My Secret Love

My Secret Love
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I don't know where it all started, how it begun. I have no idea when I started feeling this. Maybe it was last Christmas when we almost kissed under that mistletoe. Maybe it was last fall when we spent the whole day doing nothing, or maybe last summer when we went to a trip to enjoy the sun. I really don't know when but for sure it's never going to end. This is the story of my secret love. I can still remember the first time we met. I was a new kid at school, and couldn't find my section. I walked around the hallway, eyes glued to my class schedule when I didn't notice a guy was actually walking towards me and I accidentally bumped into him. I was startled and shy. I can't remember how many sorry's I have said that time not looking at him. "It's okay", a deep voice said and I heard a chuckle. I looked up, and saw a 185cm boy with elf-like-ears that reminds me of Yoda. He was smiling brightly, maybe too bright it's blinding. I just smiled at him shyly feeling a little blush etched on my face. "You're cute, let's be friends", he talked once again and he ruffled my hair. "Oh, Thanks" was all I could say. From that day on, we we're inseparable. We've became best friends. We were practically doing everything together. As years passed by, I've known every single detail about him. The way his eye twitches when his extremely happy, how he always dreamed of becoming a singer-songwriter, or even how his voice drops when he is upset and how stubborn he can be. I recall the first time we had an arguement, I have to sing him a song and cook for him just to
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