
Friends can't hold hands


A/N I know I promised I’d post this earlier, but my laptop broke and I just got it fixed, sorry /.\

I'll come back and check the grammar later, but for now I'm just gonna leave it.


Hope you enjoy this

I at fluff, hahaha




Sounds of cries were what woke Baekhyun up in the morning.

The cries so pitch sharp that she barely heard the groaning if pain.


Motherly instincts alarmed, she swiftly got up from her comfy bed, holding her swollen tummy and penguin-walking to the baby room.

"Chanyeol-ah, what's wrong" She turned the corner into the poorly painted baby blue room decorated with night stars (courtesy of Park Chanyeol).

The sight that awaited her was not an unfamiliar one.

Her precious Chanhyunnie had his face scrunched up, his lips pouty, eyes teary and the tips of his endearingly large ears red.

Her husband was lying on the floor, clutching his forehead in pain.

She sighed as she pictured what exactly happened minutes before her arrival.


Chanyeol liked to tease his son and tickle him, even though he knew the 1 year-old hated it. So when those long fingers tickled the back of his feet, Chanhyun kicked his chubby little leg right into the hard surface of Chanyeol's forehead. Leaving the lanky father to overdramatically fall down to the ground and groan in pain.


Her guess was confirmed when she heard another groan from Chanyeol saying "urgh my baby's leg is as strong as mine" while rubbing the bruised spot on his head.

Recognizing the presence of his mother, Chanhyun reached out his chubby fingers to her with super pouty lips, cries dying down.

Baekhyun completely dismissed her distressed husband and picked up her baby with much difficulty because of her aching back. Turning to her husband in the ground, she found him copying their baby, reaching out his arms and pouting his lips

"I need my Baekkie too" He whined.

Rolling her eyes, she turned around and tended to her baby. "You know I can't squat Dummy, my back hurts" she said, while changing Chanhyun's diaper and cooing as he giggled with his barely toothed mouth.


She was silenced when she felt the warmth of her husband's arms around her waist, soothingly running his warm palm on her swollen belly.

"I'm sorry Baek, you're supposed to be resting, and I can't even take care of my son." The overgrown man said as he nestled his head apologetically into Baekhyun's neck.

After kissing her son's cheeks, she turned around and put her arms on both sides of Chanyeol's shoulder.

"Just give me a back rub later, and maaaybe I'll forgive you"

The man grinned and leaned down to kiss his wife's pouty lips. Eventually turning it into a sensual lip lock.


Their short makeout session interrupted when Chanhyun made a sound of disapproval.

Chanyeol pulled away and picked up his son effortlessly.


"She's mine Chanhyunnie" He growled playfully at his son.


Chanhyun pulled his hair in jealousy.


And that's how most mornings started in the Park-Byun household.



"Mmmh, that's the spot Chanyeol" arching her back and letting out a satisfied moan

Chanyeol furrowed his eye brows as he worked his magic on Baekhyun's back, pressing gently at the sore spots.

"Baek, you're moans aren't exactly helping my ual frustration" Chanyeol groaned

Smiling in satisfaction, she pulled her husband’s hands to her waist and leaned back against his chest. She let out a deep breath and said "Chanhyun's napping and there's about half an hour before his milk time, so......"

Chanyeol proceeded to make sweet love to his beautiful wife.








They got married in June, the year they turned 29.

She donned a cream coloured gown with a revealing cut out at the back as she walked down the flowery garden aisle (which had Luhan’s look of approval, saying it looked "classy in the front, party at the back")

As she lifted her eyes to see the man to be wed, clad in a perfectly tailored tuxedo and a Purple Lilac corsage (First love) that matched her own bouquet with added Baby’s Breaths (Ever Lasting Love), she saw the same look in his eyes he had eleven years ago; the look of endearment and love.

That was the look that gave her the extra push to walk faster down the aisle, pulling along her father on her left.


As Mr. Byun passed her delicate hand into Chanyeol's, he gave him a look that said (she's yours now, take good care of her).

Nodding with respect, Chanyeol turned his sight back to the woman of his dreams and grinned so widely, it had her doing the same.


As they shared their vows, their eyes never left each other and their hands never letting go.


“Baek, you’re my best friend, my partner in crime and my first love. it wasn’t easy for us, but they say first loves never are. We struggled, we fought, we doubted, but what’s more important is that we loved.-Baekhyun nodded in tears as he continued- It took us twelve years, twelve long years to get here, but all those years are worth the wait if it means we get to be together for as long as our lives allow. I will love you til we’re old and wrinkly-she scrunched her nose in delight- till we have dozens of grandchildren, till my heart stops. I will love you through all the hardships we may face, because baby, you’re my first love and you’re also my last” Baekhyun’s eyes were pouring with tears by the time Chanyeol finished his vow.


“Wow, how do I top that?” Baekhyun chuckled and everyone laughed.


“Chanyeol, they say that the eyes are the window to the soul. If that’s so, I think you’ve got my soul trapped cause every time you look at me with those beautiful eyes of yours, all I can see is me. The way you always looked at me shows me your heart’s security and love, you looked at me that way even before we were together and even when I pushed you away. So,-she took a deep breath- I promise to hold, to love and to cherish you for all eternity, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, through all of life’s challenges, if you promise to always look at me the same way” It was a silly question, because they both knew the answer. The way Chanyeol was looking at her was a dead giveaway.

The groom leaned into her ear as he whispered the words “I promise.”


As they kissed to seal the marriage, they forgot about the people around.


It was just them, the Breakfast couple, standing in a spring garden.


The song that played in their minds was oh so familiar


♪ Our children will always hear
Romantic tales of distant years
Our gilded age may come and go
Our crooked dreams will always glow ♪

♪ Stick with me
Oh you're my best friend
All of my life
You've always been ♪


They kissed until Baekhyun’s makeup was smudged

They kissed until their heart was full

They kissed until their lips were swollen

They kissed until Sehun yelled "Woo, get it Park!"


And that had Chanyeol smiling into the kiss, while fist pumping his hand into the air.

The guests laughed as they clapped and cheered for the newly wed couple.


With that, they separated and connected their foreheads, laughing in pure glee as they realized that they did it.

They're officially Husband and Wife.




"Baekhyun, stop crying, you're ruining my masterpiece!"



Ah, it was a beautiful wedding indeed.




Baekhyun dropped the pregnancy bomb eight months after their wedding


"hey Chanyeol" the petite woman said one night when Chanyeol got back from work, as she plopped down on Chanyeol making him let out an "oof"

"Promise me something" She said as he carded his fingers through Baekhyun's hair


"sure, lass" he said tiredly with his eyes closed.


"when our baby is born, let's name him Chanhyun"


Mumbling in exhaustion, he agreed without a second thought.


It took seconds for his brain to click and shoot him up.


"Baby? We're having a baby?!" He said with shock and pure glee, as he held on to the giggly wife on his lap. 

"Yes, you dummy" she laughed happily as Chanyeol kissed all over her face, repeatedly saying "I promise, I promise, I promise!"

That night, Chanyeol laid his face next to Baekhyun's tummy and introduced himself as the little pea's dorky dad.


"Baek, are you sure it's gonna be a Chanhyun, not a Baekhee?" Baekhyun chuckled at the given name for their possible daughter.

"yeah, I just have this inkling" she said as she placed Chanyeol's hand on her tummy.

"But we'll love him or her no matter what, won't we?" she smiled as she asked and Chanyeol nodded cheerfully forgetting his exhaustion earlier.

He crawled back up to kiss the hell out of his wife.

"I wuf yew, bvaek" his words muffled in the kiss and she smiled at his idiocy.







"Park Chanyeol, put down my baby right now before you drop him" Baekhyun warned her husband in a low authoritive voice, who was throwing Chanhyun in the air and catching the giggly baby.

Both father and son pouted as they stopped playing.


Chanyeol cradled his son and walked towards his cranky pregnant wife sitting on the comfy and nuzzled into her pale neck.


She softened as Chanyeol and Chanhyun gave apologetic googly eyes. She gave an amused eye roll before giving both of them an eskimo kiss.

"You're such a dummy" With that Chanyeol chuckled "But I'm your dummy, Lass" and Chanhyun giggled with his father when Baekhyun blushed. Honestly, they're so alike it's cheesy.


"Chanyeol" Baekhyun pouted

"What is it Baek?"

"I want almond praline ice cream with chocolate fudge sauce" She pouted even harder.

Chanyeol groaned as he stood up to get his wife's request for the nth time that day. "Our Baekhee is definitely going to born with a cavity with all that ice cream you're having" he muttered in under his breath.

"You better shut your trap Chanyeol or it's the couch for you tonight" Baekhyun threatened and cooed at Chanhyun, it was creepy how she did that, it made Chanyeol's spine shiver. "N-nothing Baek, I was just saying how beautiful your pregnancy glow is" He stuttered from the kitchen, before hurriedly assembling the ice cream treat.



"OH MY GOD, CHANYEOL GET YOUR HERE RIGHT NOW" Chanyeol almost dropped the ice cream as he ran to his family in the living room "Baek, what's wrong!" before stopping when he saw Chanhyun standing in the middle of the living room with wobbly legs.


Baekhyun was cheering for the baby as she held onto her phone to film the glorious moment of Chanhyun's first steps.

Chanyeol was next to her now enthusiastically cheering for his son to walk toward them.

Three small wobbly steps were taken before Chanhyun fell into his proud father's arms. He was thrown into the air in joy and the family slumped down into the couch, kissing the baby’s cheeks in glee.


"You did it Chanhyunnie, mommy's so proud of you!" Baekhyun said in between kisses.


The couple paused as they witnessed another historical moment - their baby's first words.

Chanhyun was giggling in joy as he was squished between his parents who cooed at him.

Chanyeol noticed the lone tear of happiness streaming down Baekhyun's face. He cooed at her as he kissed her on the lips.


"I love you Lass"

She laughed in joy.

"I love you dummy"






The ice cream was left melting on the kitchen counter as the Park family commemorated the beautiful moment in the living room





“Baek, why do you always call me dummy, it hurts my feelings” the man asked as he pouted



“It’s my take on your ‘Lass’”




A/N The wedding scene is loosely based off Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1’s

The wedding kinda looked like this

The song from is from How I met Your Mother obviously, haha




Thank you for reading!




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Jasmaring123 #1
Chapter 3: M jealous of this ending I wish I had too?
Chapter 3: Thank goodness they still ended up tgthr even after coming the long way ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
The epilogue is so adorable I'm soft
Hope same will goes to u authornim!!
I kinda knew how it feels since quite similar situation happened to me too
But we're not meant to be lol

Nevertheless, thanks for writing!!
I like reading femslash baek from time to time ^^
So it's been a pleasure reading this~
Chapter 3: That was so beautiful ㅠ i'm sorry i'm not good in expressing my feelings but this is so damn beautiful. You are a really talented writer
fairyhans #5
Chapter 3: definitely the best fanfic i ever read in 2017 TTTT♡ beautiful !
debong #6
I can't even put a decent comment because wow, it was beautiful and wow, because it happened irl. And it made me tear up a bit (huhu my heart). You put feels (too much feeellsss) in not too long sentence and it made me more sad? Like wow? How can I describe it? It's something that I can't explain. Good job, dear. I hope you will find the "Robin" of your life :')
rapbyunbh #7
This is the most 'I-can-relate' fic that I ever read. :') I hope I'll end up just like them bcs now I'm on the stage where 'okay, I need to distance my self bcs agdkaldbsl' Goodd jobb! I'll cheer for youu
rainbowcloud #8
Chapter 2: the story is so beautiful and i really get the angsty feeling (since i wrote my own first love as a oneshot too) lol
but this is really full of feeling and the pain is indescribable, good job, dear (´∀`)♡
Karly155 #9
Chapter 2: I read chapter 2... wow. I truly thank you for sharing a bit of your story and for creating something beautiful.