Chapter 8 - The fight

The magic of the green light

Mark said “it was a secret but it isn’t a secret anymore because you  now know that I like Rose”  Dante was annoyed, Dante said “I’m going to go back home Carol and Carla will watch Ryan for the night they have three beds and I’m going to go get pillows for them” Mark said “Ok, can I get a ride home?” Dante said “Pfft, fine!” Dante and Mark said goodbye to Ryan and the girls and left. When Mark got home he watched TV and is still thinking of rose and Ryan, Mark thought “Why do I like rose well she is beautiful but Ryan likes her and he would fight for her and Ryan is in the hospital, Ugh!!! Why am I betraying my friend! Well maybe tomorrow I won’t think of rose” Then Mark went to sleep. Meanwhile Rose was thinking of Ryan because Rose has feelings for Ryan she went to bed having nightmares of that Ryan will die but she knew deep in her heart he would be safe. In The Morning Rose went to see Ryan she was worried about him when she went outside she saw Mark, Mark offered her a ride to the hospital Rose was very thankful she went on and they bought food for Ryan, Dante and the girls. When they arrived Dante was in the front door of the room and when Rose went to the room mark was about to enter the room but Dante grabbed him by the arm and had a little conversation Dante said angrily “Why are you here with rose!? and you drove her to the hospital!?” Mark was calm and said “Relax bro! I just am hanging out with her!” Dante said angrily “If you still hang out with her, so help me I will tell Ryan!” Mark began to feel terrified, then Dante went back in the room and told Ryan some secret talk and Ryan began to be shocked and Mark was scared and then Ryan said to Mark “Come here mark! I got something to tell you” And Mark went to Ryan slowly and then Ryan said “How could you not tell m” Then mark replied “I-I- I am so sorry I know you-“ Ryan interrupted and said “How could you not tell me…… YOU HAVE A GIRL FRIEND!!!!!” Mark was silence, everyone was silence then Mark said “Wait What!? What does that mean?” Ryan said “Well now you hang out with a girl who is she?” Then Dante interrupted and said  “Oh you won’t believe who he is hanging out with” Mark grabbed Dante and went outside Mark was angry and said “What the heck Dante!?” Dante replied “Aww… did someone lost their temper?” Mark slapped Dante and dante said “What the heck did you do that for!?” Mark stormed out in the hospital angrily then Carol and Carla went to Dante and Carol asked “What happened to Mark?” Then Carla asked “Yeah what happened to him? Did you do something to him?” Dante said “No I just said back off to rose because rose is ryan’s friend”  Carol said with an angry face “How could you!? You know he is our friend” Carla said with a disappointed face “We don’t know if we can call you our friend anymore, So please go and apologize to him now!” Dante said “You cannot tell me what to do mom” Carol slapped him in the face and said “How dare you! You are never Mark’s friend!” Dante said with an annoyed voice “Blah blah I do not care what you think so can you please excuse me?” End of episode 8

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Chapter 5: Very good story! Not bad for a first timer...
Chapter 5: Very good story! Not bad for a first timer...