Broken Records

A Game of Chaos


                KiBum chuckled at the videogame reference but quickly regained his composure. Yesung  adjusted his grip on Kyuhyun, loosening it but refusing to relinquish his hold on the man. The Maknae blinked cutely and looked up at his protective hyung, sleepy brain wondering why the man was holding him. Thunder boomed and a whimper pushed past Kyuhyun’s lips before he could stop it; lingering images from his nightmare haunting him. Yesung and KiBum exchanged glances and Yesung moved to stand once more.

“Yah, hyung put me down! I can walk!” Kyuhyun protested.

                Yesung shook his head and looked down at Kyuhyun; the look in his eyes silenced the younger man’s protests.  The youngest suspected that the emotion held within his hyung’s gray orbs revolved around some sort of paternal instinct, and knew better than to argue. The eldest stood up and KiBum followed the man away from the door, a loud bang echoed through the area; startling the men. KiBum jumped at the loud sound and Kyuhyun bit his lip to keep from yelping.

“What the hell was that?” KiBum hissed lowly to Yesung.

“No idea, but I don’t want to find out.” Yesung replied.

                They headed towards the center of the room, which was decorated like an old office. A desk sat in the corner, wood rotten and molding; dust, papers and broken glass scattered over it. Arm chairs sat across from the desk, upholstery out along with the springs; each painted in blood. A door opened in front of them, creaking open slowly and loudly. The three watched in silence as it opened fully, revealing an empty hallway.

“That was creepy…” Yesung muttered.

“No duh...that ’s not cool man. Not cool.” Kyuhyun added.

“Agreed, we should probably move forward.” KiBum reassured.

                Kyuhyun stared at the other man in shock and refusal.

“Hell no, are you ing crazy?! Rule number one of horror games, never follow the opening door.” He objected.

                Yesung chuckled lightly and KiBum rolled his eyes.

“I thought rule number one of horror games was never go in the basement.”  Yesung added.

“No, that’s rule number three, after don’t go anywhere alone.”

“Aish…” KiBum muttered.

                Kyuhyun squirmed out of Yesung’s arms and stood up by himself, he stretched and glared suspiciously at the door ahead.

“I don’t like this.” The youngest growled.

“Neither do we but we have no choice.” Yesung reasoned.

“Let’s just go, this room is freaking me out.” KiBum said.

                The three moved forward Yesung in front and KiBum bringing up the rear, as soon as KiBum passed through the door slammed closed. The psychic jumped in surprise and Kyuhyun swore.

“I told you! Damn jump scares…” The man muttered.

                They walked down the hallway, rusted over doors, blood and broken glass surrounding them. The light above them flickered on and off, a loud electronic buzz echoing through the silent hallway. Suddenly, they burst. Each light shattered into a thousand pieces, sending shards of broken glass raining down on the men as it left them in total darkness. The men swore and Kyuhyun took a deep breath, a hovering onyx flame materializing in the air next to him. The light flickered, casting shadows along the walls; the three exchanged nervous glances.

“Dammit…next thing you know some ’s gonna come flying at us through that door.” Kyuhyun snarked, pointing at a door up ahead to their left.

                Just as he finished speaking a loud crack of breaking wood rang through the hallway.

“Dammit Kyuhyun! You jinxed it!” KiBum yelled.

                Doors shook on either side of them; rattling the wood. The three took off running down the hallway, sprinting ahead. Another door opened and they thoughtlessly ran in, like the other door this one slammed closed behind them as well.  They found themselves in another sitting room, a rocking chair and record players sat in the center of the room; three doors in front of them. The rocking chair began to move on its own, creaking as it rocked back and forth.

“What the hell is going on?” Yesung asked, eyes glued to the rocking chair.

“I don’t ing know…” KiBum muttered.

                The record player crackled to life, playing nothing but static and white noise; blood began to drip down from the rotten walls. All the doors in the room blew open at the same time, flying off their hinges at the trio; each man reacted instantly. One door burned away instantly, an other was blown to bits by a gust of wind and the third hovered in mind air. A feral scream echoed through the room, instantly the record began to play; the sound of a low violin solo playing. Creaks and thumps approached them; the sound of claws dragging on the floor accompanying the music. The three moved so they stood in a triangle, each watching a door. Kyuhyun flexed, fire beginning to spin around him; Yesung and KiBum prepared as well. An ear splitting scream rang through the room and everything stopped; the creaking, the noise, the thumps all stopped. The room was dead silent, a cold wave passed over the trio causing each to shiver. A creature came crashing down through the wooden roof above, landing directly in the center of their triangle. Kyuhyun swore and landed on his , whereas Yesung and Kibum yelped and jumped respectively. The creature had no legs, powerful arms and a scorpion-like trail adorning its body. Bones protruded from it; spiking out dangerously. The creature snarled and looked up at Kyuhyun, glistening and crooked fangs shining at him. It went towards the Maknae first, jumping on to him in a split second. Kyuhyun yelled in surprise and was pushed down to the floor by the creature, its claws digging into his shoulders.

“Kyuhyun!” Yesung yelled in panic.

                Before he could help the other man another scream rocked the people in the room; disorienting and painfully loud. A banshee descended from the hole in the roof, its body skeletal and twisted; its long talon-like finger nails extending far past the end of her fingertips. Her skin was gray and taught, stretched tightly over her bones, pulling back so far that her teeth were exposed; revealing a sickening, black smile. Beady black eyes sparkling evilly, three more descended after her; blocking Yesung’s way to Kyuhyun. The pyrokinetic let out a yell and the creature cried out in pain; KiBum and Yesung exchanged understanding glances. They were going to get to the Maknae, that fact was incontrovertible; these dead es were just in the way. KiBum’s eyes glowed purple and Yesung conjured a gale, the winds swirling around the room. Kyuhyun kicked the creature off of him, gasping in pain as the claws dislodged themselves from his skin. The creature snarled at him, baring its fangs and its tail swished from side to side threateningly; fire swirled around Kyuhyun. It flew at him again and Kyuhyun dodged to the side; rolling out of the way. He shuffled to his feet quickly and fire engulfed the beast; Kyuhyun smirked smugly and took a deep breath; focusing on burning the beast to ashes. The scorpion tail shot out from the flames, stinger nearly stabbing Kyuhyun through the chest; the man barely moved out of the way. The tail withdrew back into the flames and the rest of its body emerged from the fire unscathed.

                Kyuhyun swore colorfully and tried to concentrate, the flames growing in size. The room heated up exponentially as the flames reached upward; surrounding Kyuhyun. He looked like a demon from hell, onyx fire surrounding him and leaping towards the ceiling, his hair swirled slightly as the power surged through him. The wood of the walls, furniture and ceiling began to splinter and crackle due to the heat.

“Yah! Be careful! The room’s made out of wood you Pyro-pabo!” KiBum yelled.

                KiBum focused on trying to block out the sounds of the banshee’s screeches but the blistering heat emanating off of Kyuhyun in waves was very distracting. Yesung manipulated the air around them, working overtime to try and kill the banshees while keeping the air humid so the room didn’t ignite. As Kyuhyun fought the creature in front of him he began to analyze its moves, now that he was calm and didn’t have a creature looking like something out of a horror game sitting on his chest.  The thing was seemingly impervious to flame, it moved quickly and the tail was definitely something to be wary of; its attacks however, were slow enough to dodge.  He shot a quick glance at his hyungs, both of which were having some trouble fighting the air born banshees; Yesung struggling more than KiBum. It clicked in Kyuhyun’s brain and his smirk grew.

“Hyungs! Switch opponents!” Kyuhyun called out.

                Kyuhyun dove past the creature as it lunged for him, rolling underneath it and successfully making it to his hyungs. Silently he was glad he had come to the realization that KiBum would be better suited to fight the creature; he could restrain it. The creature turned and went after Kyuhyun again, only to be met by a gale wind blocking its attack. Yesung glared at the creature and the winds picked up, wrapping around Kyuhyun protectively; shielding him from the attacks. Kyuhyun smiled at Yesung and KiBum stepped in front of the Maknae, a wicked smirk on his face; he titled his head to the side slightly and focused his gaze on the creature in front of him. Flames leapt up and wrapped around two of the banshees, causing them to burst into flames upon contact; wailing as they burned to ashes. The other two screamed, the force of the screech knocking Kyuhyun backwards into one of the walls. Upon hitting the wall the wood ignited, black flames spreading rapidly around the room; separating the inhabitants. Yesung swore heavily and focused on conjuring a storm, making sure to keep the air flowing so his dongsaeng’s didn’t suffocate. Thunder boomed in the small room, deafeningly loud. The creature lunged at Kyuhyun again, only to be stopped by KiBum, his telekinesis catching the creature in mid-air before ripping it in half. The two halves hit the burning floor with a wet slap and began to cook. Rain fell from the small storm clouds, acting like a sprinkler system. Yesung turned to the remaining two banshees and the air spun around them, gathering the flames and forming a small tornado. Wind howled and Kyuhyun and KiBum watched as the tornado of flames ripped the remaining banshees apart as they burned.

“We need to get out of here!” KiBum yelled as he coughed.

                The psychic was the first to run out, choosing the closest door and heading through it; the other two followed. The blindly made their way through the darkness, once they were far enough away from the room they slowed to a stop. Each man was panting and coughing, the combination of running, adrenaline and smoke making it hard to breathe. A small flame appeared next to Kyuhyun’s head, lighting up a small area around them; casting shadows onto the wall behind them. They were in another hallway, this one holding nothing but blood covered cement walls.  A door lay up ahead, far down the at the end of the hallway.

“Great, another bloody hallway…” Yesung muttered in annoyance.

“Damn rooms…what the hell is this place?” KiBum wondered aloud.

“Silent Hill.” Kyuhyun answered firmly.

                The other two men stared at him in disbelief.

“What? It’s what it’s reminding me of! It’s all other worldly and stuff in here!” Kyuhyun exclaimed defensively.

“You’ve played too many video games haven’t you? College kid?” KiBum chided.

                Kyuhyun glared at him and muttered a “So?” before rolling his eyes. He pushed past KiBum and began talking down the hallway, Yesung following him close behind. KiBum trudged behind them chuckling to himself as he heard his companions’ thoughts. They approached the door and it opened’ sliding open easily and silently. In a way, the quiet was more unnerving than the creaks of the other doors; Yesung stepped in front of Kyuhyun and walked in. The other two followed and stopped dead upon entering the room; frozen by the sight in front of them.  They had walked into what looked like a hospital reception hall, pallid walls stretched ahead of them. Several overturned wheelchairs lay on the tiled floor; papers scattered on the receptionist’s desk. Blood splatters and trash littered the floor, warnings scrawled on the walls in blood. The three exchanged looks of confusion.

“Okay, seriously…what in the actual ?!” Kyuhyun exclaimed.

“Let’s get out of here.” KiBum whispered.

                The psychic went to move but something grabbed his leg, before he could react black vines shot out from the floor and pinned him to the wall behind them. The vines wrapped around his midsection tightly and held down his arms and legs before sinking into the wall behind him. Yesung looked over at the younger man in total surprise before he too was captured and pinned to the wall next to KiBum.. Kyuhyun tried to focus his flames, to calm his rapidly beating heart enough so he could focus on burning away those vines; just as the fire began to swirl around him he was grabbed from behind by a human hand. The hand went to his throat and he was pulled back into a strong chest; vines rose from the floor, capturing his lower body and hands.

“Oh no you don’t.” A low voice growled next to Kyuhyun’s near.

                The Maknae struggled against the tight grip and his pulse quickened.

“What the hell?!” the youngest yelled.

                A familiar laugh rang through Yesung’s ears, he swore and struggled against his bonds; attempting to harness his power. Loki’s visage came to light behind Kyuhyun, dark smile on his face; chocolate brown eyes amused and predatory.

“Hey there, how’s it hangin’?” Loki asked mockingly.

“You…what do you want?” Yesung asked, voice taught.

                Loki simply ignored the odd man, tilting his face so his chin rested on Kyuhyun’s shoulder instead. He took a deep breath, inhaling Kyuhyun’s scent; he smelled musky, like smoke. It suited him, Loki observed. The demon-like man looked up at Yesung with half-lidded eyes, watching the man intently. Anger raged in Yesung’s stormy eyes and Loki could see it, the man cared for Kyuhyun; to what extent he didn’t know but he intended to use it. Loki’s tongue darted out, a sensual stripe up Kyuhyun’s strong jaw line; gaze locked on Yesung the entire time. Yesung twitched and his glare intensified, his jaw set and Loki knew the other man was gritting his teeth; Kyuhyun tensed underneath him.

“You look scared, what’s wrong Baby Kyu?”  Loki mocked.

                Kyuhyun shivered at the sound of that voice, his skin prickled with goosebumps; he wanted to crawl out of his skin. Loki let him go, walked in front Kyuhyun; mockingly smiling at Yesung before turning his back on him.

“You want your Daddy? Or maybe your big sister?” Loki taunted, staring Kyuhyun dead in the eyes.

“Shut the up old man.” Kyuhyun spat in return.

                Loki smiled and laughed before bringing his palm crashing against Kyuhyun’s left cheek. Kyuhyun cried out in pain as the taste of blood exploded in his mouth and Yesung thrashed in his bonds.

“Leave him alone Loki, he’s got a mouth on him but its all talk.” Yesung said, gritting his teeth to try and control his anger.

                Loki turned to Yesung and simply grinned.

“Okay turtle man, whatever you say….now then. On to business.” Loki exclaimed.

                KiBum and Yesung stared at him in total disbelief.

“What? You thought I’d come and visit you bastards just cause I felt like it? Hardly.” Loki scoffed.

                Kyuhyun struggled in his bonds and the vines tightened, KiBum opened his mouth to say something only to be stopped by the feeling of something crawling on him. He looked down and let out a strangled noise, a spider the size of a turkey platter crawled up his legs. Kyuhyun watched the spider in shock, eyes wide as KiBum went deathly still; unable to move as the thing crawled up his body. The spider watched him with all eight eyes and clicked its fangs at the psychic.

“I’d watch myself if I were you Bummie, that’s a goliath bird eating spider on you, with my own little modifications of course. Let’s just say you don’t want to get bit.” Loki stated.

                The spider clicked at him and crawled towards his jugular, the feel of its hairy legs on his exposed flesh unnerving and disturbing.

“G-get it off of me.” KiBum hissed lowly as he tried not to squirm.

“Mmm….dun wanna.” Loki replied with a smile.

                The spider settled on his shoulder, fangs hovering over the man’s jugular; KiBum was paralyzed. The protruding teeth grazed his skin before preparing to clamp down, to rip out the actor’s jugular vein; Kyuhyun inhaled sharply. The spider let out what sounded like a strangled scream and fell to the ground, flames consuming its large body. KiBum breathed a sigh of relief and Yesung swore as Loki turned back onto Kyuhyun.

“You brat!” Loki seethed.

                The man went to strike Kyuhyun again, only to be blocked by a purple barrier; Loki smirked at KiBum. The barrier shattered as darkness flowed off of Loki in ominous, dark waves; the shadows extended towards them and the look on Loki’s face brought chills to the captives.

“This will be fun, let’s start the game shall we boys?” Loki said.  

                His smile grew with every word he spoke, the darkness creeping towards them.

“Now, which one of you can take the most pain?” Loki asked.

                Their screams harmonized as the darkness wrapped them up, the touch acidic and burned their flesh. Loki laughed as he reveled in their pain, it was only just beginning. With their pain, their tortured cries the angel would come; like a lamb to the slaughter. 


Hey y'all!!! <3 SOooooooooo....Loki's put his evilness into action.....o.0 yeah...that man's a crazy . Now, I'm going to start this author's note off by saying I literally scarred myself to be as accurate as possible with the Goliath Bird Eating Spider thing.... you probably don't know this but I have arachnophobia....and I kinda needed to know what the world's largest spider was....I was sitting at my computer with a hand over my face peeking through my fingers trying not to flip out while doing my reaserch...I blame Loki. Anywhooo, I'm absolutely IN LOVE with Daddy Sunggie, I love him so damn much. And Baby Kyu is ing adorable as . Now then, with that out of the way I shall take this time to adress some stuff. Firstly I know a lot of you are waiting for the rest of the "pairings" to show up, (I honestly am as well), the thing is since none of them (besides the guys in the control room) really knew each other before htis game it's gonna take some time for their relationships to develop. The attraction is there (like with KyuMin and some EunHae) BUT it hasn't really grown into anything just yet. Don't worry, it'll show up soon enough just like the identity of the "angel" will be revealed...hehe. A lot of you have guessed as to who it is and what he is doing. Yes, he is indeed Loki's balancing force, however their relationship is more conveluted than you think it is. Ummm....what else what else......oh! 's about to be hitting the fan and 

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Soo.. sorry I haven't updated this in a while, I lost my notebook I had written the plan out in.. BUT I'M BACK AND WRITING THE NEW CHAPPIE. It'll be out by 20th


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Kimgaram123 #1
Chapter 51: Please update, 2023 is just to be end and i'm still waiting, i really wonder what happened to Siwon
Prom15e-to-13elieve #2
Chapter 51: I am seriously loving this story so damn much ohmygod your waiting is flawless! Are you planning to continue this story? (Please say Yes!!) Cause it's got me hooked and gahhh the suspense!
loveSungmin #3
Chapter 51: I love it please update I want to know what happened to sungmin
MeinAltire2 #4
Chapter 50: what happen next??? looking forward
Chapter 51: This story is so amazing. Like I kept putting off reading it but now that I have, I'm mindblown.

I seriously spent all night reading this. I you have any plans to update this story at all?
Kpopcrazy92 #6
Chapter 51: This makes me angry...
The fact that I have to wait for an new chapter of this freaking amazing story. Why? Just why??
But this story is amazing. Plain amazing.
257471 #7
Chapter 51: woahhh this is good, thanks please continue :)
Chapter 51: I just got an account for AFF very recently and this story makes me log on pretty much everyday in hope of seeing an update! You're an amazIng writer! :) I'm always on the edge of my seat while reading! (Even though I'm pretty much always laying down when I read...but that's beside the point! XD) Keep up the good work!! Hwaiting! ^ ^
cynicallynnlove #10
Chapter 51: soo, in a weird way, it's kinda funny that people are dropping like flies, but still... D: and asjkldgh! snap out of it kyu! go protect ming ;^; omg teukie where are youuu~? thanks for the update ^^ I know reality can get pretty hectic and I really appreciate your effort to update c: