–Dreams or Reality?- (Part 1)

Loving You isn't a Fault

“Wae Gi Young-ah?Are you OK?”He shook his hands in front of her face.Making her mind back to reality.

“Umhh,I’m OK,oppa,”she grinned.”What are you doing here?”

“I just want to looked for my left stuff.But,I think they’ve disposed it.By the way,isn’t it already too late for a lady outside?”

“It’s alright since I was about to go home.”

“I’ll take you home,then.If you don’t mind?”He glanced at her honestly.

“No,thank you oppa.”Sheput the sketchbook in her bag and say goodbye to owner ahjumma then walked after Junho.

“Wouldn’t your brother be worried if you go home this late?”

“Anni,I already worked there since highschool and nothing bad ever happened to me. Furthermore,our parents couldn’t really afford all of our expenses here.So,what else can we do?”  She looked far.  

“You’re really hardworker girl.”He rubbed her head gently,make her blushing.’Ottoke?If it’s really that book is Junho-oppa’s?,’she tought.

They finally arrived in front of Gi Young’s flat.

“Take care,oppa.Thank you for taking me home.”

“ Nevermind.”He gently her hair and cupped her forehead.


-Your POV-

                He cupped my forehead gently.I shocked with his unexpected action.I’m pretty sure my face looks like riped tomato right now.

                He smiled,”It’s cold here.You’d better get in unless you’ll frozen.”

                “Ne,bye oppa,”He waved his hands.What if I asked him about the sketchbook now?


He looked back,”What’s wrong,gi young-ah?”

But,actually I’m not sure about what I’ve to say to him.

“A,anniyo,”I rubbed my back head and grinned.

“Ha?Alright then,nite gi young-ah.Have a nice dream.”

“Nite,oppa.” I smiled to him,try to get rid of my curious.

I walked in and the light.’This late and Chansung-oppa haven’t back home?’,I thought.

As I feel tired,I directly take a bath and went to my bedroom.’Maybe better I text ji eun and yoseob to meet tomorrow.At least,I have to tell them what happen today.’

                After texted them,I throw my cellphone aside and fell asleep.


                -End of Your POV-


-very short chapter again-

I split this chapter into two part-

try to update very soon ^^

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sunjadong #1
darkcelt #2
thank you (^^;)<br />
try to update ASAP,but not today ^^v
update soon...^^<br />
i see that your writing skill is improved in every chapter.<br />
it's getting interesting..
darkcelt #4
junho called her 'bestfriend',but who knows?
sunjadong #5
hyunah?is she junho's first love?