write this (^.^') after 2 weeks in my draft.


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Chapter 1: Such a soulmate huh? MARKJIN KISS love jacks hahaha
Chapter 1: oh this is so cute kyaaaaaaaaaaaa >////<
ReLif_53 #3
Chapter 1: Aaaaaa..... I just watch the video of markjin kiss perth,. And u write this cute and sweet story behind it, make me scream happily.. Thanks
Chapter 1: Ewwww :(♡ that's sooo cuuteee my markjjiinnn :(♡
Chapter 1: Ahhhhh i really wait for that kiss to be turn into a fanfic. . Thank you for making dream come half true >< .... Now im just waiting for the aftermath kiss fanfic.... Since Jinyoung said that he feel like heaven when Mark kiss him, awwww im getting excited justvthinking about it
Keykha #6
Chapter 1: Aaaaa~
So sweet..
JinmarkbumsonBeumjae #7
Chapter 1: First fanfic story i read related to what happened in perth. thank you
mistyeast #8
Chapter 1: aww....How i wish this is true..Hahaha.. Thank you authornim...
missynizzy #9
Chapter 1: cute~